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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. You absolutely CAN perma Patron Pets... but for most characters it takes a pretty serious investment. You basically have to go all-in on the global recharge, in a very serious way. (That's how I did it with my favorite Stalker's Adept partner back-in-the-day) And then you have to invest in keeping them alive... Which also may not be trivial if you're dealing with, oh, let's say a glass cannon of a Mu who doesn't know that he really shouldn't float right into melee with exploding Warhulks. (You don't want to know how many times Cardinal did exactly that. 'Not so bright, that guy.<_<) But, anyway. What you want is already at least mostly a possibility. It just takes some build engineering with that as your specific focus.
  2. I've never had a spreadsheet... I do have a thread, though, down in the Roleplayer's forum. Currently, I have 60 characters in total... Most are on Everlasting. A few are on Excelsior. 58 are on my main account. My two farmers are alone on my secondary account. All but one (My rakshasa Illusion Controller; the most recent creation-) are finished and incarnated 50s. I tend to solo or run duo/trio/small-team on all but my support types. Those guys and gals spend their lives on mid-level PUG teams and TFs, since that's the part of the game where support is needed and useful. I have "serial altitis"... Meaning I don't start a new character until I've finished the previous addition to the crew, so I rarely have more than one 'in progress' at any given time. It bugs the ever-living heck out of me to leave *anything* sitting around incomplete, and City toons are no exception. I do play with all of them, though, complete or on-the-way.
  3. I wouldn't say most of them are there for ERP... Not on Everlasting, at least. Most "BarP" seems to be tamer than that. They're more like people playing "City of Dating Sims". 😝
  4. I think of the more cheeseball bits as a feature rather than a bug... Horror-style stories that come up in the middle of regular, not-Horror-as-a-genre comics titles usually tend to be on the cheesy side. DA matches that tone pretty well... Rather or not that was intentional? I have no clue. But then, I have no idea if the comics writers do that intentionally or not, either, so... again... it seems fitting.
  5. My two farmers are the only characters of mine who auction off Uncommons... so I checked both. Alas, neither Harry nor Sunni ended up being the ones you bought from. 😦 If it helps any, mistakes like that are sadly common. We've pretty much all done it a time or two, so you're in good company. If sad. And poorer afterwards.
  6. I was seriously going to learn to fly fish... I really wanted to try it... But then I found out that our rivers up here in the Pacific Northwest contain lampreys. Which I am, no joke, absolutely unreasonably terrified of. They just squick me RIGHT THE HELL OUT. The idea of one latching on to me, even in waders, scared the crap out of me. So, no fly fishing for the dancing coyote. Because... lampreys. 🤣
  7. The DA arcs are all good fun... I'm fond of both the big dust-up at the end of Dream Doc's arc where everyone and their Titan mech shows up to the party and that "Go beat up that entire monster army. With or without help."-business. XD
  8. The easiest way to find out is to try to make characters with those names... The game will tell you rather or not they're available.
  9. I've never been able to get a Warshade to 50. I've tried. I really, really have. I just hate the way they play. XP
  10. Allow me to introduce you guys to this: This Person Does Not Exist That's an excellent resource for faces (I've used it to generate NPCs for my tabletop games-) that doesn't involve nabbing a real person's likeness.
  11. The whole Staff Melee set feels really whiffy to me... I know damage is being done and all that. I can see the numbers... But... Yeah. It seems like my character is doing a huge amount of just flailing around. Street on the other hand? I love how "Oh, owie. THAT looked painful." the set is. Mace likewise. They may not objectively be The Best as far as damage sets go, but everything they do just looks like being smacked with a sack of bricks. ETA: And yeah. Water's Geyser attack is great for that, too. Even the similar, smaller AoE attack is satisfying. And Mighty... Oh, how I love Mighty. XD
  12. I ❤️ the Long Range Teleport... but already knew that. It's so, so much better than having to wait for my base to load, and only needing one accolade and one badge from each zone isn't a huge time investment, even with a long list of characters. That said, my favoring it over any other travel option DOES still mean that it's regularly still on cool-down when I want to use it again. Yes, there are other options. Yes, I could hit a base portal or a P2W transporter or something. But I'd rather use the LRT. So... I'd still push for making the recharge equal to the Ouro Portal's rather than the current duration. With that one change? It would be perfect.
