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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. 'Beat me to it... This is something that's been happening since the Live days, so, no... It's not related to the AH changes made by the SCoRE folks. It's much older, whatever the issue actually is.
  2. The crafting and salvage side of the game is already complex enough. It doesn't need to be made even more-so. Also, be wary of strangling the rest of us in the process of trying to put a leash on the top-hats-and-monocles crowd.
  3. Sometimes theme trumps building to the meta. It's not dismissive to say that... Could the villain epics use some attention? Sure. But if you WANT to throw sharks at people in the meantime? Pick Leviathan and have at it... The City just isn't a game that really requires you to have a perfectly tuned and optimal build to be useful or successful. It just isn't. If your shark does a little less damage than Power X, it's not the end of the world. It's still damned cool-looking and perfectly thematic for your Captain Jaws character and that also has value. If it's buffed at some point? Excellent! In the meantime... You're still getting to THROW SHARKS AT PEOPLE. Which is both ludicrous and glorious, all else aside. 🤣 (And yes, I have a character with the Leviathan patron pool myself. I've also done Soul and Mu on a few. Scorpion? Not so much. It falls into the range of what I'd call "Useful but boring".)
  4. I'm actually not completely opposed to the idea of having to ping 50s occasionally to keep them, even though I did specifically finish leveling a few of my gang on a less-visited server just so I wouldn't have to worry about the issue. I just think it's funny that people STILL get testy, after all these years, over how other players choose to level their characters.
  5. Exactly... and not being a huge fan of marketplace shenanigans, I'd say that's a Good Thing. Even if it means you can't sell your Luck Charms for ridiculously inflated prices.
  6. Oh, I don't know... Those of us who dual-box with our own farmers leveling our own lowbies are still doing the work. Maybe not to your exacting standards, but we're still not exactly wandering off to make coffee while someone else smashes a boatload of goons. 😝
  7. Salvage isn't cheap because of the seeding... The seeded price is much higher than what it typically sells for, effectively giving us an "upper limit" on price that we never actually reach. Salvage is cheap because the supply that all of us players are adding every single day is large enough to meet demand, *and* consistently posted for far less than that seeded price.
  8. Yep. And in anticipation of the stated policy eventually going into effect, I went ahead and "finished" my little flock of bird-things over on Excelsior, getting them to 50 and all that, so I wouldn't have to worry about how often or how infrequently I make it back over to that server. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Neither does getting something that you know you want to keep to 22.
  9. Winter was transferred after, I think. It was the morning of the 1st, but something like around 8 or 9 AM Pacific.
  10. I suspect that the good/bad reference is in terms of inflation and the value of currency rather than anything to do with player interactions with each other in the social sense.
  11. Faultline used to be our go-to, though I don't remember exactly which arc anymore... It's been awhile.
  12. Hard no on open-zone PvP... Even if it's someone romping around as Recluse. <_<
  13. The most subtle coloring I've found is to pick the "Bright" option, and then select the top-row most far-left shade of grey. That won't get rid of the visual effects entirely, but they're a lot less noticeable than the default blue.
  14. Just on pure principle, I'm not a huge fan of the idea that we're all expected to be playing "City of Marketeers"... But I have no complaints with the auction house itself beyond the usual gripes about display bugs and transaction lag. Bucketing? Brilliant. Being able to pick regular or attuned versions of enhancements from the same stock? Also brilliant. Seeding to prevent Market PvP Shenanigans with certain salvage types? Thank you.
  15. Well, in fairness... Some of us *are* playing Vigs, Rogues and Villains
  16. They're not actually Arthurian descendants... They're basically Oranbegan... But two of my time-travelling, from-one-possible-far-future magic-types do use code names pulled from those legends. My technomancer, Olympia, goes by Code Merlin. Her grumpy Thorn Wielder field-partner, Morgan, is Code Mordred. (And yes. His scary-looking tech armor is all black. 😝) I can imagine a descendant-type character running across the two of them and doing a bit of a double-take. "Okay, you're magic types. But... tech-stuff, too. Sort-of. But... WaitAMinute. You said you're from Nova WHERE?"
  17. Again, if keeping the name actually matters to you, I really don't think that taking all of a minute every x-number of months to actually log on to it to ping the "active" meter is too much to ask. It's a good incentive for everyone to keep their number of "I'm going to play this... someday" reserved names to a reasonable number. (And for the record, I do have a few of those myself, so... Yeah. I get it. There's some inconvenience involved in having to bump them once in awhile. But it's not unreasonable.)
  18. Hybrids... Hybrid types are also A Thing. I'd look at a character like my own Ironhorse or Karnaim as an example of that. They're both sentient magic items. (Ironhorse is a Living Armor, so basically a golem. Karnie is the motive spirit of an aerial warship, animating its own figurehead.) As artifacts, they would be both innately magical things and an example of "granted power", having been enchanted by their respective creators. Something like an Animus Arcana might explain its origin in a similar way.... "I am a Spell. I'm made of magic! But it came from that Midnighter over here. She cast me. She's a sorceress." I'd wonder if most magician types weren't hybrids. too, by "City canon"... Supposedly mortal magicians from primal Earth are all descendants of the Mu to some degree. That makes them at least a little innately magical, though they may have to study to take advantage of it, putting them in your first set as well. My creepy Oranbegans are definitely in that camp... Being body-snatching arcane ghosts doesn't get them a pass on doing their homework. XD
  19. It's a generally kinder assumption than "They're ignoring my /tell because they can't be bothered to take half a minute of their precious time to answer".
  20. No. You've got it. I think that "OMG, YOU WON'T EVEREVEREVER GET THE NAME YOU SO OBVIOUSLY WANT TO TAKE ANYWAY!!"-thing is just an idea that the anti-release side of the argument has latched on to and keep repeating. Most of us do realize that there are no promises about what will get freed up and what won't.
  21. Not everything in the game needs to be an Influence sink.
  22. Bouncing around bashing Nemesis with my little cat-girl Snickerdoodles this afternoon, I found a very minor and humorous sound FX bug... When your female character has the Beast Run animation set as their default stance, jumping while in motion produces the usual and expected female voice sound effect. Jumping from a stand-still? You get the very deep and dudely "Rrrruh!" or "Hhhurrr!" male voice sound effect instead. Which sounds even more absurd than usual when it's coming from a tiny little black cat. 😝
  23. Eh. If they can make sure it'll work as-planned, I still say the original system proposed more than a year ago was fair, and not a bad way to go. But then, I know that "Name Campers" exist. And they annoy me enough on principle to think there should be something in place to discourage the practice on any substantial scale.
  24. It seemed pretty silly to me... petty even... and the supposed justification for the decision wasn't the most convincing. But I assume that this was someone's personal lore-related bug-bear, so likely long odds against it changing. 😝
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