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Everything posted by Octogoat

  1. Zaxbi Zyz Zamfi II
  2. Thief: dark project is like that for me always notice something new on every playthrough still after all these years...
  3. I'm so sorry mr.drakken but I have a new request since I'm joining an all dual pistols team all the way to 50th. I was wondering if you had a DP/Sr/nin build for sentinel please? Doesn't need a travel power. But would like at least one ninja mastery power.
  4. How to get that butt cape?
  5. MA stalker just wasn't feeling it
  6. This is outdated she's now a bane spider with wide area web grenade
  7. Poison is solid you won't be disappointed
  8. DC out of curiousity how much did the electric pets come in to ease of play?
  9. Since my bots/ff in COV on live the sandy bond system continues to be exemplary!
  10. If you're doing demon/marine don't forget you can color your water red for blood pact magic
  11. Demons/marine is pretty tanky
  12. Helletrix
  13. Ah the French giving us stuff and things since 400000 bc
  14. American pickers about to give you $2 for it sell it to pawn stars for $3 who will sell it for $50
  15. I'm at my mom's place and I've dled enough to know you're on point 😛
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