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Everything posted by jkwak

  1. this solution would be perfect, tbh i doubt its a thing which happens often but when it happens it is a problem. although notes you put on people are stored locally... but thats a problem on it self and i doubt the Homecoming devs cat do anything about that
  2. a pop up warning might work to. there are already messages in the chat window for some interactions if a player is ignoring you, so the "purpose" of having people not know you are ignoring them is allready defeated edit: alternativelly give the Leader the popup so they can decide what to do, but that will drag outsiders in some drama they dont want to be part off
  3. i dont kbow if its technically possible but it would be really helpfull if you cant join a team if someone in the Team has you on ignore and vise versa, same for leagues. it makes working as a team really hard if people dont get each others messages and you cant even give them inspiration they need. there is always a reason to put people on Ignore and i dont argue that but then they shouldnt be able to be in the same team. you already cant invite people who got you on ignore if you are the leader sooo its just a small quality of life improvement upon that
  4. is it time to ask for custom Pets again? please Devs give us custom MM pets😢
  5. Actually i have an E-Girl Villain, she live streams all her crime, even worse she has viewers vote on variouse things like what to do with hostages, how cruel or mercyfull she is with enemies or what crime she does next, it can dependend on the people i RP with go incredible dark or incredible silly and nonsensical, her fans demands can go from "kidnap cats and put them in trees" to "go on a murder spree"
  6. i have read all this. And what i really want to do is making a humanoid reptile with fake wings and delusion of grandure who claims to be some kind of dragongod, while IC the character isnt even a dragon as bonus keep it bellow lvl 10 and have the character claim they can Solo Hami. sorry not constructive
  7. i m looking for a basebuilder to, i have some inf 😥
  8. makes sense for SGs which often host things like Costume Contests
  9. if you are going this route maybe Troll kids children of trolls and Hellion teens born to a Hellion and a Girlfriend from Hell
  10. nope thunderspy has implemented it as part of the UI
  11. Definetly, yes i would think so, yes there are a couple of SGs and individual players who do so and many are happy joining such teams, one of our resident catgirls is regulary seen in LFG holding up signs to recruite for sub lvl 50 story missions for exampel but dont get me wrong many still Power lvl to 50 and do such lower lvl missions by joining others or by going thru Ouro, which means places like Praetoria are still almost empty
  12. stupid thought and i dont know how this would work but can everything that isnt a famr be Devs choice then? or a category for "not a farm" would require some more moderation or honesty of people but this could do it. i dont want to go thru an almost impossible to beat AE mission and dont get any XP towards vet levels especially if its a really long one and i could get a 100 merits outside in the same time.
  13. just a thought but could there be some way to excempt characters from the renaming? idk maybe give player like a way to protect a small handfull of characters without leveling them up i have a couple of low level character i only play once every couple of weeks, they are recognized in RP though and someone snatching there names because i didnt use that character for 2 weeks, or used and Alt version of the character, would be a really bad thing to happen. (also some bad eggs will definetly try to snatch names of characters which are recognized in RP)
  14. so i told Liv i want to write those events from the point of view of Living Fire Hazard, who not only has Fire Powers but also used to be one of his Students. i got his ok so here it is Catching Fire Spring 2004 Lisa was dropped of by her father at the Paragon City High School in Steel Canyon „and remember what i told you about your powers“ he says to her. Lisa sighs and quotes her father a bit annoyed „don't use your power, they hurt us even if i don't see or feel it” her father smiles “allright, I love you have fun at school”, Lisa just waves a bit embarrassed by the public show of affection even though probably none of the other Students have heard him. She makes her way inside the school, banners congratulating those students who would graduate where hanging everywhere, many of the Students she came across shared there plans for the summer or there future after graduating. One of Lisas classmates waves at her “Lisa, Lisa, over here” Lisa runs over “hey Martin, whatsup?”. Martin gives her a friendly hug “Some of us want to go skate at the Mall this evening and celebrate the end of the school year, you coming to?”. Lisa frowns, she burned her board, she literally burned it, but that's not something she could say “I, kinda, need a new board, anyway did you see Mr. McRae I need to ask him something” another voice from behind them chimes in “haha, you still have a crush on our teacher” Lisa turns around “SHUT IT MARIE, ITS ABOUT OUR HOMEWORK FOR THE SUMMER BR…..” the conversation was cut short. Suddenly students where running and screaming everywhere before heavy armed Soldiers in Malta Uniforms appeared around a Corner one of which yells at the students and shoots a couple of rounds in to the air “ALRIGHT YOU BRATS, YOU WILL DO WHAT WE TELL YOU AND THIS WILL BE OVER SOON”. Students and Teachers, Janitorial staff and everyone who was at the school got slowly guided in to the Gym no one dared to run anymore. Lisa thought about using her powers but her parents made her promise to not use them and besides those guys are not candles, some school assignment she is nervous about or a skateboard, they have guns and she only has warmth. Lisa sat between all the other Students in the Gym, hands behind her head, she wanted to ask “why us” but didn’t dare to ask, she still played with the thought of using her Powers, but what where they good for. One of the Malta Agents spoke up, there leader, she didn’t really listen she was way to focused on her own bad day than to listen, he would probably just tell them he is the one in charge. “Did he just say his name is Maroon-5” Martin was sitting next to her and whispered in her ear which made her smile and calm a bit down, always the class clown even in a situation like this. One of the Malta Agents must have heard it and walked up to them but the Science Teacher, Mr. Niewendyke, spoke up which was a lucky distraction from Martins bad timed joke “Wait, please, just wait!” he cried, Lisa had never seen one of her Teachers cry like that “They're just children! They don't…” his sentence cut short, he was knocked out cold with a riffle, Lisa couldn’t see it form her position but it sounded really bad. What happened next would change her forever, there suddenly was this heat and fire, first she thought it was her doing but then she realized, it couldn’t be her, this fire was different, hotter than fire, hungrier than fire and angrier than fire. Then she saw it a human figure made up of this fire shooting the Malta agents with flames while flying around with grace and high speed. Her eyes where fixated on that person that “Living Fire” no it was more than Fire, she would know, that person must be “Living magic-fire” or maybe even “Living Hellfire” what ever that fire was one thing was sure for her she wanted to be just like this person, rescuing everyone with a destructive force like fire, fire just like hers all be it much hotter. It took 4 other Students to drag Lisa away from her spot when people where evacuating the scene and explosions happened, Lisa kept staring at the flying fire person until it disappeared, everyone assumed she was scarred and in shock but the truth is she was inspired.
