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Shin Magmus

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Everything posted by Shin Magmus

  1. It's a problem because this type of interaction literally summons GMs and then locks threads, ending all possibility of further communication. Arcane is a bad actor who is abusing the nature of these systems to basically scream "nu uh, the sky is actually green, not blue" and then bait people into pivoting from talking about the topic of the thread, into debating why what Arcane said is wrong. This exact scenario has played out a hundred times before, and anyone paying attention can predict how it ends. Since Arcane is never making any arguments in good faith, and instead deliberately just starting fights and locking threads... maybe they shouldn't be allowed to post? A time-out period and reviewal of the rules may be in order. We as a community can never get anything done because of a small handful of posters here who do this shit and abuse the systems and the nature of the moderators/GMs. One solution is to stop taking the bait. The other solution is for these people to finally face some just punishment for their actions.
  2. I can log in just fine! 😀
  3. I tried to prevent this...
  4. The Carnie phase mechanic feels random (and it effectively is) and this dramatically punishes builds with a strong single attack that they build around, or a debuff they need to hit in order to soften up targets. Say for example you use Melt Armor on your Thermal on the Carnie group but that stupid boss phase dodges it: you've been robbed of your -Res and won't get it till the next fight. Now say you're on an Energy Melee character and your TF gets phase dodged: welp your whole set doesn't work now and you don't get any Fast ETs until it recovers. The problem is glaring and that is an enemy group that people really don't like. Compared to that, nuCoT and nuCouncil are still not as annoying. Gosh I hate fighting Carnies so much.
  5. It's a shame that Arcane's disruptive, contrarian comments caused even this thread to devolve into a fight. This is why I actually ignored them (like the devs ignore feedback) and don't engage. We could be much more productive, and have way less infighting, if other people would simply not take the bait and just not get involved in these arguments. We're supposed to discuss the merits of each other's arguments and points, not sink to personal attacks against individual posters... but it's tiring seeing threads get derailed by fights like this over and over. Enough fighting and a GM shows up, more fighting then the thread gets locked. This essentially allows a sufficiently disruptive contrarian to inadvertently lock any thread that they want silenced... so long as you all continue to take the bait. Get back on topic, ignore Arcane.
  6. I'd love any new about the devs addressing the 50 or so bugs we've reported since this post, including but not limited to: Absorb powers not stacking correctly, Wet text remaining in-game and confusing new players, multiple ATO procs (especially Brute) being erroneously affected by the Purple Patch and causing their self-granted values to be lower than intended vs higher level enemies, etc. I literally see no valid reason why a bugfix patch can't come out ahead of the next content patch. Making the game work correctly > adding shiny new things. Where's that communication?
  7. Imagine if the devs spent that time and energy buffing dogshit sets up to par: like Empathy, Broadsword, Staff Fighting, Empathy, Kinetic Melee, Archery, Empathy, and finally Empathy. Making the weakest sets in the game be less awful would have actually improved player enjoyment instead of spawning 16 page topics like this one...
  8. NO PUSHING! Be excellent to each other.
  9. Tell me you don't know what Defense does. Fortitude already does this.
  10. It's just nice to get to see more info about the game, and some stories/opinions from outside the narrow band of the Homecoming dev team.
  11. It's more like a reverse Disruption Field: instead a toggle that debuffs all around an ally, it's a toggle that buffs all around an ally. The nice thing is that I don't think the power needs to be renamed in this case, nor have its numbers adjusted much at all. It's just now a toggle AoE on someone. This change, plus merging the RA's, plus adding a new power in the new slot, is at least enough to make Empathy basic and relevant finally.
  12. You won the thread, issue solved.
  13. This sounds awesome. Cloaked Robots should be a feature.
  14. I think Flea's gonna win this one guys. Real talk, the gauntlet has been thrown and the actual rules of how to win these contests have been solved and codified. If you want to beat this Crabbermind challenge, you gotta do completely normal stuff like take Enflame for no reason, and pick pets/extra powers solely for their uptime on Achilles Heel procs.
  15. I detect nothing wrong with your statement. I've said before that the only way that the result of a Pylon Test is worthwhile and useful data at all: is if it's on the same build you run the Trapdoor/Mission sim tests with and is the same build you actually play in the real game, on real content. The second you swap from your real build to make a Pylon-only build: the time and the data have become worthless. It's Koopak's contest and he will make some arguments as to how this worthless data still matters to him, but I wouldn't use any of it for any real comparisons. I play the video game: when I run into other players they are never running one of these Pylon-only builds. The only testing data that would matter, is data using their builds as they are when I encounter them in-game.
