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Everything posted by tidge

  1. I don't think there is a precise equivalence between those two (pool) powers. Some comments from a player who was mostly ignorant/unaffected by the Rune of Protection nerf. It was my belief that the "nerf" was due to the disproportionate benefit the click power was providing as a Pool power (compared to other clicks available within Primary/Secondaries). At the risk of playing too much into whataboutism: Hasten is a different animal, as so few AT even have anything like a way to enhance global recharge, it it is a little difficult (for me, but I have blind spots) to imagine what my answer would be to a question like "which AT inherently (as a primary/secondary power choice) ought to be able to have more global recharge?" without already knowing which ATs currently have something like that. I am not ignorant on what Hasten can do, nor am I ignorant why it is such a common build choice. I have some awareness that the dev team is considering (for some possibly arbitrarily small values of "consideration") changes to other game effects that may be skewed because of beaucoup (Global) recharge (e.g. "%proc changes").
  2. This made me flash back to trying to use Combat Jumping to get on top of the roofs of building in King's Row to complete that accursed "Defeat 10 Circle of Thorns" after out-leveling Galaxy City. I spent hours after reaching level 14 just using Super Jump.
  3. The 'slow travel' is something I am nostalgic for, but I don't miss it. When the game and zones were all new, and so much was still unknown about the geometry and the lore, this was just one more (big) element of exploration. I can recapture this feel with restrictions on travel in Ouroboros missions. I still occasionally feel a little twinge when I encounter the 'new' architectures in certain zones (Steel Canyon, Founder Falls) where the Universities and Auction houses were put up. I completely miss Galaxy City as a starting zone. Quantums and Voids should really make a default comeback, at least on Council Radio Missions above level 30, even without Kheldian team members. Players may consider Council Radio missions to be a joke, but I'm not sure that everyone appreciates that these spawns were one of the early "hard mode" challenges.
  4. tidge

    Bamf Melee

    I often find my characters not running toggles when leveling up... in fact, I am so inattentive to them that I'm only occasionally surprised to find that I am running "difficult" content and realizing lack of toggles may be the reason I am taking more damage/getting mezzed/whatever. I'm planning on respinning an unloved Shield Brute into something else... probably not a Stalker... as I've been using a BAMF-ing style of play on my last two characters (a Defender, a Dominator) so your ideas here have appeal to me. Weirdly (?) I find the BAMFing works best in PUGs. I anticipated that within a PUG, there would be more AoE (including Taunts) and less of a need to try to focus on single targets (no matter the type)... but it turns out that the PUGs have made it more likely that there is a lone enemy that was either blessed by RNGesus or simply wasn't targeted. A quick BAMF and the enemy is being dealt with. The tactic also works great in maps where enemies appear on multiple levels... for instance the Terra Volta Respec trials.
  5. I know how to use the macros, it doesn't make it any less boring for me. I don't have any opinion or attitude beyond this.
  6. I'm ignoring the advice offered (the OP should not, I am just disclosing I won't specifically discuss it)... Low-level characters have inherent bonuses that fade (with level), not even accounting for potential bonuses from something like Death From Below. IIRC, level 22 is when these are all gone. From approximately levels 16+ (can be earlier, can be later, depends on content being played) is when you start to run into enemies with more "tricks". The most noticeable IMO are the Circle of Thorns which can both debuff ToHit/Accuracy and mez (including knockdown). Until a character has enough slots (could be for direct enhancement, could be for some global set bonus... even a 1-piece global), it is necessary to make some focused decisions on how to slot which powers. Obviously: different ATs and different primary/secondary sets offer different kinds and levels of mitigation... this is less obvious on exemplared characters with lots of slots, but it is still an element (a fun one!) of leveling up.
