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Queen Nefertiti

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Everything posted by Queen Nefertiti

  1. Did you read what I wrote? I didn't say they had to defend anything. what I said was, when people started popping up on chat advertising their PL fire farm services for tens of millions of inf several people made their displeasure known. I used the word "defend" to describe the response, but I could have used others like "justify". Of course people can do what they want to do, it has always been like that. And a team leader is perfectly entitled to run their team the way they want to run it and kick anyone who doesn't fit their playstyle. Just as a player is free to quit a team if they don't like the way it's run. I stated my opinion, as have many others on this thread. I have never once said those players who offer paid services should be sanctioned, just that my own personal opinion is that I think it's sometimes a bit naughty. If you want to hang around Atlas and grab new players who have never logged on before and charge them for taking them to 50 asap then don't expect much sympathy from me when the chat starts moaning about you. If it's a player with a few alts under their belt and more inf than they can spend who wants to recreate their main from live but doesn't want to go through the grind to get them to the point they were at when the servers shut down and wants to pay someone for their time, then have at it. To me it's a matter of degree. New players are often under the impression that MMORPG's only start being fun when you hit the level cap, so seek a quick way of reaching that cap. WoW has a lot to answer for in that respect. CoX is surprisingly different in that it is fun all the way through and there really isn't all that much to do once you reach 50. You can get all your incarnates to tier 4 pretty quickly, and then it's a matter of repeating the same arcs over and over or dipping in to ouroboros to find something you haven't done before.
  2. I stated my opinion, which is that I think it's a bit naughty, but I never called for a ban hammer to descend on anyone for doing it. I also stated that people play the game how they want to play it. If someone else has a different opinion to me then I'm not going to start moaning and complaining, we all react differently to things and what sets one person off into a blind rage barely raises an eyebrow for someone else. I still feel it's wrong if it's taking advantage of newbies but if an experienced player with inf to spare wants to pay someone to level their alt then they are perfectly entitled to do it.
  3. Oh lordy yes. I have seen some stunning bases since they became free to build and maintain. True palaces of delight with some real care and thought put into them. The hours it must have taken and the imagination is breathtaking. Mine is as you described, a giant warehouse full of shelves and storage bins 🙂
  4. Awesome. A lot of people have wanted this for a long time. It's going to be so much easier to test builds and stuff if we can copy our live toons onto there rather than try to recreate them from scratch.
  5. I Feel the same way. I will either DFB and DIB for a while, or if there is none of that going then I will PL my toon to 22 or so for the IO's. I only tend to do a couple of farm runs for the inf when I'm trying to get those pesky purple sets on an alt. I did do a 1 to 50 run to A) see how long it would take and B) to see how much inf I could get with double XP running. I probably won't do it again though, as I had no attachment to the toon and found trying to decide what to slot and how to play too confusing compared to playing it properly and levelling normally. I strip mined him for the inf then deleted him.
  6. Recently I've noticed a trend on a couple of the servers for people advertising their services to PL an alt from level 1 to 50 for the "bargain" price of between 20 and 30 million inf. I was wondering what other people thought about the whole situation. The people running the fire farm and charging for the PL defend their actions by saying that at the end the toon will have plenty of inf, especially if they had a purple recipe drop. Now I often do fire farming to get inf for my own toons. I have Pink Pussycat and Blue Barracuda who's sole purpose in life is to fire farm. I often throw it open to anyone in Atlas who wants to door sit and I never charge, I just like the company. It seems a number of other fire farmers feel the same way, and recently I've seen a number saying they are running a free fire farm if anyone wants to jump on board. The reason I find it so concerning is that to me, it seems a lot of the level 1 to 50 PL'd toons are new players caught in the idea that the game starts at level 50 and when they do ding up, have no idea on how to play the game or slot their alts. If they are losing tens of millions of inf to some farmer they haven't got the inf to even slot their alt properly. 20 million inf will slot a level 50 with IO's and a few decent sets with change to spare. If it's a new player then they don't know any of the mechanics such as Auction house, rule of three for enhancements, team dynamics or any of those things we all find out as we level our first toon. As an experiment I PL'd a toon of my own to level 50. After 5 runs of Twisted Visages cityscape fire farm he hit 50 and selling everything sellable on the Auction House and one purple recipe drop he only came out with 27 million inf. Now I did have double XP running so there was no enemy inf dropping, but I doubt if a PL seller would let anyone do it NOT double XP'd, that would take too long. Even charging 20 mil for the run it would leave the alt pretty low on inf to slot properly. 30 mil would leave me in negative. I've seen the argument that if someone didn't want to be charged they should make their own fire farmer and dual box their alts themselves. It's a good argument, but not every system likes or is capable of running more than one instance of the game. My desktop will happily run two games for dual boxing, my laptop won't. We all play the game the way we want to play, and that is fine. From my own personal perspective though, charging new players for something they can get free from someone else is a bit naughty. On chat last night there was a bit of an argument going on and the person charging defended their actions with the argument that it was their time they were charging for, and if people didn't want to short cut to 50 they didn't have to. I get the argument, I really do, but as another player pointed out, if you have a fire farmer and need 30 million inf that badly you are doing something wrong.
