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Everything posted by Kallisti
Patch Notes for September 6th, 2019 (Bugfix Release)
Kallisti replied to Leandro's topic in [Open Beta] Patch Notes
The Kallisti Girls are wholeheartedly in favour of sprucing up our zone! We've had to confiscate spray cans from Kallisti the Punk before she sprayed rude stuff over the walls and Kallisti the Janitor is getting bored just nagging people to pick up litter! -
One word: Thanos 🙂
I've been building the Kallisti girls apartment as an SG base. You can visit it on Everlasting using passcode Kallisti-6106. Currently I've got the lobby (with security monitoring), Lounge & Kitchen, plus rooms for Gold & Friar, Red & Scarlett, Bronze and Green and one room that is Kallisti Wolf's nest! The rooms are a bit big - its too easy to misjudge the scale when building these smaller more intimate locations rather than large SG base rooms, but I think its been an interesting challenge.
Its not dead, its just resting...
A quantum of inspiration arrived this evening... Still need to try to progress the tea party however...
Justin couldn't believe his luck! Pizza Cat! Flambeaux! Weird mask girl! He got off the ground where the weird mask girl had dumped him to avoid the water splash and looked to who the man on the other side of the fountain was talking. The two cops stood in the doorway but Justin's eyes widened as he saw a blonde-haired figure behind them - oh my god, it was one of the Kallistis - the green one! Instinctively he sent the drone heading over toward the apartment block to get a better picture, completely oblivious to the weird mask girl who seemed to be struggling to pull some wet pants off her face while operating his DSLR. The drone hovered above the entrance as the cops came further out into the forecourt, their hands automatically moving to their guns. Justin could now clearly see the green girl and sent the drone to get a good picture. In a blur of movement, suddenly the drone was flying through the air in the wrong direction, skewered by an arrow through its body, shorting the battery. It landed just next to the fountain, sparking wildly and starting to smoke. He watched as Kallisti Green leapt through the air and landed on the top of the concrete bench beside it, a bow in her hands with a arrow knocked and aimed at the smoking drone. "That cost me a month's wages!!!" he wailed.
Okay I think I've got round my writer's block for the next part - got 3 more pages written tonight but I'm not going to post it just yet - want to get a bit further as I'm not quite sure on some of the details and it might need revisions as the storyline plays out 🙂 I can't say its been easy - I keep fighting the story to not slip into some pathetic BDSM porno junk, but keep it focussed on moving the story along while setting up the emotional milestones.
I just came here to ask the same thing as the above poster - an NPC you can 'dress' with an outfit from ICON so that I can place my SG leader toon in the base to 'welcome' any visitors, possibly with a configurable chat script?
Unable to enter base edit mode after interacting with an NPC (icon employee) but having ended the interaction and deselected the NPC. This is in the entrance hall:
Graphics glitch in the water in the fountains thumbnails: PS. LOVE the chalet fireplace!!!
I hope you make sure that you clean up after your events... Kallisti the Janitor is keeping her eyes open for these sort of things as the litter left behind makes her very snappy!
PARAGON SUPERGOSSIP Kallisti Gold flashes her credentials as she attends the opening of a new Casino in St Martial! Last night saw the opening of the new Joker's Wild casino and nighclub in St Martial. Our photographer was on hand to catch the celebrities in attendance and was able to catch this snap of the glamorous Kallisti Gold leaving the club in the early hours. Looking rather sweaty and dishevelled, it seems she had a good time in the club! Rumours of an attempted robbery during the evening have surfaced but we received no response when trying to contact the club management. The outfit Kallisti Gold is wearing is the subject of an ongoing court case between Carson of Icon and a struggling model Candy Labeaux who is claiming that Carson copied her own design after she was kidnapped by Circle of Thorns at a fashion show and eventually rescued by Kallisti Gold.
Superb!, Very impressed with the amount of detail you've included!
Her stealth power is the Shinobi-iri power in ninjitsu which says: "Shinobi Iri are the ninjitsu techniques of silent movement and infiltration" so I'd say its about using the environment and personal skills to not be noticed rather than invisibility, so if she bumped into someone she'd be fully visible. As for public eye, no she probably isn't well known to the public as she's a relative newcomer to the Kallistiverse and isn't very communicative with the others or anyone at all really. Just realised I hadn't posted a pic so here she is: That is a quiver of arrows on her back by the way - the bow goes where ever weapons go when they are not being wielded! So you can see she is green-skinned but with blonde hair - don't ask me how that happens, call it genetics 🙂 She has the same facial features as the others so is recognisably Kallisti but is slightly shorter than the rest and yes, she doesn't wear any other clothes... although she has been tempted with the Bolero... in green of course. Now you could consider this to be one of the others dressing up with green skin dye - except Bronze of course. She's not needlessly aggressive but is protective over the herd-people, ie anyone with non-green skin! Her role back on her world would be to protect her tribe's herd from predators and hunt for food. The society she comes from is heavily stratified due to skin colour - Green: Guardian tribe; pink/brown: herd-people; other: ??? 🙂 It is stuck in a semi-hunter/gatherer stage of development but with some anachronistic higher-technology like the bow and quiver which has obviously been supplied by 'others'.
