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Everything posted by subbacultchas

  1. No worries Mezmera. Same extended to you, I'm usually messing around with my Plant/MA on Excelsior, or one of the other alts. I'm interested enough in seeing how our differences in building pan out at the end of the day. Also no, no, no to SS + Stealth IO. I've done SS too many times in the past, I just don't think I can go back to that :) I will gladly take stealth and pretend like I like it.
  2. I like /Stone a lot. It has a feel to it that just connects with me. I did not much care for /Ice.
  3. I feel this statement deep in my soul right now. I keep telling myself to just get to 32 and get pets, then I can do away with Arcane Bolt, Sands of Mu, and Blackwand as my damage dealer. I have a great suggestion on once you get the pets... Slot a Overwhelming Presence KB to KD into it. I love it. I will probably take that advice. This is the first time I've played Elec primary for controller/dom, I wasn't sure what to slot on the pets beyond the norm. I will mention that I love their sleep power btw. All sleep powers should be like this.
  4. I feel this statement deep in my soul right now. I keep telling myself to just get to 32 and get pets, then I can do away with Arcane Bolt, Sands of Mu, and Blackwand as my damage dealer.
  5. I second Elec on whole. I'm running an Elec/Dark that's pure crap for damage before the endgame, but a lot of fun otherwise. If you're open to other ATs, I'd suggest trying Plant/ Dominator. The damage is insane.
  6. "The internet where everyone has an opinion" Not you specifically, I wasn't even going to say anything because you just know someone has a contradicting position :P No worries. It's an odd position, but it's yours to handle and not mine. Keep on playing the way you want to, and don't let these opinions ruin your fun.
  7. Players are good or bad regardless of level or powerleveled, IMO. The years long, constant calling out of powerleveling as the reason for bad players is, IMO, silly and false. Also, I think players expect too many other players to play just like they do and this clouds the lens and makes poeple judge others harshly for no good reason. This Thirded. I'd also add that there are many reasons a person could have a level 50 character yet not how their powers work. This reason is just the one that people latch on to.
  8. If true, that makes two powers out of Plant that it doesn't affect. That's not that horrid considering the raw amount of damage Plant already does. The only powers it affects from Plant are Entangle, Strangler, and Roots. Correct. Out of plant powers, only five have damage portions, and two are pet/summons. So it may not be the best pairing, but overall MA works really well with plant IME. Also fair to point out that Roots has very good damage for aoe immob, so it affecting that is a good thing. Purpose for my post is to find out what primary Martial will help the most. Plant doesn't even need a secondary to be OP. That makes sense. I had no clue what your purpose was, being unstated. You'll definitely want to skip those three, although I'd probably skip Elec too by the same token. Some of the better powers in it don't do damage, or negligible amounts.
  9. Ha I knew you were out there lurking, they asked what I used. I almost didn't post because I already new about those skills but found them somewhat redundant with my playstyle, I'm just never close enough to use mind probe I know it does tonnes of damage but felt pointless and similarly with Drain Psyche. So I speced away from them. It's your build, I'm certainly not going to nag you about it, or kick you from a team for it. I don't entirely get it, but I don't have to in order for you to have fun. But I am curious what you meant by knew you were out there lurking. I don't believe we know one another either way.
  10. I haven't played /Fire in a long time. I play Plant/ a lot though. You typically want Stranger, Roots, Seeds of Confusion, Vines, Carrion Creepers, Fly Trap. There could be a use for Entangle, but I don't use it. Spore Burst like most aoe sleeps (sides Elec) is not very useful often, and Spirit Tree just doesn't give enough regen to be useful.
  11. If true, that makes two powers out of Plant that it doesn't affect. That's not that horrid considering the raw amount of damage Plant already does. The only powers it affects from Plant are Entangle, Strangler, and Roots. Correct. Out of plant powers, only five have damage portions, and two are pet/summons. So it may not be the best pairing, but overall MA works really well with plant IME. Also fair to point out that Roots has very good damage for aoe immob, so it affecting that is a good thing.
  12. If true, that makes two powers out of Plant that it doesn't affect. That's not that horrid considering the raw amount of damage Plant already does.
  13. Well, /Rad is simply fantastic. I couldn't dissuade you from it if I wanted to, without presenting some really bad information. However, I dislike DM quite a bit. I've played it a lot over the years, and I just really don't care for the set overall. It does great damage, but the damage is almost entirely single target except for the cone, and two aoe buffs. Plus the last power, Midnight Grasp?, used to have the damage end-loaded in the form of a DOT. I avoid it now. Even if there was an overhaul of MG, I'm just done with the set.