  7. Yeah it isn't the fact that inf is pretty easy to get, it's the fact I was so careless in my fat fingered clumsiness. I did pop onto my fire farmer to get the inf back but it's just a pain.
  8. I feel your pain. I was trying to bid 10 million on something and put in 100 million by accident. Just one extra zero. No big deal........ Obviously I got the enhancement and someone else thought it was Christmas, but I went from having enough for a full set to screaming "NOOOOOOOOO" at my screen 🙂
  9. It was fine for a wile, we went into Pocket D and did the Winter Lord Realm, and had no problems at all with 16 of us on the map.
  10. It's broken something. Portals won't work, My alt in Atlas just gets "map failed to load. Server busy" and my alt in kings row got map server then the same message as Atlas when I tried to log back on.
  11. I frequently play solo, but do occasionally team. I've never had a truly bad pug, except for one hami raid, but I have had a few where the team leader has had different goals or ideas on how they want the missions to run. I ad one the other day where the team leader only wanted to do the AV's on Maria Jenkins arc. There isn't anything wrong with that in itself, but I wanted to level my alt to 50 and racing through groups of XP just to get to the AV wasn't fun for me. Nor was the constant shouting to leave the mobs and head straight to whoever. After the second mission I made my excuses and left. I would miss the chat more than anything I think. I know some people complain about misuse of channels, but I've either been in or been reading some very entertaining stuff on help. It usually starts off answering a question, then diverts off into totally unrelated areas. For me that's always a highlight.
  12. The only thing I like is the phone. It's annoying having to keep zoning to talk to someone just to get the next mission
  13. You really don't need shards you know. All the alpha slot stuff can be crafted using thread and emp merits. By level 18 you should be tier 4 on alpha and probably well on your way to tier 4 in everything else too. tier 1 is 60 threads, tier 2 is 100 threads, tier 3 is 40 threads and 8 emp merits, tier 4 is 2 tier three plus 40 threads and 30 emp merits. Everybody looks at the top recipes which require notice of the well etc and never scroll down to the bottom where the much easier recipes are. Threads drop like rain, shards drop hardly ever.
  14. You don't say what level you currently are. It's all a matter of time. Play it on double XP (from the p2w vendor near Miss Liberty) and normal rewards, not architect ones. Sell everything you get on the auction house (just type /AH anywhere outside a mission) if it fetches good money, sell at the AE vendor if not. You'll be surprised how fast the levels and inf pile up. Buy IO's once you hit level 22 from the AH and worry about sets later. Maybe join an existing fire farmer doing a top level farm. A lot of people are more than happy for someone to door sit and soak up the XP. The main way to get sets is through the auction house and the prices are a lot less than on live. Purples seem to level out at around 20 million each enhancement, but orange goes for around 1 million to 10 million depending on popularity. The most popular fire farms are the comicon ones. There are several different maps, my personal favourite is the outdoor map. The mobs stay put and there are a lot of them. Just be prepared for a lot of serious mind numbing tedium. I lose the will to live after a while. I use the fire farm just to get inf to bankroll my other alts.
