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Everything posted by Octogoat

  1. To expand on what @EnjoyTheJourney said other things that might help you survive are diamagnetic and barrier incarnates
  2. Robina Loxley, Archery/Tactical Arrow blaster
  3. What is the level 6 power and slotting for the night widow please? It won't show up in mids.
  4. Why not savage melee?
  5. KM/Regen sounds like the powers you'd get from drinking Crey Cola
  6. I'm doing my part!
  7. I like the rocketeer looking guy
  8. Skip-tracer
  9. This sounds like so much fun I may have to reroll my archery/tactical
  10. Do you happen to have a crab build? I've had a lot of success with your build style!
  11. That's a lot of putty tats
  12. Wheel of destruction turn turn turn show is the lesson that we should learn....
  13. Some great ideas here probably going to use them lol
  14. Never considered a willpower stalker I might have to try that.
  15. Updated art of neko namara without sword
  16. Don't forget you can use any armor set then get the prismatic aether auras of another set
  17. Best friend said fire melee for combustion engine and energy aura for inertial shield, stalker for "so fast enemies don't see you" but open to more ideas
  18. this is the inspiration. Edit; settled on stj/shield stalker and updated her artwork
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