  15. Homecoming isnt the only server i play on though and the Homecoming Launcher only launches Homecoming, which is okay if you only play on homecoming
  16. sry for grave digging an old thread but i like to give my opinion to this. if you abandon Tequila by making those Manifests not work anymore you basically make any launcher unusuable for Homecoming which is not the Homecoming launcher (Sunrise, CreamSoda, Sweet Tea, Island Rum and all those other Launchers which are currently in development) which is kind of a kick in the ass for people who like to play on other servers to, because it requires you to have to seperate launchers. Dont get me wrong Homecoming is great but not the only great server out there
  17. Arachnos Propaganda is strong though, and the normal guy from the isles dosnt know much about all the crimes they do, sure they see all the Arachnos soldiers and Widows abuse there power but i can see some people think "those are just a couple bad eggs, they just showed on TV how great Arachnos is"
  18. well warshades are allready nictus who changed sides and are bound to take down other Nictus, so why not play a Nictus who didnt change sides and is just not keen to 5th Column or Council fashism the main goal of Peace Bringers is also to take down the Nictus, that the majority of them decidet to help Humanity in other things dosnt mean all of them agree, i can easy see some Peace Bringers think they have a better chance to do there job ignoring everything else and destroy the whole planet if needet and low ranking Arachnos getting desilusioned because they fell for propaganda and have reality catching up with them makes sense to me to
  19. there are a lot of people who for what ever reason create a charcter with epic archetype and then go to Null the Gull to have them on the other side so why not allow it from the start for Kheldians we could just dub the Wartshade as Nictus and have them be a Nictus who for what ever reason there might be works with Arachnos instead of 5th Column or Council, maybe they agree with there overall goal but not the methods, maybe they have there own little Agenda and think Arachnos is suiting them more Peace Bringers could either be dubbed as Nictus to or they are still Peace Bringers but want to use more extreme methods in there fight against Nictus, thinking defeating the Nictus is more important than couple civilians getting in to the crossfire for Widows and Arachnos Soldiers its even more easy they can just be former Arachnos members who joined thinking they are on the right side but who got desilusioned when they found out what Arachnos is really about give it a couple of missions to establish that lore and done, similiar it can also work for Praetoria since Primal earth factions meddled with the affairs with Praetoria having a Primal Earth spy in the Resistance or Powerdevision might make sense to
  20. i must say i never farmed my self because i couldnt stand the sheer boredome but this method is really fun, even when you dont have all the enhancements slotted yet it is not bad currently going x4/+4 and only one of my two MMs has even half the needet enhancements
  21. i have one that is a hero but also a school bully, he comes from a famoud super hero family and takes the pressure he gets out on class mates, the thugs are just fellow bully friends from his school who tag along with the teen hero. therefor he has a generic hero name and the thugs have just normal every day names
  22. i feel like as Villain you have a better time writing those all powerful beings, because no matter how powerful they are the character still has to show ther worth. You could walz in, make a big entrance and claim to take over the world but the avarage person might just go "oh yeah there are 20 heroes of your power level pick a number and get in line". so even the biggest and most powerful villain would start small with jobs only slightly better than the avarage henchman just to show they are not only empty treats but can follow thru with it until people take them serious and they get the respect and the followership they deserve. A Vilain needs the money and the Henchman to build there evil Empire, a Hero needs none of it all they need is a cape. if a powerfull Villain tries to take over the world (or just a small country) with no followers and just there iron fist they would get kicked there ass by at least 5 Heroes on there level.
  23. there are multiple NPC's of the same character all over the game dosnt mean anything, but yes there are no copys placed in the Galaxy City Echo right now
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