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Everything posted by tidge

  1. I will echo that these arcs are very solo friendly. Depending on your build, some can be completed very quickly for an easy source of repeated merits. I also recommend playing these from both sides; I was surprised at the end of SSA1 that by staying in the mission after completing the story some familiar faces showed up to 'discuss' matters.
  2. Minor correction on using the Dark Astoria 1st arc to farm: At the completion of the arc the reward is 1 common incarnate salvage (random) , 1 Empyrean merit, and then a CHOICE between a second Empyrean merit OR another piece of incarnate salvage (level is random but the particular piece is not). I only took the time to write this out because IMHO this is the best arc for farming several Tsoo defeat/gladiator badges. Chasing Tsoo all over is a huge waste of time (especially if a lower level toon doesn't have a full powerset) when the 3rd mission in this arc stacks them all up for you. Naturally if you want the badges/gladiators/accolades before lvl 50 you don't have this option, but any lvl 50 who wants these shouldn't have to run all over Independence Port or Talos Island hunting for them. Off topic advice to be sure.
  3. I was hoping that Field Medic would be an Auto power, much like the auto powers for some of the Epic pools. I suppose that would make it another slot for a proc, but would that be so bad? As the last power in the pool it isn't trivial to take, and it really does read like it is supposed to compliment the other powers that would be taken along the way. Currently, so many builds have alternate means of Health/End recovery that the heals in the Medicine pool feels like little more than an alternate to green insps. I'm a fan of the final pool power choices offering a little more oomph.
  4. Is this the face-planting wannabe blapper who criticized my lvl 29 Widow for not taking the Leadership pool so that she could tank the x8 mobs with capped defenses?
  5. Liberty was my first server, with many characters making it to 40, then 50. I didn't do any incarnate material on Liberty however, as I was on a different server at sunset. I do remember the villain side being *very* quiet.
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