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Everything posted by FUBARczar

  1. that was pointless. They describe the same thing. Your glass-is-half-full approach still describes a set that before the buff power is accessible does not compare favorably to its peers. Or if one for whatever reason wanted to skip the power. What's more that "amazing buff" spills over and in an imbalanced way (because the buff is so amazing) applies to Power and Epic Pool powers that are not balanced around Rage like the mostly low performing powers in the SS set..
  2. One main argument that I see is that Super Strength is balanced, and it's balanced around Rage. So Rage is working more or less as intended because it buffs the set to appreciable and competitive levels when compared to other sets. Fine, one set has to be number 1 and one hast to be last, and if SS is in the middle all is well right? Well if would be except Rage is overpowered to increase the viability of the set which only has two good attack powers. That means that the overpowered Rage is not balanced when considering powers taken from Power and Epic pools. So that's yet another highlight of how Rage is broken, because it is not balanced concerning powers outside of the Super Strength set.
  3. No the attacks in the set as a whole is terrible, which is why the best buff in any melee set only raises the set to a middle of the pack status.
  4. It's not fixating on the negative. It's pointing out that the power and the set is not balanced. You are fixated in calling everyone fixated. Rage does apply a buff greater than any other buff power in Melee sets hands down. And yet the set still is only in the middle of the pack. Thanks for highlighting how terrible the set is that even with the best buff it's still just ok. What's more, it points out how crap the set is until you reach at least lvl 29 on Tanks. That's over half the levels the set languishes pretty much at the bottom only to get a power that's overpowered to make up for the crap performance of the powers. Not to mention when you first start using it and you don't have high defenses, good IO bonuses, all your powers, etc. that penalty is often e death inducing. Oh wait you have inspirations. So the Crash to balance the buff is so broken that you have to rely on inspirations? It's unbalanced and bad design on every level.
  5. no one is saying that it has to be number one. What they are saying is the Set should be balanced without slapping some lazy and steep penalty on at the end. The crash doesn't fit the theme of the set and is of poor design. The rage crash was implemented as a nerf without taking the time to look at the set as a whole and rework the set as needed.
  6. no they are not because they are super strong, it is what they do. And their feats are not so great seeing as how it's a middle of the pack set.
  7. the penalty is the opposite of the theme of the set. The set isn't Frenzy, it's not Adrenaline Rush, it's not Berserker, etc. The set is Super Strength and becoming super weak and vulnerable is the exact opposite of Super Strength. And don't forget it is still a poorly designed power in an unbalanced set.
  8. Was it though? Was there a Crash originally? When did they introduce the End crash? After that there was the lazy 10 second PIS crash which could be countered with double stacking, And then they made it unresistable. Well Archery, Fire Blast, etc. have access to perma Soul Drain in addition to Aim...so yeah they kind of do. Also Martial Arts has Eagle's Claw which gives a damage bonus, and Storm Kick with +def. Wow a set that doesn't debuff itself. And like someone else said sets like War Mace, Martial Arts, etc. don't suck w/o their dmg boosters. All of this points to the terrible design of the current state of Rage. Rage has nothing to do with Super Strength as a concept, the crash is the antithesis of Super Strength, and it is just bad design for the set and for a power. The current Rage was a lazy quick fix for the set. Which is sad because of the iconic nature of SS in the Super Hero genre. Edit Don't forget perma Soul Drain on Dark Melee and double and triple stacked Follow Up in Claws.
  9. I don't think anyone is saying that there aren't also other concerns, but the thread is titled "Rebuilding rage."
  10. If we should ignore Rage, then why are you commenting on it? go start a post about the hit or miss system.
  11. Yeah and it's a great option, just like the updated Targeting Drone for Blasters. An alternate choice to build up.
  12. no you selectively quote while not looking at the entire post and argue against things that were not said with the meaning in which you selectively frame them.
  13. it wasn't about being selective of points of interest. It was basically editing via selective quoting to basically take the quote out of context as the reply ignored the bigger picture of the post the quote was selected from. And so because there are worse offenders than Rage in your opinion we should ignore Rage's unbalanced state?
  14. lol so basically forget 6 of 9 powers in SS because they are crap and dip into power pools and Epics so you can have a good chain.