Kallisti Green, stealthy hidden in the shadows of the building foyer watched the two men dressed in blue. She knew they were talking the language of her tribe, but the words were strange and the meanings were beyond her experience. She had heard them mention the name of the Gold one who looked just like her, which is what caught her interest. They were herd-people, their pale skins marked them out as the lower caste, so it was her duty to protect them from harm as instructed by The Masters. As yet she had not felt the call of The Masters, but she was sure they would locate her here, wherever here was. This place had obviously been left without its Guardians for a long time as the herd-people had become much more independent. This made sense to her, she remembered the more intelligent herd-people, some of whom were trouble-makers sometimes agitated the herd, claiming that they should not be food animals at all. These had to be weeded out and culled for the good of the herd. So, she supposed, if there were no Guardians to do the culling, these would become herd-leaders. She wondered who had built all these structures – it couldn’t have been the herd-people, they were not intelligent enough for that. Maybe The Masters had been here before and left the structures behind. It was all very strange. This whole place was strange, a jungle of stone and metal with small forests – they were called ‘Parks’ here – and they didn’t hunt the animals that lived in them. She had been chased out of one of the parks after she had shot a large rodent-like thing they called a ‘dog’ and made a fire to cook it. The one they called Friar had tried to explain it to her later when they received a complaint that there is no need to hunt, they can get food from ‘shops’ or ‘restaurants’. She liked the Friar, she too was a hunter, even though she was a herd-person. If her skin had been green, she would have been a good Guardian. She also liked the colour green! She scowled, chiding herself for daydreaming as the two dressed in blue walked past within a few feet. Her stealth hid her, but a noise from outside caught her attention. The two men also heard it and reacted, rushing toward the lobby doors. Moving out from her concealment, she quickly crossed the open space following them. She was so focussed on what was going on outside that she failed to realise they had stopped in the doorway and so walked straight into them...
I liked it and its given me an idea... thank you 🙂
I'm really sorry I haven't progressed the tea party any further and stranded Kali in the Kallisiti's lounge. To be honest I'm struggling to know where to take it from here and my attention has been grabbed by the Kallisti the Friar story I started putting down on 'paper' after its been bubbling around in my head for weeks. I'm finding this quite difficult as its quite dark and I'm constantly trying to stop it heading off into inappropriate territory (if you get my meaning!). If you want to extricate Kali from the party, please feel free and I can drop into the other threads without blocking things up.
That makes me wonder in that case what happens when Justin's drone is detected? Roof mounted anti-aircraft battery? 🙂
I'm not that bothered - Justin is basically a thorw-away NPC so do with him as you wish :)
I finally got round to sorting out the RWZ Dance Party video from a couple of weeks ago! I'm afraid I forgot to take note of the others in the chorus line so if you were one of the dancers, let me know your toon name and I'll update the end credits
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I have an idea for a story for Kallisti the Friar that would be her doing superhero things but it would likely descend into some quite dark areas and I'm not sure if I should or even if I CAN do the story as it is forming in my head. Friar has had some bad things happen to her in the past, but so far apart from that one scene last week I haven't really been able to go into her story in depth and in some respects she is my 'favourite' Kallisti as I see more to her than the others. She's the toughest of them but its what made her that tough that makes her interesting. She doesn't control fire or ice or blast bolts of energy, she's got a stick and her skill... As much as I love KG, she is fun but rather superficial :)
...or even just one lone teenage obsessive with a camera and a drone... :D
Justin checked the settings on his camera - it was a PROPER camera, not a phone, he was a proper photographer, not an amateur! He looked back through the most recent shots... wow he managed to get a pic of FIVE Kallistis and that weird metal girl! What a stroke of luck he just 'happened' to be in the car park of their apartment block! This would be a great shot to sell to the fan sites! Now what did that cleaner say - they were in the south-eastern penthouse suite. He hunkered down by the wall opposite the fountain and unhitched his backpack. Opening it, he gingerly extracted the small drone he'd saved his pocket and yard cleaning money for. If he could get some shots through their windows, that would be a HUGE scoop! It might even answer the most important question the gossip sites had been speculating on for months! Real or fake? There were some old photos from a few years back before she became a hero and they were not like they are now... Then again the transformation that turned her into a superhero might have enhanced them? There were some early hero pics as well but they were often of her in action with energy blasts masking some of the details in the photos. Then there was the major wardrobe malfunction a few years back but nobody got photos of that! It was before all the phones had good cameras. It was the burning question on EVERYONE'S mind - were Kallisti Gold's bunny ears real? The camera drone would provide the answer! Justin set the drone down on the tarmac and got the remote control with the built-in screen out from the bag. Turning everything on, the 4 plastic blades of the drone buzzed into life and then he heard some shouting and a splash from the fountain. He'd been vaguely aware of other people on the street as he had stalked the Kallisti girls, but had ignored them, focused on his prey like a good paparazzi should be! He looked up to see a soaking bedraggled figure climbing out of the fountain with their pants still smoking even after the drenching. Standing on the other side of the foutain was a woman with a very odd face and holding up a phone, recording the figure trying to scramble out of the fountain. "I knew it! You had to try, didn't you!?" the figure spoke, a female voice and then the sopping wet hoodie partially slipped of her head and he could see that it was a very wet catgirl. A man arrived from the side by the hedge "My gods. Miss, are you ok? Did that woman in the fire-alarm tights set you on fire just then? I swear I saw all of it. Do you need a witnewaiiiit a minute... You that pizza-cat?" Pizza Cat? Is that the catgirl from that old pizza meme? What was the name? Of course - Tabby!!! Oh wow this could be his big break, okay not as big as the bunny ears, but you had to take your chances!!! Scrabbling for his camera, he dived behind the stone bench as the catgirl shouted something unintelligible at the girl with the phone and started walking towards the apartment block entrance. He lifted the camera and started taking photos, moving slightly to his right and accidentally kneeling on the drone remote. The height controller was pushed fully forward and caused the small drone to shoot up in the air with a buzzing sound. The noise attracted the attention not only of the catgirl but the man across the other side of the fountain...
