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Everything posted by Teklord

  1. I had sell prices of 2.5m on my Aethers, in the past few weeks they have all sold. I put more up and they sold as well. The instantaneous prices are still in the 1.1m to 1.5m but I am regularly selling Aethers for 2.5m now.
  2. I do find Synapse more dreary than a Citadel. Part of that is how Oro portals recharge quickly and have both IP and Talos in the menu. Given this is a <level 20 TF I find that people use the prestige attacks (wand, nem staff, sands of mu, undead slaying axe) quite a bit to fill out their chains, I have yet to have anyone complain about incomplete attack chains on a synapse. Now I run a lot of corruptors and defenders, one blaster, one scrapper, one peacebringer and a tank. This means that my regular played toons generally have greater impact per player in the TF. I also run with the temp for +end rec which I buy all that I can to make leveling easier. I also slot attuned IOs early. All in all this means that I often can offset the end drain of clocks AND can make them easier to hit or increase the damage of my cohorts in the TF. I run this TF basically on every toon I level as soon as I see the opportunity. It does go long, it can be a drag, it is definitely the longest of the major TFs (shadowshards are not major TFs in this case). I will also say that steamrolling is the best way to move forward with a PUG on Synapse and tbf any TF. Stealthing, etc is in general more trouble to coordinate than just steamrolling toward the objective. But as a buffing and debuffing character I tend to make that part pretty easy. In the end Synapse is a drag but I do see many people advertising it outside of WST week. I myself advertise it too. It could use a rework. And I too experienced the TF losing members as it dragged on during live.
  3. I have a fire/ta that I made in Oct. It is quite fun.
  4. I don't have a dog in this fight but regarding mez I recommend doing the SF commander accolade which gives you [Sheer Willpower] which is basically a break free and can really help on builds that are only slightly inconvenienced by mez. Your build sounds like that. Then you could grab some other destiny slot. It sounds like your bots don't have end issues either so barrier or something would be nice.
  5. I have fold space on a rad/rad defender for the exact same reason. Being able to bring everything into my 15 ft radius debuffs is essential for my survival. I love using RI, EF on a big target then fold space followed my three radial AOEs and possibly a judgement AOE. If I were to build poison I would do the same.
  6. I also experience the common and annoying running due to end-drain on my Elec/EA sentinel. I will likely respec into the immob.
  7. A downside of Water/Empathy x2 is that you would need envenomed daggers for AVs and GMs. 2x time looks good on paper and doesn't have AV issues without temps. Plus a time duo can do all sorts of RP. Are you the same person, separated by time, are you time lords? Are you father/son? Who the heck knows. Time has a good toggle with a 25ft range, you get this at level 4 on a corruptor. This allows you to toggle pull and debuff. It also will stack from different casters. So this makes the early game much much easier. Also going tank + support is in my mind very boring. It makes one person the star and the other the supporting actor who doesn't even get nominated. But this is my bias.
  8. As a founding member of Repeat Offenders on Live, I am partial to two defenders or two corruptors. Two Corruptors seems really strong and any of the buffs that work on others have a target. Kinetics is super strong on corruptors, if you are just a duo you WILL get scourge too. TBH this all goes down to play style. A number of self buffing but not hitting the cap would be amazing. Say Time Manipulation x2, you would be capped on all def, go villain side so you can get sheer willpower by doing the tfs. Pick a blast set with a rain (for the scourge) and go to town. Electric Affinity would plug the mez hole and also be great on buffing both of you. Even sets that people consider under powered are amazing when in a dedicated duo. Empathy suddenly looks great when you are getting Fortitude, Clear Mind and Adrenalin Boost on both parties. I used to run in a SG based on stacking empathy buffs on everyone "Green Machine". It is quite strong. If you want to proc stuff out go with Water Blast/Empathy. You have capped defenses, strong +tohit, +dmg, capped +regen, very high +recharge, nearly capped +recovery and steam jet in the blast set is great for procs since it has that special recharge that doesn't change the forumula.
