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Everything posted by subbacultchas

  1. So as the duly elected representative of "most in this game", did you do your duty and poll everyone or are you just making assumptions based on your own opinion? Don't recall anyone suggesting that it did I'll have you know it was a very well set up poll with a wide sample size: I asked two babies, my grandma, and her cats. It was nearly an unanimous opinion except for Skittles, but he always has been a contrarian cat. Truth here, nobody hurt me and provoked this thread. While people haven't suggested by word that vet implies prestige, all it takes a reading of the forums to see it displayed in action. Being a veteran clearly means a lot to some people and I understand that, it's that it seems to sometimes be laden with the expectation that it must mean a lot to others that gets me. Is this going to fit everyone's experience? No, a lot of folks don't do this and a lot of folks don't frequent the boards enough to see it. In that case it won't apply to you, but it's still not a bad thing to be reminded of. Those that do feel like they are owed something will probably read this and disregard it, but there may be a few that don't. Regardless I still stand by this today. Flouting our game lineage isn't what made us the community that felt like family, helping others however was a big part of that. I hope we remember that more and more as this game grows and new players join it.
  2. That's how you do it Healix, I've got the same philosophy. I remember being a newb and making bad choices back in the day (once 6 slotted health). I got a lot of help from folks until I learned it, and I'm always going to stick my hand out to help the next person up. Kudos to you.
  3. One of those statements much like Einstein's quote that has stuck with me and made me change my views: Common sense is the sum of prejudices that one acquires by the age of eighteen.
  4. That's largely because most of the actions involved. Honestly, anything can be considered a Natural build, it just depends on what is natural for the character. It is natural for Aquaman to swim fast and breathe water because he is Atlantian. It is natural for Kal-El to be energized by yellow sun frequencies which allow him to fly, punch reality, and be revived from Doomsday, because of his Kryptonian heritage. It is natural for my Earth/Fire dominator to use those powers because he is basically an earth elemental from the core of the earth. That having been said, having a Control set that you or I could use, would still be awesome. The huge array of web grenades, caltrops, etc, all done to 11. I'm cool with that. I also want to add as phil grad, "Natural is word that can be broadly applied to any process in the natural world, and is often used to mean normative within someone's experience. The less you use it in arguments the better." I had a teacher once say something like that to me, and it stuck well, and isn't far off-kilter from what you said above.
  5. It is not really older players. Calling them out is unfair and untrue. Anyone can claim to be a “Vet” after all. And there will always be someone who claims they have secretly more experience/knowledge/skill/precedence than you because they are older/younger/know someone/write games for a living/dated the janitor at N.C. soft or whatever. If someone is being a jerk in the forums, ignore them. Making a thread to complain about seems counterproductive. No I get that, and was going to make a caveat that anyone can claim it and it's nigh impossible to verify. For sake of conciseness, it's easier to make a blanket statement and accept being a "vet" at face value when the claim is made. But I get what you're saying and it had occurred to me.
  6. Have you considered whether it's just an homage to your topic?
  7. I don't want to 'as per my email' to you, but from the OP: "I don't think this is a really large issue, but I have noticed it preceding opinions as if it validates them at times." So no, it's not the biggest issue, but there are threads right now that contain people using veteran (-hood? -ship?) like that. I've come across it in /help and other chats on the game itself. Being a jerk is not limited to old players, but being a jerk because you're an older play just may be. Otherwise we are in accord, but this is not about by teams, I would boot or leave it. It's more about overall conduct of some older players in public.
  8. It is absolutely a blast, I agree. It used to be probably my favorite blast set, until I discovered water. I still think Dual Pistols has a good bit more utility and variation though, with the rounds. Glad you're enjoying it, it's a fun set!
  9. You misunderstand why its important, the reason is because you knew how amazing the community was then and your helping bringing that back to mmos like this one, it has nothing to do with ego or being better and more to do with the communities like on the rp servers. Man, I fully agree with this as a good reason to bring up being a veteran. Well said. I just wish that were the way it is usually expressed. Exactly. Just so we are clear, because I hate feeling like I may have agreed partially to something and folks think I signed the whole thing: I think mentioning being a vet in terms of remembering that wonderful community is a fine and dandy thing to do. It was different during it's time, although we still had some of the same issues other communities did, and the current one is more an admixture of both. But I fully agree with Munkilord too, often when people bring up being a vet it's got a very ego-laden component. It's used to squash dissension, exert some type of privilege, and inform people that you are better or should be respected. So it's not so much as I missed the point as you initially stated, I fully get that point. It's just not what people mean when they bring it up, on a practical level. I think both of you are right in what you say, and describing slightly different groups with some overlap.