[This is a bit domestic, but hopefully entertaining in its way] The lift up to the top floor was crowded but jovial. Kallistis Red and Scarlett were joking about the way the Crey had backed down on realising the Firar was an incarnate while Gold maintained a friendly chatter of nonsense. Bronze was looking at her tablet, seeminly oblivious to the rest of them. Green watched their new friend closely, her eyes missing no movement, like a hunter watching her prey. However it was Kallisti the Friar who was the most disconcerting, she smiled along with the jokes and made some comments, but there was an intensity and stillness about her, unlike the other girls. Then suddenly, it was gone as the left doors opened at their floor and Gold linked arms with her. "Welcome to our humble abode in the sky" Gold said, opening the door to the apartment and graciously allowing Metal Kali to enter. "Time to put the kettle on!" They all went inside and Scarlet kicked the front door closed, not bothering to check if actually closed properly. Inside there was a short hallway that led to the large lounge that had a very interesting and colourful view to the south, the most prominent feature being the picturesque park down below which also contained a Vanguard encampment for some reason. The lounge was rather untidy with mugs, magazines and some pizza boxes strewn around haphazardly. One corner had a green canvas tent covered with camo net and a large white wolf lying in front. As soon as it saw Gold, it wagged its tail and bounded over, ears pricked and alert. "Ooof! Good boy Snowy!" Gold said as the wolf jumped up at her in a friendly greeting. From out of the tent another Kallisti appeared, still with blonde hair but in a ragged pony tail. She was slightly shorter than the others and covered in fur! She wore some boxer shorts but most striking of all was the bushy tail that stuck out from a slit in the back of the shorts. "Thats Kallisti Wolf", whispered the Friar standing beside Metal Kali. "We're not sure of her story yet..." "Hybridized DNA", muttered Bronze, still looking at her tablet as she walked past toward the other side of the apartment where there seemed to be a number of bedrooms. "Did you say you prefered alcohol to tea?" called Red heading that way as well. "I've got some Laphroaig if you'd prefer?" There were bangings and cursings from the kitchen "No bloody garibaldis! Who forgot to shop?" called Gold crossly. "There is a reason for having a rota! Oh bugger it was Sapphire - anyone seen her lately?" Kallisti the Friar shrugged and smiled at Metal Kali. "Would you like to sit down?" She scooped some fashion magazines off the couch and tossed them behind it. "Do you need to sit down? I don't understand technology yet - where I came from we didn't have electricity, we had Holy Mystics who used magic but it was not like this. I much prefer it here..." she glanced towards the kitchen and smiled. "The clothes are much nicer for a start!" There was a crash from the kitchen "No Snowy DOWN!" came a shout. Kallisti Wolf ran into the kitchen growling and barking at her wolf companion. "We are trying to teach her English - she's got as far as 'DFB' but we're still not sure what that means yet!" Friar explained. Gold emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray with a teapot some cups and saucers and a plate of biscuits. "No garibaldis but there are the Apple and Custard biscuits that Mum sent over last week. They are bloody awesome! Mum keeps us supplied with the absolute essentials, Tetley tea, biscuits and Marmite!" "Ugh I still don't know how you can eat that stuff, its revolting!" Red also arrived carrying a half-full bottle of Scotch and some glasses. She had changed out of her red and white armour and instead now wore red leggings and a baggy off the shoulder t-shirt. "Philistine! Marmite is proof that God exists!" Gold harumphed. Friar screwed her face up, showing her opinion in the eternal Marmite debate. Gold set out the cups and saucers and poured the tea while Red set the glasses down and poured a generous measure of scotch into them. "Cheers!" she said, picking up her glass.