  9. I agree with @Jacke . Both my favorite team builds have Teleport Target. The others just don't have room for Teleport at all. I am also a gigantic fan of using teleport in cave maps. Lets say you are in the pool room and you are trying to find the boss. You notice one of your teammates end bar moving up and down, so you select them, teleport to their position with a bind and boom, you are having fun rather than frustrated trying to navigate drops and obstacles in a map with poor visibility
  10. I use firefox and it is smooth for me. I have work stuff open in other tabs but also heavily use the container feature of Firefox and never open facebook.
  11. A couple of some comments: you are using old mids. Soul Drain is now Spirit Drain and has different stats. Soul Drain is just not needed on a kinetic corruptor. Basically any epic is better. Increase Density is a good thing to pick up since it can mule unique resist IOs. I don't normally pick up Siphon Power on a kin corruptor but it is a point of disagreement between various builders/players. you have a lot of + up IOs that don't do anything. Like the Sudden Accel in TK blast Kick slotted is a choice. I do slot Transference, six efficiency adapter is what I did, but I have also franken slotted it before. I personally avoided hasten and used Force Feedback haste procs in TK blast and Psionic Tornado. I feel like the d-sync's taunt acc/recharge is overused given its cost. BUT you should have two of them in Fulcrum Shift. Hover doesn't need the Flight speed boost, you have siphon speed for that. You overuse damage procs when you should be slotted a couple -res procs in their place. -Res overperforms heavily on a kinetic build. I do run panacea, numina rec/regen, and miracle +rec in health. If I were to rebuild I would swap the miracle with the +absorb in preventative medicine. I don't run a kb protection unique, I get that from using hover and the gladiator's armor 3 set bonus. I also use overwhelming force in TK blast since I can run SBB 5 times very easily. I don't know what you are using power boost for. Kinetics is already animation blocked. OH I just noticed, you have ZERO accuracy in Transfusion and it really needs it. I run the touch of the nictus set. My personal build is not highly tuned though. It is a team build that has soft cap S/L/E and is missing some uniques. If I were to redo it I would change some things but hopefully I gave some pointers.
  12. edited the original for clarity. I don't currently have siphon power on my corruptor as I have toe many things to click.
  13. I am actually playing a rad/rad defender with a much different build using both of those toggles. I am having zero issues and I level by running TFs. If you are enjoying yourself than great, but don't denigrate the extreme value of both RI and EF.
  14. I believe what most people are calling farming is doing an AE fire farm with a character that can do it while AFK. They passively just kill the zone and check in occasionally to exit and restart missions.
  15. My take is that Ice shields last 4 minutes and are excellent places to mule IOs. (edit) You don't have to cast them. You can just cast them at the start of a door mission and no one will notice you never renew them.
  16. One of the nice things about everyone building for the soft cap of def is that a LOT of people are running maneuvers. Maneuvers has a 60ft radius and so that extra 2-6% or so from one teammate will often be enough to cap you on a team. Unfortunately pain dom doesn't have any -tohit debuffs to get you over the hill solo but on a team you should be fine as long as you have a teammate with maneuvers. And if you have a teammate with steamy mist or something you are also golden. Additionally I also run with a stealth proc in sprint and have that toggled on most of the time. This helps a ton for initial aggro and can mean you don't take the alpha which in what is often the killer on teams. HTHs and I know it isn't exactly what was asked for. PS. Support Hybrid can also get you those last few percents.
  17. I recently joined in July. My experience was very much like COH of old, I joined a DFB that was recruiting, someone said, hey be sure to get your 2xp working. I expressed that I was new and didn't know how. Someone guided me to the start vendor, gifted me with 1mil inf and guided me through the process to get the 2xp buff. After that DFBx2 a lot of the team continued to run a posi 1, then a posi 2. It was the normal glorious steamrolling. The buffs from DFB allowed me to just keep going until level 20 without having to deal with enhancements too much. Since that time my experience has been running and playing TFs and doing Hami and MSR. It has been very positive with a few incidents with trolls. Most of my teams end with everyone saying "this was a great team, thanks all, tc" I have yet to join a farm or do anything in AE. In my downtime I mostly do exploration badges. 5 months later I have 12 50s. I followed the noob guides for building up inf. That 1mil gift really helped since it funded my first crafted IOs once I did that. Really I am enjoying the nostalgia and just having a blast running TFs and MoTFs and such.