  14. My assumption is yes, but it's an assumption nonetheless. I don't think any other build-up type power is restricted to a primary or secondary.
  15. Yes, and fairly easy to boot. My dominator built for permadom, and it's one of the powers that went perma rather early. If you are building toward perma-hasten, you'll get it really soon.
  16. I avoided Psychic Shockwave, Mind Probe and Drain Psyche All require you to be point blank and thats not how I play. 99% of the time im on hover above the team CCing all the potentially threats. Levitate looses its functionality in the elder game, Telekinesis while hilarious just isn't practical. Telekinectic Thrust like levitate looses it usefulness its very rare an enemy gets close enough to use it. I would very very much advise you to not do this. Everyone plays in their own way, and I get this entirely. But two of these are actually set-defining, Shockwave/Drain Psyche.
  17. Thanks to whoever suggested Static Field. I've played my Elec/Dark troller up to mid-20s without it, due to most sleep effects not being useful in other control sets. I decided to try this one based on this thread, and it totally changes the way I view sleep powers now. I wish others were up to snuff, because this is a damned useful tool to have in the arsenal.
  18. I see recommendations in chat all the time about upgrading IOs to 50 when you hit 47. I do too, I even offer this advice to friends who don't know much about IOs and set bonuses. I think it's coupled with another bit of advice I often see in chat, "Don't slot set IOs until 50." I get this, but with unslotters being a thing, why not craft mostly cheap IOs and a few uniques and level with them? You can unslot them later to sell or trade to an alt, and in the meantime you got the advantage of getting to use them on the come-up.
  19. I don't much care for this idea. Games like WoW with damage meters, or Neverwinter with Item Level often have people gatekeeping access to tougher content. Want to join a team for Tomb of the Nine Gods? It may say 12k item level, but you won't even get a team without 15k item level. Want to join a particular raid? Sorry, we only accept X DPS. The thing is, this may work for some games and you may see minor bits of this in action on CoH. But overall, the philosophy of CoH is that anyone can team with anyone else and still feel useful. It may differ somewhat with 50+ content, but it's still true throughout the game. I would not like to see this changed.
  20. I have no clue why the price is so high on Amazon. I grabbed the v2 for like 70, as I said. They are more than 100 bucks more than that now. I do see the earlier models refurbished for 35 though.
  21. It's not bad, but honestly I just didn't notice it really affecting too much on my Plant/MA. I ended doing a respec to replace it with Ice, which is hard to pass up for the damage, defbuff, and def shield.
  22. I used to be a fan of the Razer Naga, but honestly the 12-16 side buttons just became too much. And my thumb sometimes rested one one and caused misfires, which was not pleasant. I switched a couple of years ago to the Razer Naga Hex, only has 7 buttons in a radial config with a thumb rest in between them. While they're designed for MOBAs, I love it for this. I'm using the v2 which I got around 70 or so a few years back, and I know the v1 goes a quite bit cheaper so may be in your price range.
  23. In my experience it definitely works with Carrion Creepers. I've yet to do any rigorous testing, but my dominator has only a single FF Recharge proc on his build in Carrion Creepers, and has domination with a recharge of 82 seconds currently. When I'm solo farming and using CC, I notice I have a lot larger than 8 second gap on perma-domination, often it's up several seconds before the power begins to blink and then wear off. Considering I'm solo, and only the one FF recharge is slotted and I don't have any other variable recharge bonuses, that indicates it's working. YMMV, and I'm interested in any testing done too.
  24. I remember, I remember when I lost my mind. There was something so pleasant about that place. Even your emotions have an echo, in so much space.
  25. So as the duly elected representative of "most in this game", did you do your duty and poll everyone or are you just making assumptions based on your own opinion? Don't recall anyone suggesting that it did DarkTyger - beyond picking apart subbacultchas comments - what are your thoughts? Do you think vets should get special treatment, or that their comments are somehow more "right" than others because of their veteran status? Or that they should be allowed to treat others poorly due to their veteran status? Subbacultchas - I agree with this. There is too much "vet-waving" in the forums. As a veteran from Issue 2 to 24, I don't think I've earned anything except my own 8 years of enjoyment. I'm definitely wrong about things (just look in the forums, I apologize at least every few days). I have opinions on what is "fun" for me, but it is no more valid than any other persons "fun" opinion. Where I do think vets, especially forum vets, add value, is by adding historical context to how/why things work the way they do. We remember why changes were made (even if we didn't agree with them), and we can bring that forward to newer players who through no fault of their own lack that context. +1 Inf Subbacultchas for the thread. Thanks Justice.
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