  15. Go into options and I think it's in windows. There is a bit where you can drop the size of the boxes to a more manageable size. A recent patch did some sort of autosize thing which you can disable if you need to, I play on several machines and always have to change the size for the screen I'm on.
  16. To be honest, pick what you think looks cool or fits in with your character concept. Banished Pantheon are awesome, the core tier 4 Ravager is an absolute beast. It can beat a lvl 54 zeus titan on it's own. My demons MM picked demons (duh) and they are good. Longbow has a massive robot, and Cimerorans has a healer that spam heals and occasionally throws out a fortitude. Polar lights seems to do the job, they are tiny and are useful in tight caves. They aren't flashy though so whatever they do they do it quite subtly. Other friends swear by Rularuu as a giant eyeball floating round never gets old. I also love Carnies, they are extremely effective at tier 3, not got them to tier 4 yet though so can't comment on ultimate effectiveness. The only one I've found to be flawed so far is Tsoo. The main attack pet is great and does what he's supposed to, it's the support pet that has the problem.
  17. I took Tsoo as I thought it would be quite cool but at core tier 3 it's a bit dreadful. The sorcerer teleports god only knows where then fails to return. When you do find him he's generally in a corner somewhere debuffing thin air. Occasionally he would teleport somewhere useful, but all in all he might as well not exist. I wasn't going to waste the merits and threads to get Tsoo to tier 4 and see if anything was different. I would pick absolutely anything else and avoid the time it takes to even look at the tier tree.
  18. I think Gravity is a pretty spectacular set. Enemies bouncing all over the walls and what's not to love about throwing a sofa, car or lamppost at an enemy? I've got a dom up to 43 (at time of writing) and he's never really had much of a problem with anything he's come up against, even at +1. Just the fast recharge plus the nigh on invulnerable pet makes it look like I'm wiping the floor with everything. It might not be the fastest dot but it locks down entire mobs, all floating in mid air unable to move.
  19. Personally I IO everything but I don't craft them. The AH is swimming in enhancements and the cost to time ratio is far better buying ready made. There are a few not available which I craft, but to be absolutely honest, apart from a few good purple sets at 20 million a pop, most are well within the purchase range at level 50. I don't try to pimp out my alt immediately but I do go shopping when I hit 100 million inf. The thing that takes longest is fully kitting out an alt with standard level 50 IO's when I hit level 47. That can take a good half hour. After that it's a matter of minutes. You can spend hours and hours on crafting, but you don't need to. If I get a purple recipe drop I see what the recipe goes for and the crafted enhancement goes for. Then I decide if it's worth selling as is or quickly buying the components and making it. If it's only a million or so it's not worth the time to craft, but sometimes it's the difference between a few thousand and a few million. I play the AH, but not to the point it takes up all my time. I'd rather just play the game and if some nice person has already done the work for me then I'm going to take advantage. They get the inf and I get the enhancement in about the same time as buying an SO from a vendor.
  20. Bidding on a 1 million inf enhancement and hitting too many zeros......
  21. I have a level 50 SS/Invul tank (I know, not quite the same) and she is stellar. I did take the electricity: conserve power epic, but looking online that's not available to brutes. Even without it though she only has occasional end issues in long fights. Unstoppable helps immensely as long as the fight ends before it crashes and my health and end plummet. A lot of the time if my end is low I stop using the later powers and just keep hitting with tier 1 and 2 attacks till it goes up again. As long as something is hitting the aggro stays on me. I know it is obvious, but most alts suffer with end issues until they have enough slots and set bonuses in place. As for your slotting, from what you have said it's pretty standard. I slot like that too. 1 end reduction, 1 accuracy then three damage. I do go IO as soon as I hit level 22 then slot the level appropriate as I gain more slots. The extra bonus is not that much between 25 and 50, but spending some merits on unslotters and replacing the end ones every 10 levels with higher ones can make a difference.
  22. Apart from anything else I'm doing the doors for the costume slot and the respec 🙂
  23. If I do Dr Kane is it safe to assume you only need to pick the salvage drop at the bottom? The other choices are a bat aura and a costume change emote.
  24. And if I remember right some points in those zones are so far away the range restriction for recall friend actually kicks in 🙂
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