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Everything posted by Octogoat

  1. I don't think ms.liberty was a teenager at launch. Also I think it's actually a good thing that she and longbow are flawed. No one likes a Mary-sue. And nepotism appointments as well as family expectations do happen.
  2. Long time user of suno here: you get unlimited v4 songs for your credits if you do the app and use it but I like the v3 songs better for complex mixes and visualizing vocals to my own lyrics
  3. On the bus home I've been reading the Jester by James Patterson and will soon be reading the hercule Poirot books by Agatha Christie
  4. Could do something down the line where you recruit corrupted longbow and start your own villainous enterprise in Etoile and decisions you've made up to that point decide which Etoile building you've converted into your evil fortress. Kind of a bridge between SG bases and the rest of the game.
  5. My completionist is now level 7 and I'm working on defeat badges in heists and bank missions it's relaxing taking things slow haven't done this in awhile.
  6. Longbow always seemed like the coh version of S.H.I.E.L.D to me and miss liberty is the nick fury so to speak.
  7. I'm now trying out a completionist run with an AR/Dev and it is fun! Currently level 4 doing all blue and red side contacts.
  8. Claws/Regen minotaur Bullverine omg what have I said ...
  9. Michael crichtons congo
  10. Yea pretty much and the people that have the money make the products. It's our choice to consume it or not.
  11. What about AR/Nin/weap sentinel?
  12. My takeaway from this thread is that a lot of people have their own way of playing. Which is good, we aren't a hive mind yet.
  13. You have -not- experienced Praetorian until you experience it in it's original Klingon!
  14. I haven't done praetoria since live but it was my favorite leveling experience. I need to do it again so I can catch up with tunnel rat.
  15. I see Alex cross in the back there
  16. My black widow/Scarlet witch inspired character is a fortunate with red tinged powers I don't know how that helps your ae arc but might help your pcs.
  17. It's a good method to do when waiting on RP posts.
  18. The long kiss goodnight
  19. Reminds me of my old CO toon "Batdevil" a mix of two heroes.
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