  13. When I'm soloing on one of my Stalkers, I always try to "ghost assassin" any rooms that have multiple groups... That is to say, I try to eliminate each group in turn, clearing the entire room, without being made by anyone but the goons I'm currently targeting. That's easier said than done with some rooms and some factions.
  14. It would make a few of my mages grin if Ermeeth were to just wander back in some day, look around at the Circle's current state of body-snatching ghostliness and say "What the devil have you lot done now? I swear. 'Turn my back for a few thousand years and you end up in THIS MESS..." I can totally see him going all Exasperated Parent on them... 😝
  15. Yeah... Whatever set of goons have the misfortune of being outside and nearest the door tend to have a really, really Bad Day when that happens to one of my characters. It doesn't even matter who or what they are. They're going to get flattened. It's just the principle of the thing.
  16. I really depends a lot on the individual character for me... Some of the gang really needed to be "finished", with their full set-builds and all of their iToys and their accolades and all that, before I felt completely satisfied and comfortable with the way they played. My favorite non-farming Brute was like that. Semnai is certainly playable, and handles just fine at lower levels, but she really came into her own post-50. That's where I'm happiest running her, and at this point she's earned more vet levels than any of the others by a pretty wide margin, almost all from high-level play. Others? They were fine by the mid-30's and getting to 50+ was just icing. Most of my support characters are in that camp, and even though they are all finished, incarnated and equipped characters now, they still live their in-game lives mostly running exemplar-ed with mid-level teams. That's where they're needed and that's what I built them to do. If I was a little less picky about how my character list looked (And had a less compulsive drive to complete the things I start-), I could probably have level-locked them all at 37 and left them there with their attuned set-builds and been perfectly content with them. The only part of the game I actively DISlike at this point is the low-level, under-32 slog. I'll short-cut past that with zero regrets. It just flat-out isn't fun for me at this point, blues-side, red-side or gold-.
  17. Word. If this was a "last game on Earth" situation, though? I'd keep one of the two Stalker versions of my main... Kaikara/White Thorn is KM/Bio and great fun to play. If I could keep two? Ivory would be my second choice. She's a Time/Dark Defender. But... yeah. I'd miss the rest of my gang more than enough to be ticked off about losing them.
  18. Name: Paws for Reflection Character Type: Illusion/Nature Controller Server: Everlasting Level: 50 Alignment: Hero Classification: Assorted Magical Beings The Details: Just your ordinary rakshasa, trying to make a living in the big city. More fashionable and better versed in the etiquette of human society than her lupine partner or his unruly pack of hairy minions, Lakshmi sincerely hopes that she won't have to threaten anyone with a rolled-up newspaper... but hasn't entirely dismissed the possibility. (Paws for Reflection is half of a static duo. She runs with Paws for Effect, a Beasts/Electric Mastermind.)
  19. I'm generally okay with the words myself, but Zag has a point... My middle nephew is playing the game these days and he's both young and from a pretty conservative (in the American cultural sense-) and pretty sheltered background. I'm not sure its something that he (Or his mum, who's also playing with us-) would really be comfortable with. (I mean, we're talking about a kid here who insists on calling the Hellions something different because "Hell is a bad word". 🤣 ) It's good to keep in mind that not only do adult people have different standards, but also that not everyone wandering around the City is quite as worldly and grown-up as actual grown-ups.
  20. What I typically do is check my "spare parts" bins first, then hit the AH to try to pick up anything I'm missing. I set middling bids for those pieces and check back every few days, and most of the time they'll fill within a reasonable time frame. If a couple of weeks have passed and something still hasn't filled, I'll grab an extra of the least expensive available piece of the AT type I'm collecting and play Converter Bingo. Typically, I only have to do that with one or two, so not a huge converter investment. I don't go the "Buy a pack and turn the Spider's Bite into a Brute's Fury"-route unless every single piece in either AT set is missing or over 10m and looking like it's to going to stay that way for awhile. If I was part of the rolling-in-billions Tophat Crowd rather than just a "poor relation" farmer? I'm not sure if I would do things differently. It just seems silly to me on principle to throw more than 10m at an ATO, even if I could basically do it with pocket change.
  21. That right there? That's absolutely terrible. 😝 I've had some real duds from time to time, but nothing quite THAT bad.
  22. Converters are cheap and unless your luck is absolutely awful, you'll still come out ahead.
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