  15. Umm yes of course I get that. That's what all the talk is about is how manic depressive Rage is and how it is antithetical to Super Strength. The set is unbalanced and so is it's unique power. Did you not read above about how the Buff is ridiculous and the powers in the set suffer because Rage was broken and the fix didn't fix it it just broke it in a different way.
  16. lol you should name yourself king of selective reading or quoting. It points directly to it being as @Snarky called it manic depressive. Rage is wildly unbalanced and inserting an extreme crash doesn't make it balanced. It was just a lazy half A attempt at a fix. It's funny how many people defend bad design. Is it just because it's the status quo? Do they feel like people are attacking the Devs and they must heroically defend them?
  17. I wasn't just comparing 1 power (T5s). Go ahead and compare the whole sets. Even with SS's MASSIVE Damage buff (that everyone uses to justify a Hard Crash) is SS the king of sets? 2nd? 3rd? No it isn't because the set isn't really balanced and Rage is stupid broken not just because of the antithetical-to-Super-Strength Crash but also because of it crazy buffs which allow for stupid things such as not slotting for accuracy. Read above there are many ways in which the set is not balanced and Rage is stupid broken.
  18. lol, unlike you with your tiny snippet of a quote I am taking the big picture into view. But go ahead and fixate on only a couple of words I said.
  19. you are making the case for how stupid broken Rage is. I know people who only slot their powers with procs. That's right, ZERO accuracy because they just rely on double stacked Rage, and that way the Rage crash doesn't really affect their damage output. That is a case in point IMO of how stupid the current state of SS and Rage is in the game.
  20. It's not fixating. It's pointing out how stupid the logic of have 1) a rage crash and 2) have the power be called rage at all. Neither fit the theme of Super Strength. And just because it provides a wild buff 90% is not a good argument that the power is good or balanced. IMO you are making a case that the power is not well balanced, and the disconnect of rage crash from having Super Strength makes it broken. Which is why I said they should just call the power after some sort of PIS (plot induced stupidity).
  21. It works they same either way because it does no damage. It's an ancient power from a long long time ago that the game has left in it's dust. It leaves the set in dire need for a good attack until level 20. And hmm let's compare Hand Clap to other T5 Attacks...Whirling Hands, Parry, Siphon Life, Psi Blade Sweep, Ripper, Eye of the Storm, etc. Hand Clap is the bottom of the barrel. Same goes for 6 out of 9 powers in SS (and one of the other 3 is broken). Oh and I bet you defended Frozen Aura doing no damage too back in the day too.
  22. Hurl is fine as a ST range attack. But...what about that useless crap called Hand Clap. But then again the players that love Hand Clap would cry, but then again they are probably the same ones that like to use Brawl and miss Bruising. At the very lest it be made into a Sonic Attack that does -Resist. And your Rage suggestion doesn't change the fact that becoming weak for no legit reason has anything to do with possessing Super Strength. The way Rage currently exists is anti-Super Strength, it's I am so Strong I become weak because I don't actually have super strength I just get super mad and them super tired. lulz edit: Several of those SS numbers are mine, so count them as unplayable.
  23. But there is another Super Hero ability, Hope. Just Like Superman with Super Strength, Superman's House of El symbol means Hope. People still hope for a good resolution.
  24. A think this is very common that people do not pick SS because of Rage, instead they pick it despite Rage. I think most pick SS because it's SS and screams Superhero. Name's have meaning and Super Strength draws people to it. Which is weird that someone with Super Strength becomes Super Weak with a Rage Crash, it's antithetical to possessing Super Strength. They should just rename Rage to Wait-for-it,-Here-Comes-Kryptonite or I-Can't-Hold-My-Bladder or something else to reflect the weakness it inevitably causes. Having Super Strength is not a product of rage, it's a characteristic of the character. And that is why Rage should be reworked and renamed. The best outcome IMO would be a set not balanced around a broken rage. Personally I like a the idea of a toggle because Super Strength should always be strong. I would call it something such as Unrestrained.
  25. fire/fire blaster isn't very much of a Blanker. IMO /MC, /EM, /Temporal or /Mental would be much better. That said, I don't see any SR yet? And very little SS... I handle everything with my Bio/TW but if I need to be a Tanker's Tank then I grab my SD/DM (although I'd probably make a SD/Rad instead today).
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