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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Guess it all comes down to, how much are you willing to overlook or how much disbelief are you willing to suspend. I’m willing/able to overlook a lot for things I enjoy - superhero, Godzilla and horror movies. Not so much for things I don’t.
  2. The wings tips were blades. He used them as knives, and even shot them at people- so I’m guessing that why they decided they could cut things in half. As for the G-Force - my best guess is that since it’s a vibranium suit, it can withstand it. I guess? I don’t know for sure. Honestly, every superhero movie that’s ever been made could be picked apart for its lack of realism. Every single one. In fact, that could probably be said about every movie ever made. I understand that, but I don’t care. I’m looking to be entertained and to see heroes I grew up reading about in comics, on the big screen.
  3. Let’s see…. -Jumped 20+ feet in the air while trying to fix the helicarrier -kept a helicopter from taking off with one hand -ripped a log in half, with his bare hands -held back Thanos hand -leaps out of planes and lands safely without a parachute Sorry. I’m just not buying he is only “peak human” in the MCU
  4. Yeah but MCU Cap has shown to be more than a peak human. The way he jumped around on the heli carrier in the first Avengers. How fast he ran compared to Black Panther in Infinity War. It may seem like something silly to complain about, but it would have made more sense if Sam only used the shield defensively, and in close quarter combat.
  5. Yes he trained with the shield, but I just don’t see how a normal person would be able to exert enough force to throw a shield that hits several targets, before returning to him. Seems like that’s something that should take super strength. I didn’t mind him cutting through the wing or a car. Since it’s Wakanda tech, it seemed plausible - just like him cutting the Red Hulk during their fight. Honestly it really doesn’t sound like you’ll enjoy the movie - which is cool. We don’t all enjoy the same things.
  6. But just look over the fence. Cant you see how much greener it is…..just look
  7. I just want people to skip over all the baby steps, and go right to asking for the “Instant Win” button.
  8. Okay, just watched this. Firstly, it’s not quite as bad a movie as the online community would have you believe. Does that mean it’s really good? Nope. Just okay. Better than The Marvels, Eternals, Thor 3. I’d even put it ahead of Antman 2, Iron Man 2 and GOTG 2 - but that may just be me. Its very obvious they were going for the same type of thriller that Winter Soldier was, but fell very short. It seemed rushed. There was no suspense. No intrigue. No buildup to anything. The movie just sort of happens. There was action, which I enjoyed. Sams fighting style is cool, although there is one thing I hated. The fact that he has no powers. No super strength. Yet still manages to utilize the shield in the same way Steve did. Just makes no sense. IMO he should never have thrown the shield. I enjoyed the final battle, although it was very short. Which actually makes sense, because just how long could a normal man actually fight the Red Hulk. Overall it wasn’t a bad way to spend a cold, rainy afternoon on the coach. I’ll definitely buy a blu-ray copy and add it to my collection.
  9. I just can’t go along with Troos crazy rules about 1 in a series No particular order, however Infinity War is most definitely my favorite MCU movie 1. Avengers: Infinity War 2. Cap America: Winter Soldier 2. Dr Strange : Multiverse of Madness 2. The Incredible Hulk 2. Guardians of The Galaxy 2. Antman: Quantumania 2. Cap America: Civil War 2. Iron Man 2. The Avengers 2. Spider-Man: Homecoming Now I also loved Deadpool & Wolverine, but I don’t consider it a part of the Avengers MCU. I really wanted to include the 1st Captain Marvel movie, but I think it would probably come in at #11
  10. Does this still have an issue where slotting end doesn’t affect it?
  11. Dammit, go away. You’re gonna ruin our fun. Now let’s get back to missing Snarky. oh Snarkalopolous, why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy did you have to leave us?
  12. I’ve always assumed the people who survived, called it “The snap” Those that got snapped away, called it “The blip” since that’s what it was to them.
  13. This one time……on Snarky’s team……..
  14. Not everyone liked or dislikes the same things. Eternals IMO wasn’t bad because it didn’t/couldn’t compare to what came before it. To me it was bad because it was extremely boring. I gave the movie 2 chances when it came to D+, and both times I fell asleep. I really liked Quantumania. It’s probably my favorite of the Antman movies. Thunderbolts is a movie I wasn’t interested in originally. But every time they’ve released something new, I’ve gotten more and more excited for it. Do I care if it’s on the level of Infinity War/Endgame? Not at all. Hell, I loved Dr Strange MOM and that certainly wasn’t Infinity War (my favorite MCU film btw) All I care about is if a movie entertains me. If it didn’t, it’s not what I paid for and therefore not good.
  15. Isn’t that what Sony execs were accused of with the Spidey characters? ”since it’s related to Spidey, the fans will pay for it” I also think that’s what ultimately ended up happening with the MCU. They felt that they were successful and that the audience would buy whatever they were selling - which led us to Eternals.
  16. Not only that, but we all know how it will end up. Funny, bad set released. Everyone laughs, some play it. 6-9 months down the line, it will start “fix these sets” “they are low performing” ”it’s not fair”
  17. Off topic - but I read the other day that a studio actually shelved a combo live action/animated Coyote movie in which the Coyote is suing Acme for all their failed projects.
  18. This thread?
  19. Yeah - it had its issues, but I still thought it was fun. I still enjoy popping in the blu-ray every once in a while
  20. They can spend what they want. Its just not a guarantee it will make them any money or even be a hit. Minus One is just brought up to say - see, a big time Hollywood looking movie can be made without spending big time Hollywood money. That’s all.
  21. I so wanted to give you a thumbs up - but couldn’t since you dissed one of my favorite. The Incredible Hulk!
  22. Kinda strange comparison Previous Godzilla movies were made for kids, and Japan really didn’t have a strategy for US releases. In fact, Minus One was supposed to follow their usual strategy of a very limited release. Once it blew up - they extended how long and how many theaters it would play in. Regardless, it doesn’t take away the fact that they were able to put out a huge hit on a modest budget.
  23. That could be the reason, especially with Kamala being one of the main characters.
  24. And I won’t watch those episodes either. If I want to watch a musical, that’s what I will watch. That goofy scene may have been fine too you, but it wasn’t to me. Which is why I turned it off and moved on to something else. We not all gonna like the same things.
  25. I wouldn’t know. In a universe with superheroes, gods, monster and powers - the idea of a planet that sings everything was something I just wasn’t willing to accept or suspend disbelief for.
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