  7. I want to believe it is because of all those TFs I ran with my Inv/Em tanker that never turned on his toggles.
  8. I've done this, but I grew bored of opening packs.
  9. tidge

    Bamf Melee

    I've been playing with Combat Teleport, I quite like it. A macro to get in-the-face of a target is super helpful, and I also have a standard CNTRL+click bind to move to certain spots. The (limited) range takes some getting used to. I would not slot it for Recharge Reduction, but rather Endurance cost reduction (if not used as an IO mule), especially when leveling. I've never found myself wanting it available and NOT having it. One a recent character that wanted a bit more Recovery, I got better (Endurance/second) results by using the Miracle +Recovery piece (in Health) than by slotting a Performance Shifter Endurance piece in Stamina. I was being super sloppy with my maths, and I can't promise I'm still not being sloppy.
  10. For my ally is the Auction House, and a powerful ally it is.
  11. I can only write about my own feelings and motivated behavior: I'm frivolous with my own use of merit rewards, to the point (and beyond) of inefficiencies. Even so, I still only burn Empyrean Merits on Incarnate powers... that is, when I remember to craft Incarnate powers. I am sure that I have occasionally bought Super Inspirations to help with an iTrial. If I had to rank how I burn Reward Merits, it's pretty much: Converters (especially on new characters building up their own wallet) Boosters (level 50s, obviously? Precise scaling of enhancement bonuses for specific PVP zones isn't my game) ATO/Very Rare Recipes (I almost never use Winters) from the vendor Unslotters (because I'm too lazy to pull them out of mail!) The third one is incredibly rare, and it has literally been because I simply didn't feel like marketing for a single, specific piece NAO. I'd simply be lying if I said I hadn't done it. I've been out of the League of Ebil Marketers for a long time... yet I still market my drops (crafted, converted), essentially so each character can "pay it forward" to future builds. This is basically second nature for me, so like others I am surprised to read about bad attitudes towards the Auction House. While I try to be open-mided... I remain surprised that there would be any significant overlap of players who (a) despise the marketplace (b) farm (multi-box?) Empyrean Merits (c) participate on the forums and (d) remain ignorant of alternate means to "get the good stuff".
  12. AND make Atlas Park a PVP zone!
  13. Oh look: first the market was going to raise prices, now if we don't take action it is going to catastrophically drop prices. Economics, amiright? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ For those not following the linked thread from Beta, I'm not sure it is really worth having the "economics" discussion there as the proposed change ("Sorry boyo, you won't be able to convert Empyrean Merits to Reward Merits") has people scrambling to every corner of a room; and that room has corners where no one expected corners to exist. I think @Yomo Kimyata wrote it best (paraphrasing): "We don't even know what is motivating DevThink." Of course, I have no insight into DevThink. The only coincidental (possible, planned) rollout that comes to mind is the name release policy... maybe the Devs have taken a deep look into the way players are using Homecoming and saw a few extreme methods of play that strike them as so peculiarly different than what was expected that they are drawing some lines. (*1) As I (and a few other market regulars) have written in the Beta thread: I don't think eliminating the conversion of Empyrean Rewards to Merit Rewards is that big of a deal. Without a doubt, there is some number of players who only buy Enhancements/Recipes from Merit Reward Vendors... so some (tiny?) fraction of those people might be using Empyrean Rewards (farmed or otherwise)... but this defies (market) logic. (*1) Random, unsubstantiated imagination of hypothetical player behavior motivating DevThink: Farming (XP, inf, drops) is clearly tolerated, and hasn't been a problem for the game or the market. It hadn't previously occurred to me (because of the effort involved to get a currency) that a multi-box player (even one adhering to limits on multi-boxing) might be also farming vet levels for Empyrean Merits. In hindsight: the static number of Empyrean Merit Rewards (for veteran levels) is a currently fungible asset that doesn't neatly scale with team size... so from that perspective I wouldn't at all be surprised if the fungibility was removed.
  14. 70K inf x 30 Enhancement Converters = 2.1 MInf. No flipping.
