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Everything posted by Voltor

  1. Okay 1507 now. Reviewed my character with latest copy of the tracker sheet. Turned out I was missing one of the virtual badges from the AE so that was a quick fix. 458/458 explore 25/25 history 180/180 Accomp. 177/179 Achievement - known the one that I needed for awhile, but also I see listed the Bailout Hero badge which appears to be for doing the Dream Doctor mission to complete the Dillemma Diabolique Trial....but I did both the mission and the trial some time ago and got the other badges from them both. Ran Dream Doc's personal mission again, this badge did not reward. Paragonwiki states it was never added prior to shutdown. So is it in the game, and do I need to run another Diabolique trial then Dream Doc personal mission again? Also was this badge a recent addition? 132/133 Accolades: Well the Flames of Promethus was long ago obtained and redeemed, the only other one missing is the elusive Bug-Hunter, 72/74 Gladiator badges: the missing 2 cannot be obtained until Winter Event. No big deal, those will be bing, bang boom for me to get. 32/33 Vet badges, shut down XP some time ago at level 98.9, wanted to save 99 for last...may reconsider that. 44/44 PVP badges 51/51 invention 120/120 defeat 67/81 Event badges: any winter badge from candy canes has been obtained now, all Halloween badges easily regained plus a couple of others. Waiting on Winter/Spring events AND The Nemesis Invasion Event. 77/77 Ouroborus 16/16 Consignment 29/33 Dayjobs, will wrap those by end of October and good riddance to them 28/28 AE, still surprised I was missing one. Go fig. So looks like 1532 total in game badges at this time. Currently at 1507 + 4 DJ +1 Vet +1 the one achievement badge =1513 + the apparently in game Bailout Hero = 1514 possible at this time.
  2. Well the only day jobs that are "level locked" would be the PVP zones as you have to be a certain level to enter bloody bay, but once you enter any PVP zone just park near the entrance and you get teh badge in 100 hrs. Vanguard: park in the vanguard base and in 100 hrs you have a full meter that will ding the badge after you train to 35 Cimerora: have to be 35 to enter that zone, can't be avoided. This is the one day job that is truly level locked as you can't enter Cimerora with out being L35 and a member of the midnighters Midnight Club: use portal in Atlas to go to Night Ward, the area you appear in is safe, go into the Midnight mansion, receive a map badge, the midnighter badge if you didn't run the arc to get it, and park in there or else now you can go to the midnight club via Steel Canyon if you are a lowbie and park in there. Ouroborus: go to Echo Galaxy City, use the train to enter Ouroborus if you can't use/don't have the portal. Grab the map badge there and then park. First Ward: Base teleporter will put you in the graveyard there where you can work the Mortician Dayjob. After that go work the 4 dayjobs in that zone. If your lowbie has the jump jet pack that once was awarded along with the Pocket D VIP badge, then go to Peregrine and if you can't fly use the jump back to hyper jump through Peregrine. Head to the water and you can take a scenic swim to the arena, after that Dayjob use the jump pack to get to the police station there for that DJ. After that use the jump pack to help get to portal corp. Once in there take the portal to Firebase zulu as that DJ should give a jet pack with about an hour of fuel ( i think), then portal back into portal corp and park in that room for the Intern DJ. Doing this gets you the Police station, Firebase and Portal corp DJ's which are blueside only. As long as you have a jetpack with about an hour of fuel, presuming you didn't take flight at level 4 when the pool powers open, (can always respec out of it later), with some judicious use of the jet pack you can fly above the danger spots and park somewhere safe. Mercy Island: you can work the arachnos base, pilot, and ferry Day jobs. After that, take the ferry to Nerva and either jump pack/jump or fly to the crey building and get inside it, whoever once inside you cannot just park at the door you have to move into the office to say near the desk or doors in there and then park for that DJ. After that Ferry boat to Grandvile, take some steps off teh boat and docks to that big grandville wall in front of you and log out. After that go pack to Port Oakes and get to the building where redsiders have to register their super groups and park in there. After that you have all 6 of the redside only Dayjobs. Atlas Park: a bit of a honey pot for Dayjobs: log out in city hall for a blueside only, the trainstation for another blueside only, the tailor, SG base portal, hospital, police station for another blueside only, Auction house, then there is a vault, and Atlas is an entrance to the vanguard base. Atlas also has the portal to get to Night Ward and First Ward. Pocket D: has its own DJ, the bank/vault, and teh hospital DJ...however parking at the arena controls does not seem to provide the arena badge. Peregrine or Port oakes for that. Echo Dark Astoria,: SG teleporter puts you there and basically that entire zone lets you work the mortician badge. The spot you appear in is usually safe so jsut log out there. After 100 hours, if you cant travel out or teleport out, take the "debt express" by getting pounded on and then hitting the hospital. That will put you near the exit portal. Dark Astoria: base teleporter puts you near the base portal entrance so walk away from it or else you will not get credit for parking in DA. Go to the wall near the zone entrance from the base portal and then log, that area is safe. I have a level 1 MM that I plan to rebuild but right now he's just sitting at level 1 working the DJ's both blue red. However here is a screenie of another Level 1 of mine that is missing only PVP and Cimerora. he also doesn't have the 6 red side only ones as I don't plan to switch his alignment.
  3. Thats why I left the map open. 🙂
  4. Next year in CoH has a nice ring to it. The contact is Luna the badges are 100 merits each
  5. Well wanted to wait until I dinged the next Day Job+accolade, and also to crush the halloween event in about 2 hours on my character before posting the latest: Missing roughly 24 badges but most of them are event badges. Bring on Winter/Spring!
  6. Located and screen shots for all
  7. Found them all and screen shot them all. Also regarding the description "underground near a crate wtih council insignia", to quote Blight from Batman Beyond "Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?" 🙂
  8. It is possible i miscounted. I am using the original release of the badge tracker sheet so I shall see in a few days when its time to shift to the next DJ spot. In fact I jsut remembered I'm saving the last vet badge for last so yeah probably miscounted.
  9. Well I now sit at 1446 badges (screenshot to come later). 3 more blueside DJ's and 3 accolades to accompany them, then work the 4 Praetorian ones. Total possible badges to have at this time as the seasonal events have not yet started: 1456. This total does not include Bug-Hunter badge (gratz to any who obtained it). There were 30 badges (29+1 accolade) to obtain from the Halloween event back in 2011: total game badges with Halloween event: 1486 Winter Event as of 2011 had 18 badges, total badges would then be: 1504 Spring Event as of 2011 had 7 badges: total badges would then be 1511
  10. Make that 1426 - the Iron Chef badge finally dinged for rejecting recipes
  11. Every mission arc, task force, trial, strike force, incarnate trial completed. 1425 badges.
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