  10. This. The number of things I have forgotten that I knew, or even worse forgotten that I never knew, is pretty astounding all told.
  11. This market is pretty healthy by my standards. I have seen a lot worse in other games and even previous iterations. I understand why you don't like it, but I just can't agree with that.
  12. You misunderstand why its important, the reason is because you knew how amazing the community was then and your helping bringing that back to mmos like this one, it has nothing to do with ego or being better and more to do with the communities like on the rp servers. Man, I fully agree with this as a good reason to bring up being a veteran. Well said. I just wish that were the way it is usually expressed.
  13. From Guides\How to Make Millions on the Market in Minutes, regarding the usage of converters for exactly this. Just my personal opinion, not the official stance of the team: I think it's unlikely we'll make any changes to the way this works. It's all designed to keep prices down for everyone whilst also allowing drops at any level to have some value.
  14. One of the devs chimed in on an earlier thread about this and seemed fine with it, unless I've misunderstood what they said. One second, I'll find the link.
  15. By the same token, nobody cares if you don't care that they're a veteran. ;D Truth. I could just shorten it to nobody cares, but boy that sounds nihilistic :)
  16. Nah, I fight Hate head-on, we are who we are.:) Haha, you do you man. I have no complaints.
  17. Literally what the subject says, it doesn't much matter to most in this game if you're a veteran of the old game. A lot of us are, I'd even say most of us are, but it doesn't need saying as if it provides prestige or immunity to criticism. I don't think this is a really large issue, but I have noticed it preceding opinions as if it validates them at times. The only thing I think one should take away from being a veteran to this game, is a desire to provide help to those that are not or are returning casual players. It should be a helping hand at most, and never a bludgeon.
  18. That said, as it's getting a bit heated here, and I hope it can get toned down a bit too avoid drama that gets more notice than any of us want.
  19. God I hope so, as long as you are posting bad takes and telling people to play other games because of them. Joking aside, it's not much of argument to address. It's a statement of what you want, and why people who don't provide it are bad. With better substance, I think you'll get much better replies.
  20. Also, if at any time you think about inventing an internal standard and telling people who don't measure up to it to play another game... just don't. That's a fairly awful thing to do, and you should pretty much never tell anyone else to play another game unless you currently develop or administrate this one.
  21. What is with this hate for people that enjoy homage? I just don't get this incessent need to put down the way other people choose to express themselves. It's hateful and rude from my PoV. What gives? What do you "express" by using a tool with immeasurable potential to copy someone else? Because the only thing that seems to express is a total lack of creativity. There's also a line between "homage" and "ripoff." Statesman is an homage to Superman and Captain America, borrowing elements from both but still being unique in enough ways to be a new character. On the other hand, yesterday I ran into the literal Hulk. Like, he was a green giant named Hulk, there was no attempt to be subtle or clever about it. Not to mention the legions of other "homages" I've run into, you have no idea how many variations of Star Lord I've seen already. It's just an eyesore. If you want to play a Marvel character, play a Marvel game. People used to be forced into creativity, and the players were better for it. That's your subjective standard, based on your preferences of what you like to see. Often I find with people expressing this, it's more of a self-pump on how creative *they* are compared to others. Nobody has to, or even should, worry about or attempt to align with your metric. This is not an issue, and it's an extremely bad take.
  22. A lot of folks view plant as a natural control now. I hear it in teams with some frequency. I finally hit 50 and started slotting for the build I'm going with. I will try to remember to post what I'm working on from Pine's this weekend. It's a fair bit different than the build earlier, with nearly soft-capped positional defenses and perma-dom.