  15. Thanks for the info on the Thunderstrike %procs! I so rarely hit the actual target that I haven't even been able to notice any %proc behavior on adjacents. As a practical matter: after my character brings the control (typically Seeds of Confusion and Roots, also Carrion Creepers), I'm simply not having enough enemies near one another to even notice the PBAoE aspect of Thunderstrike. Part of the issue for my play of this character is that the best control (Seeds of Confusion) and my best non-pet %debuff %damage (Static Discharge) are both cones, so popping into Melee (even after picking an optimal target) is rarely helping clear spawns. More often than I even connect (ehem, corpse-blasting and RNG), it is just opening me up for a melee counter-attack. As for runners... that's what Voltaic Sentinel is for!
  16. This was my (best) guess as well, but this approach seems particularly pointless.... I understand that it could yield some Reward merits (via Empyrean conversion), but eventually whatever alt is benefiting from the farming must be collecting reward merits on their own. Everything else that is coming from the AE farm can also be used to fund/equip the alts. I absolutely don't want to yuck in anyone's AE fun, but I'm going to call shenanigans on double- (or more)-boxing AE farming of Empyrean merits. This is judgemental as get-all: At the point at which a player feels they need to do this... I'm thinking maybe they should just play on the test server.
  17. So what I (ultimately) did was pull the 5th slot from Voltaic Sentinel, and the 6th slot from Thunder Strike to put BOTH of my options (%Absorb, +Recovery) into Health. I like pairing %Absorb with Scaling Damage Resistance... I still get this character in deep doo-doo, but I want to believe that I've improved survivability at least fractionally. I found Thunder Strike to be such a disappointing attack that extracting the 6th piece (was %-Resistance) to be a no-brainer. Besides being slow enough to do nothing against defeated targets, it appears that the mechanics were such that missing the actual target meant no chance to trigger against adjacent enemies, and RNGesus is a cruel master. The (PB)Aoe also seemed to be small enough that my typical controls made it rare that MOBs would be close enough to each other by the time I decided to pop in to throw the attack. I'm having trouble remembering a time when I've been so utterly disappointed with a secondary's T8 power. I hate to do it, but because I use that attack so rarely and because I'm thinking about (further) delaying the choice of Thunder Strike... I think I may simply just replace it with an alternate attack from an Epic/Patron power pool. In the case of this character, it would be Psionic Tornado (from Psionic Mastery). This is much less potential damage, but I am already NOT using the melee AoE attack very efficiently.
  18. This is all about me: I do a LOT of solo, but I also join PUGs for TF/SF... less so for incarnate content and MSR, and I am about 50/50 on if I join a Hamidon League or not. I still find that Reward Merits flow like water, and I am never thirsty for Empyrean Merits. I cannot recall ever transferring merits (any type) between characters; enhancements, inf, catalysts, converters, yes... but never merits of any type. I can understand why... but what is the point of skipping low-level play... even if "I've done it a thousand times before"... just to get to incarnate play, that I'm guessing has been done an awful lot as well? I should disclose: As a mostly solo player, I cannot bring myself to consider running certain content (e.g. Dark Astoria story arcs) as joyless grinds... even as I consider grinding them. As a test, I took a brand new level 50 (no incarnate powers, but fully built otherwise including most accolades) into DA, and ran the Heather Townshend arc twice. I had intended to run it at +0/x1 to time it, but the first mission I had left my difficulty turned up so that time was slightly longer than minimum at around 12 minutes... the second run took 9m 56s with a semi-favorable placement of glowies in mission 3. If this was all I was doing with the character, yes it would take a while to get those precious T4s... but 98% of my time with that character is playing non-Incarnate content anyway, generating threads, shards and vet levels. I am confused about the economies of converting Empyrean merits to Reward merits to Recipes/ATOs.... or at least: confused about why take this path... I totally understand how this works, it's just that it seems so inefficient to me. Even rolling Empyrean -> Reward -> something else for AH sale doesn't seem as useful as it would be to just craft Incarnates and then run/play (Merit) reward-rich content (Hamidon Raid, Mothership Raids, TinPex, Weekly). I grok that these are different than an AE farm, but surely the extra farm rewards (occasional Empyrean merits) are either/both marginal or secondary. If I was on my very first character, and I felt like I either wanted that character (or my very next one) to be near-instant 50(+3)... I guess I can almost imagine why I'd fret about some of the changes... but honestly the Empyrean -> Reward doesn't seem all that different than when the shift on Vanguard -> Reward happened... except of course that one might no longer exist.
