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Everything posted by megaericzero

  1. I'm not here to appeal to authority; I'm just voicing my thoughts or opinions. I do think it's a mistake for reasons others and I have already gone over - it's counter to team play and support sets should not be useable as pseudo armor sets. If this change were implemented, I'd still think it's incorrect. Even if it's to throw a bone to soloing, I think keeping the door shut to prevent the potential problems to groups is more important. Don't get me wrong. I hate aggressively Gaigaxian design too. I just don't think a support being largely unable to buff themself is a paradigm to shift. It's a fairly standard practice, at least in the games that I've played. I think it's sensible both in lore and mechanically. As for disclaimers, I'm with you but I don't think it's as profound a point as you do? Like, yeah, players should be fully informed before they make decisions. I can see more warnings integrated into descriptions such as Energy Melee saying "Energy Melee offers more single-target damage but has less AOE than other sets" (last I played with this set was before the update so maybe this has changed?) or Controllers saying "the most powerful foes (EBs, AVs, GMs) may be nearly impossible for you to lock down on your own."
  2. Protecting people from themselves is in reference to them being able to build bad habits - to lose sight of what a support set does and try to use it as an armor set. Even if allowing them to do it solo, it opens up the possibility to do it on teams - mistake or not. The best way to prevent something from happening is to make it physically impossible. >reduce the effectiveness when cast on self To discourage the behavior, it would have to cut the values so much it wouldn't even be worth casting on yourself anymore anyway. Then we start the slippery slope of "but Time/Dark/etc. doesn't lose effectiveness!" which puts us right back here. >only let people use it solo or on small teams then Then people complain that they're being punished for teaming because it locks them out of self-buffing.
  3. Or when the option opens up the possibility for players to neglectfully use the powers when the existing standard prevents that. Sometimes you have to protect players from themselves. If you want support sets to have a disclaimer that they may not be ideal for soloing or new players, I'm one-hundred percent game. Heck - put it in big, red letters. There's an entire category - shared by five archetypes - that specialize in buffing yourself. Now if only there was an armor set for people who wanted healing/regeneration-based survivability and mez protection for themself, maybe even with a little extra recovery...
  4. Alright cool; thanks for clearing that up. I can agree with this. I teased with the Monster Hunter example but that was under the impression you were opposed to integrated weapons outright. The War Machine thing was just to help me further understand where you stand on things. Given the costume creator can hide options - and presumably show but, you know, SCR - based on things you've already selected (I think it's one of the Tech Knight belts that hides all capes and vice versa?), you could feasibly have an "integrated" weapon option that is normally not displayed and have fitting costume pieces for respective weapons flagged to show the option. So in a mechanical sense "invisible weapons" but in practice only when the model has the right substitute active.
  5. Given multiple invisible weapons threads have popped up in the last couple of weeks, I want to make sure I understand the point of contention. Is it that you don't consider non-weapon costume pieces suitable substitutes for true weapon models (eg: pirate hooks for claws or thick gloves for assault/beam rifle) and/or weapon sets have to have distinct weapon models - even as integrated weapons - that can't just be part of the normal costume options and/or you feel weapon sets should be distinct from bodily-integrated weapons (eg: War Machine isn't assault rifle, he's "Arsenal Blast")? (I'm not trying to trap you with the A/B/C options. I just figure it's probably one or more of the above. If I've completely misunderstood, my bad.)
  6. Always sign me up for the gun sets to have this kind of customization. 👍
  7. Turning those buffs to AOE was purely a convenience and time-saving thing. They still don't affect the caster. If you feel that support is a thankless job then support probably isn't for you. Allowing ally-only buffs to be used on yourself would only open up people to losing sight of what support does. Imagine an empath saying they always need Fort and AB for themself so they can survive and heal better.
  8. FWIW the Interface Slot says hi. Just that you have to get to 50 first.
  9. Y-yes. That's why it's called electricity?
  10. Slow day at work. I'd like to take a crack at this eco-friendly recycling. Gun Kata (assault set - AKA Urban Assault) You are a master of gun-fu, combining firearms and hand-to-hand combat. You have a variety of attacks that deal smashing and lethal damage at your disposal. 1. Pistols (Ranged) Foe Minor Damage (Lethal) 2. Heavy Blow (Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), Chance to Knockdown 3. Rib Cracker (Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), -Resistance, -Damage 4. Dual Wield (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), Chance for Knockdown 5. Reach for the Limit [Auto] Self +PROC (Self Chance for +Damage, Chance for +To Hit) 6. Sweeping Cross (Melee Cone) Foe High Damage (Smashing), Chance to Disorient 7. Spinning Strike (Melee AOE) Foe High Damage (Smashing), Chance to Knockdown 8. Piercing Rounds (Ranged Cone) Foe High Damage (Lethal), -Resistance 9. Executioner's Shot (Ranged) Foe High Damage (Lethal), Chance for Knockback (I'd avoid the addition of Swap Ammo or combos since this set is only half of one and half of another.)