  18. There are a number of popmenu's that help with this. I would look up popmenus since they address this directly and list for instance the exact TF you have done and not done for Task Force Commander. Or which exploration badges you are missing for Portal Jockey.
  19. I will say that a late game */Nature Affinity is also good since all the buffs are what most ATs don't have capped. +Absorb, +regen, +resists(all), End reduction, +dmg, +tohit as well as group heals that are mostly incidental. The debuffs are also very nice -tohit, -dmg, -regen on a toggle, -dmg, -res on a single target debuff. On the kinetic subject, I will also say that FS is not just an opener. You cast it every time it is up and it self stacks. It is a debuff as well as a buff and very good. FS lasts 45 seconds, that is more than it takes to clear a spawn in a steamroll team. Transfusion is an good self-stacking -regen debuff as well and so part of your single target rotation on a AV/GM. Transference allows a kinetic to ignore endurance issues with lots of toggles and not need ageless. Clarion is the best destiny incarnate for kinetics. Also learn to feel the radius of Transference and Transfusion in game, it matters.
  20. And even when you expand it once, then logout it defaults back to the don't show server and other detail option. So you need to click the arrow when you next do it. Even though the window will remain the size you expanded it to.
  21. Teklord


    A power like Fireball's dot ticks scourge based on health at time of casting do not scourge (corrected). Rains, Whirlpool, aka location AOEs have a chance of scourging every single tick. So my ice/cold corruptor has Sleet, Ice Storm, and Blizzard that all have a chance of scourging every tick. They are highly effective on a corruptor that is in one place. Hope this makes sense and helps.
  22. Agreed. I want to be level 22 for my common IOs that will last me. Also many ATs have foundational powers at level 20 that help sustain. The whole thing is silly but I do find it hilarious that the OP does Frostfire. Some of my worst tank leader is an ass experiences were with Hollows and Frostfire missions. I guess that the OP just wants to make sure to keep the propaganda and rude behavior alive by continuing the trend.
  23. Remember how bad it was when there was no aggro cap. Tanks pulling the whole map, team waiting 10+ minutes at the beginning. Bits and pieces remaining. Just absolutely miserable for anyone but the tank.
  24. Psi blast gets a bad rap. It is fast acting, has good ST and AOEs, it doesn't have aim (a benefit for me) and you can really go to town. It exemps well because clockwork, council robots are a thing but if you are teaming then it isn't a thing. It makes ITFs faster because the EB cleanup of cyclops, minos etc is just waiting for me to ST them twice. Basically it is a case of the conventional wisdom being pretty wrong about a set by focusing on certain elements and missing the bulk of your play as well as the advantages.
  25. I sometimes fit in Siphon Speed (-recharge) when I don't have anything else recharged. Now I mostly play my psi/kin who has FF +recharge proc in psi tornado and tk blast. So siphon speed (-recharge) is only really needed for its debuff and I don't use it much. I dropped siphon power (too many clicks) but do see it's utility for AVs but also want to remind that FS is +60% with one target and Siphon Power is +20%, both are stackable. They both apply a -20% dmg debuff. I stand by my "for the most part" comment since you basically cast FS and transfusion, my transfusion procs a +end so I rarely do anything else in combat. In any lull I cast Speed Boost and ID. I try to get the ID on someone without mez protection but ultimately don't spend any time on it. If playing in a low level clock mission/tf or something I will be casting a lot of transfusion to wake people up. Also since I am psi I am getting -recharge from psychic scream, knockup from psi tornado and -res from a proc in Scramble thoughts. Psi Blast is a good pairing, it has fast activations, does decent mitigation (knockup, -recharge) and is key for killing certain types of annoying mobs (cyclops, paragon protectors, yada). It also has 3 AOEs to chain without counting the nuke, the nuke is very fast and it has an excellent ST chain. Since all the animations are fast you can react and cast transfusion, or whatever quickly. I use combat teleport which is also thematic and really good for positioning.
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