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Everything posted by FUBARczar

  1. I would say that these are the absolutely necessary: Electrified Net Arrow, Upshot, Eagle Eye, & Gymnastics. Oil Slick Arrow's potential damage would be a shame to miss. Glue arrow is meh and only useful if soloing perhaps for control purposes, or similar reason. Everything else is unnecessary.
  2. I was thinking that Shockwave is that good, but fine, Just Move spine and MA down one
  3. A continuation of my thoughts above... My personal top choices to pair with /Dark are: Dual Pistols Electrical Fire Ice Radiation Water
  4. I'll say this about Dark Manipulation. Similar to Mental Manipulation it is a set of extremes, great and famine so to speak. If one builds for Perma-Soul_Drain and plays a lot of +x/8 then no other Blaster can match the DMG output of /Dark. If one is soloing an AV or Pylon then its probably going to come out on the bottom end, although it still has really good attacks. But c'mon in the end ,do Blaster's have any bad secondaries? IMO /Dark is top tier, because I am a blapper that plays everything at +4/8. But one has to get up close and personal to reach the maximum potential of the set.
  5. Eagle's Claw is not for style, it's for ST Dmg/DPS. Remind me which attacks in DP/Martial have better DPA than Eagle's Claw?
  6. Lol πŸ˜‚ @Nemu if you don't want toggle and forget additional DPS then by all means skip Voltaic Sentinel. So for anyone interested in a second opinion, don't skip Voltaic Sentinel.
  7. Wait... What? People skip VS? Why not skip Ball Lightning and Zapp too? /E facepalm
  8. Interesting, but Devices can be strong. Because one of the best blaster times for Pylon testing is Fire/Devices. I think it's #1 for blasters...
  9. @Erratic1 yeah what didn't you like? The truth or the suggestion?
  10. Of you think brutes are bad off go run an MM on s hardmode ITF. πŸ˜‚ But seriously, Brutes are not that bad off. They could just use a little love. Thinking off the cuff here, something like having their base defense numbers split the difference with tanks and scrappers. Better than a scrapper defensively when solo but less than a tank. And perhaps keep the same relative damage cap in real numbers with a smidge better base number. IDK, I don't think they need much at all, just a little somethin' somethin'.
  11. I don't understand you folk, but I still sympathize with you.
  12. Shouldn't he be named Limited Man, as obviously you are limiting him to SOs?
  13. @Linea do you have an 801 Rated List? You should put together a recommendation list on what you think it would take (Buff-wise) for every set to achieve at least an 801.9 or even 10 rating.
  14. Until they Rularuu us , then ITF >>Shadow Shard Especially with the hardmode ITF that didn't exist back when you posted. Otherwise, πŸ‘
  15. Secondaries: Shield, SR and Invln are better than everything in B and are arguably A tier. SD is sturdy, buffs team, has a dmg buff and adds a good AoE attack. SR is the most build flexible powerset. Built right SR is A tier. Invulnerability is tanky just like the set's roots are. Stalker Ninjitsu needs to drop a tier. It is a paper thin armor set. I would easily take WP, radiation or dark over Ninjitsu any day. Ninjitsu definitely needs the scrapper/sentinel version.
  16. Primaries: Electrical is B tier, it's ST is still low as it lacks a strong ST attack outside of what every set gets, AS and Snipe. Claws is probably C tier but the bigger loss than Spin is replacing follow up with build up, and the change in Eviscerate from a 90Β° Cone to ST. Radiation maybe should drop one tier it's just disappointing.
  17. They just don't have enough HP, even lots of players get one-shotted so there is no fix on the players end. Maybe entering hardmode should level shift pets to 50+1 (at least the main pet) just like players and they should get a HP buff.
  18. I just never move my settings really, so I was lead and set at +4/8
  19. So if I had to do some Power Ranking... Top Min/Max Secondaries for Dual Pistols: 1- Darkness > Soul Drain 2- Atomic > +++Recharge, Beta Decay 3- Temporal > +Recharge, Stun Protection, Future Pain 4-6- Martial, Mental, Ninja (ABC order) Top IT-Factor (Style, Theme, QoL, etc.) Seconderies (That happen to also be awesome performers): 1- Ninja and Martial Combat 3- Temporal (IDK DP/Time just screams Judge Anderson, Cable, or some time cop, etc. to me)
  20. Yeah I hate that about tactical Arrow, that it has knockback protection but is made for range. I wish that that knockback protection was in ninja training instead. And it even makes more sense to have that knock back protection in ninja training.
  21. And FYI, the Master ITF channel team a 2-Star kill most style ITF that was all 54s (it doesn't auto lower the level?) with 1 tank 1 Corr (a Kin) and 6 Blasters in 50 mins with very minimal deaths and no team wipes. So it can be done. Also it was the first time for a couple members on hard mode
  22. Personally I'll be using what I already have, which at the highest levels all will need support anyhow. So depending on the team I will play one of these if I am tanking: SD/DM SR/SS or SR/Claws Bio/TW or Bio/SS WP/Rad Or even Fiery Aura/Energy Melee because I am bad a$$ and it has RoP so I can pop right back up 😜 And I think that's all my currently IOd tanks.
  23. I think Fiery Aura is the best choice. Just saying..... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  24. IDK I've done two or three star all Blaster and all Dom hard mode ITFs. So if they can do it I'm sure that brutes can too. Perhaps we could all improve our aggro management skills. That said I do agree that brutes need some TLC because I too would rather tank or scrap, depending on the job, than brute.
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