  11. Generally speaking, you wouldn't put an AOE immobilize in the Controller and Dominator masteries. I'm guessing it's a quirk related to ArCon not having the usual immobilize that a control set has so this is to let them have one by pairing the control and mastery together, which has the added effect of allowing other controllers to have a second AOE immobilize for containment? In which case, neat.
  12. Looks like paragonwiki doesn't but links to cohtitan at the bottom of the page which does.
  13. I think what Sovera is saying is that having that option in such an introductory Primal Earth story arc might lead new players to believe more (Primal) content will have those kinds of choices when a majority of (Primal) content is pre-Going Rogue design and therefore won't. That and/or having such an extreme option for a low-level hero given you're not going to do that to other villains later who are arguably more unforgivable. It's understandable in that the live devs were probably going to add more stuff like that to lower level content in future updates back then but, since we've been stuck for a decade with only those few new pieces with GR's style writing, it stands out quite a lot compared to how a lot of pre-30-ish content will actually be on Primal Earth.
  14. Remember those Mac vs PC-style parodies they did to advertise the game back on live that used the PS1-era solution of swapping in alternate face textures to "animate" the face? Just a funny thought - looking like Mega Man Legends. -- The disappearing eyelids solution sounds good until they don't move or scale properly with face sliders and end up appearing on the cheeks or brow. Also the mental visual of the continued blank stare but with occasional blinking sounds funny. Like the lights are on but nobody's home.
  15. I could see displaying recharge in seconds. It's a real-world metric everyone knows and has a feel for. Damage, though, not so much. A power can do 1,234 damage but a new player has no idea if enemies usually have 12 health or 12 billion health. The actual damage number increases as you level too. Damage scale is similarly problematic; you avoid the number changing with level but new players don't have a frame of reference for what that scale relates to. (Don't get me wrong. An option to display numbers like Lockely said, sure, but default it to "off" at the start.) Personally, I like the [Minor, Moderate, High, Extreme] scale because it gives an at-a-glance idea of what to expect from a power. (Dunno if Jimmy is being silly but, assuming they're serious, I'd prefer the words over visualizations; counting x-out-of-y was always slower for my brain than just recognizing text.)
  16. ^ This. All the existing NPCs either already have an archetype because sentinel didn't exist until after live ended or just read as anything but sentinel because NPCs just generally don't get many armor powers unless their attacks are mostly melee to begin with.
  17. What the other two said - a sentinel rep, sure, but either a new character or at least someone who already seemingly has blast/armor. I'm probably biased because my main back on live was Mind/FF.
  18. Er, sure. I more meant lower arms (and hands) in general. Wrist-blasters, arm-mounted cannons, gun-gauntlets, literal finger-guns, etc.
  19. We definitely talked about it in a thread several months ago. Dunno who else might've brought it up. Shoulder makes sense. Wrist in this case, though - that's the snag here. Any of the tech options and many other large gauntlets fit fine just adding muzzle flares to the hands. Same with the claws suggestion in the OP - the pirate hooks are perfectly fine stand-ins for claws. It's coming up with a list of (ultimately arbitrary) gloves options that work for non-weapon weapons - AR, claws, or otherwise - or any other convoluted workaround that'll be troublesome.
  20. Gonna throw this out there again just to tease: Monster Hunter had a no-model dual blades option specifically so your character looks like they're doing crazy bare-handed combat. 😜 Now as a serious response: a suggestion that comes back up from time to time - and popped up again recently in a thread but I forget which - is giving assault rifle a no-weapon option that comes from your wrists since hi-tech/power armor and exotic/cyborg weapons exist.
  21. Very much these. Also tooltips listing both mez protection and mez resistance as resistance.
  22. The God of War screenshot was just the first one that popped out to me to send as an example. I believe that type of camera is usually referred to as over-the-shoulder? It's prominent in modern third-person shooters. (Dunno that I'd use it myself but +1 to the request; it's a solid viewport choice.)
  23. I think nzer is asking for the ability to shift the camera so your character is to one side of the screen. eg: (just grabbing the first screenshot I find on google)
  24. This is reminding me of the time back on live where dedicated teams complained monsters were too easy so the devs put another zero at the end of the monster base regen value and the regular folk couldn't beat them anymore so they reverted it. Your suggestion isn't so intense but if it's aimed at the people who say things are too easy then do something to meet them closer to their ceiling instead of raising the floor on everyone.
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