  23. Not really. Any character I consider built properly usually doesn't include snipe. This change allows me to actually work it into builds. This is me as well. I can't remember the last time I did include a snipe, because I don't really use them. Now though? My /MA dom is very very happy with this change. Not sure how you like to build your doms but for PvE mine always go leadership pool for the easy LoTG mules in manuevers and vengeance and take tactics for the to-hit. If you had taken your snipe and I do believe /MA gets a +tohit buff in envenom blades then you can toggle up two nasty strong insta-snipes usually by the time that buff wears off. With tactics and the kismet +6% to-hit any very small addition to to-hit would get you to the insta-snipe, meaning whenever you popped your domination, envenom blades or even vengeance for a longer buff. I suggest you don't play it on live quite yet because if the proposed changes go through it's quite a loss on that QoL buff doms got. Or please do play it on live as it currently is and realize it's damage is proposed to be cut by 1/3 so we can add your voice to the small amount of us dominators asking for a compromise. Rarely do I take leadership toggles as a dom personally, I usually find enough spacing in epic shield power, weave, cj, and stealth or maneuvers (usually stealth). Just preference, nothing actually wrong with leadership at all, I just don't use it on a dominator usually. So for me, this change is a much bigger thing than I suppose it is for you, or at least a much more likable one. But beyond that, I don't want *two* strong insta-snipes, I would prefer them to all be insta-snipes. As you say, I could plan for that using leadership and +to-hit from kismet, but I don't build in that manner and don't want to be pigeonholed into it. I build usually for perma-dom and closer to soft-cap defenses, and I don't have the fluidity needed to do it the way you've suggested. So I believe the changes actually offer more choices and viability in the long run. Thanks for the suggestion though, it may be that I try your route with a future build! Never said I wasn't for dumbing down an easy to attain mechanic for more people to enjoy. A few weeks into recreating my dom I didn't have snipe either. But I realized how easy I could get insta-snipe and just how good snipe currently is for a dominator with the high damage scale to make up for lack of damage in all their other powers. Look at all of the QoL changes that have been implemented for blasters and the like. I presume that dominators didn't really get much of an overhaul thanfully is because there must have been some agreement that their new uber insta-snipe made up for a lot of things other ATs were getting. My assertion to go leadership pool was to show just how easy it is to have an insta-snipe without limiting your choices. I have presence pool in my build for gods sake. Sure if you'll never ever team with anyone sure queing up two uber snipes may seem a mundane albeit easy to do task, but if you do team with at least one other person and they have tactics as well, or happen to die, now you have a great snipe at very little cost to your build. If you don't have snipe currently on your dominator and won't give it a shot with how it is currently why even speak on it? It's damage scale being reduced so severely in relation to what it currently is in comparison to all other ATs snipes changes without performance enhancements to most dom secondaries coming first is what I have issue with. Not that it's free to use for all. P.S. Also note you'll still want to build up that to-hit anyways to get the full use out of maximizing the damage, meaning leadership, or you're back to "two strong snipes" and a bunch of meh snipes. I think you're under several mistaken impressions here. But that's okay, because I can address those pretty easily. And I'm going to try, and probably fail, to be a fair bit less antagonistic than I've found this reply to be. Taking the leadership pool in order to get two strong insta-snipe does, by definition, limit power pool choices. It requires you to miss something else on a very tight build (at least for my dom) in order to get said toggles. So it's not an answer that exists without baggage, I don't know why you would think otherwise here. Again I am not dissing the choice, it's a valid one, but it is not for me and it should not be a suggestion for people to short-change their build because you don't like the new sniper changes. I understand the lacklustre damage of insta-snipes now compared to previously, but it's not something that bothers me overmuch. I still like the change. Why the assumption that I neither have it in my build currently (I do) or that I haven't tested the changes (I have)? I didn't imply either one of those. Regardless, if I had neither it would not invalidate my opinion on the whether the changes are good enough. It might abstract them a level from being personal experience with the powers, but it wouldn't make them worthless. I've tried the changes, and I currently have been running with the snipe since the beta, and tested out the both version of the snipe a pretty good amount. I'd appreciate you taking the time to ask in the future, rather than summoning baseless opinions from the aether. I don't build for to-hit very much, and it's not really a totally necessary component even with the changes to snipes. Why would it be? It's your preference, not a codified requisite. Regardless of our disagreement on this, I think we can talk about this minus some pretension and snark in the future.
  24. It says on each stance if you view their info, but it doesn't give % values. IIRC, you get +dam for the Damage stance, +rechg for the middle stance, and -end cost for the End Stance. That's in addition to what they do when fully powered and activating the appropriate power. I believe with 3 stacks the buffs are around 15%, but I haven't tested each one. You can see by viewing combat attributes when using each.
  25. I do find it odd. Most of the requests I see are basically wanting the formula to play the whole game so no thought has to be used. While I think I generally understand the desire for 'passive entertainment', 'effort free', the interactive aspects of MMOs and games in general are interactive entertainment - playing someone elses 'build' or following thier 'path' is like loading up thier saved game and finishing it, from my perspective. I mean, if you are just logging in to basically follow someone elses formulae, why not just watch a Twitch stream of someone else playing? :) And here, you can easily see this - look at the top two ATs made - the 'famous' ones for being the most 'profitable'. Well aware people play for lots of reasons, this is just an area where for years I have just not understood why someone wants a guide to the maze when the game is figuring out the maze. :) It's not me either, so I don't get it. I like finding new builds that others haven't, and seeing if I can make them tick in ways people have not so far. I don't want a cookie cutter build, I'll save that mold for my Hearthstone decks lol.
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