  19. OK, so if that would happen, can we support an AE environment that is open-world (non-instanced) that lets people play at a non-instant level 50 pace and team with random players, and has multiple zones and contacts to choose from? /s
  20. Sorry if I haven't been paying attention to the proposed/walked-back changes... A couple of things to alleviate any (current) sense of doom: 1) You can also get Notice of the Well from weekly TFs/SFs 2) The Dark Astoria story arcs can be run relatively quickly or be played with lots of enemies (for even more threads+); I don't think the rewards "suck"... yes the rarity of a chosen Incarnate salvage is random, but if you are struggling to unlock T3s grinding the DA arcs isn't a bad way to do it. There are a variety of other ways to work on Incarnates on a spectrum of efficiency (Vanguard merits, for instance), weekly SSA rewards.
  21. "Report Zone Geometry Issues Here"
  22. With help from @Bopper and a few other comments from other players, it looks as if 'walking through (certain) fences' is a thing (even with just Sprint!), but as a character approaches the Running Speed Limit of 120 mph (no matter the source, no matter the slotting) it becomes much 'easier' to pass through the fences.... possibly due to server/client effects. I definitely remember that jerk hack from Siren's Call!
  23. As I wrote, I just finished leveling my Plant Dom, and I more-or-less purposely left it with only around 20% positional defenses for extra excitement other may find distasteful.... so I even though I (now) have a reasonably kitted perma-Dom, I'm still thinking of the original run while leveling. Seeds of Confusion is the "money power": I try to open with that, and then follow with Roots. SoC didn't need many slots while leveling, but YMMV. The pets/pseudo-pets aren't super reliable until they (a) will stay with you (b) have recharge times close to their duration. Not a lot of deep thought on that one, but I felt like writing it. Those two cycle fast enough that they basically set the pace of clearing spawns. At 50, Roots has the ATO %+Damage; while leveling I had that ATO in Strangler... I don't expect this choice to make much sense to anyone, it's just that I made some early choices on which of those low level powers were going to give me certain global +Recharge set bonuses before 50. I have two %proc powers in my build: Carrion Creepers and Static Discharge (Electricity Assault Secondary). A few powers will have a set %proc in them, fewer still may have a second as the 6th slot. Again, this is not a particularly deep thought for a Dominator. I only write this because I found (at level 50) enough recharge (without Hasten) to have permadom in the absence of slows and without relying on SG base buffs. I do try to remember to keep the SG base buffs (attack rate, recovery) active anyway. I could slip more global +Recharge into the cone attack, but that is where I have some %-Resistance. The Fly Trap also has %-Resistance, which I find helps. I used ATO %Fiery Orb when leveling, but I had pulled it out of the build. I felt like it helped with aggro at low levels. I'm going to experiment with it again I think. I should be able to drop it into Carrion Creepers to replace one of the /Recharge pieces used there. The only power on my build that disappoints me is from the secondary: T8 Thunder Strike (PBAoE Melee). Even slotted with 5x Armageddon, and an even-level accuracy of 153%, this power misses far too much for my taste. It isn't a terrible finishing move sometimes against weakened spawns, but it doesn't have the synergy I want with the primary.... either in solo or in PUGs. I delayed picking it to level 41, and I am going to move the 6th slot (was %-Resistance Fury of the Gladiator) to another power. I really want to play my Dominator as a melee character (I even have Combat Teleport at level 6!) but this T8 just isn't paying dividends on the investment.
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