  16. It's beautiful.
  17. Saturday Night Special is a great name for a power but it's a bit too long in terms of feasibility on all of the windows. I mean it'll work most of the time, but it's just too wordy. The concept behind this set is awesome though. I think "Common Defense" will confuse players into thinking it's an armorset or buff set though, so you might want to give it a more eloquent name like "Street Smarts" or the trope "Combat Pragmaticism".
  18. I don't know who's actually in charge of fixing MIDs, just that there exists a Discord for it. Anyways, here you go, as requested: Mrs Meltdown - Brute Rad-Fire NO Phoenix.mbd
  19. Do you want me to just DM you the build on Discord? I mean we're all in the same place and I still have it because it's my Live Build.
  20. I'm glad you still think that the average Empathy Defender uses any of their buffs. Keep that hope alive soldier, believe the impossible dream.
  21. The average Empathy Defender already does "receive rewards for their team's defeats while they themselves..." contribute almost nothing. They aren't invincible mind you, but they are basically just cheerleaders: which is what a character who lived in Hibernate would also amount to. Even if I had Hibernate on a 0s CD, I'd still use it as little as possible because I can't attack... can't move... can't play the game at all during it. You think that someone would willingly just sit in Hibernate non-stop, but I'm trying to tell you that it's already been said in this thread, by other people, that Hibernate is only used when absolutely necessary. You view this theoretical near-perma Hibernate user as some sort of overpowered God. I'd view them more as a 0 DPS useless slug. Our perception of the situation couldn't be more different. That said, modern well-built Tankers are already "not at risk" most of the time and they still get full rewards. I guess if this is an issue for you, you'll need to ban Tankers from your teams since they can get xp/inf without a risk of dying. Spoiler alert: most well-built melee ATs aren't at risk of dying on basically all content outside of Advanced Mode: it's part of the appeal of playing a Scrapper for example. It's just even more innate and obvious when you play a Tanker and find yourself un-killable almost for free.
  22. Even if you could run Hibernate 100% of the time it wouldn't be overpowered, because it makes you unable to move and it drops your DPS to 0. I'm not sure if you didn't read my comment with these points but... yeah. Phase Shift is a toggle that lets you move around and exploit the game, while Hibernate is a toggle that explicitly prevents movement. Hibernate is really, really, really not that strong. If a player wants to be unshackled and allowed to use the power more often... even just for like 2 second windows to swag out and i-frame a specific incoming attack... then they should just be allowed to? Using Hibernate at all equates to doing less DPS than someone who doesn't Hibernate: so I fail to see the issue. You could remove NoPhase entirely and people would still skip it on PvE Ice Tankers, for the reasons I already laid out.
  23. Recharge enhancements in Hibernate are a lie and a trap because of how NoPhase works currently. Even Global Recharge (a great stat that people chase in their builds and get from buffs) doesn't actually allow you to use Hibernate more often; you're forced to wait out the NoPhase timer even though your power is recharged. Remember, there are very few situations in this game where a self-targetting-power is visibly Recharged, but when you click it nothing happens because of some other convoluted reason. Phase Shift is a toggle that you can use and still move around, giving it special utility in speedruns and Advanced Mode content. By contrast, Hibernate is a power that prevents you from moving or doing anything at all until you turn it off. They're really not the same thing, and NoPhase shouldn't be punishing Ice Tankers in PvE just because Phase-chasing is so common in PvP.
  24. Hibernate has the downside that it drops your DPS to 0 while using it: a significant tradeoff that is extremely relevant. If everyone could, and did, "spam Hibernate": then regular PvE fights would just take longer because nobody would be attacking. This is already enough of a downside that some people don't take the power, and many more see it only as a panic button. The theoretically sound strategy of using Hiberbate briefly, yet often, to "i-frame" certain dangerous enemy attacks is a much more interesting use case of Hibernate, but it's currently impossible because you can't use the power more than once every 120s due to NoPhase. Count me among the supporters that Hibernate should have 0 restrictions on how often you can use it in PvE. There can be some PvP-only NoPhase if it matters that much to them. A defensive "stance" that eliminates 100% of your offense is inherently completely balanced, and it's less desirable than finding a way to survive while still attacking. One of the best things about Ice Armor on Scrappers/Stalkers is that it gets a good T9 instead of depressing Hibernate..
  25. Gosh, I guess I better give this thing a shot then! I'll just use this regular old character on their regular old real + sustainable build, I guess I got 55s. Lotta stiff competition for the Brute contest, but it would appear that I managed to take the coveted 1st place spot (for now). That makes sense, as I did twy weawy hawd. Run Type: Pylon Archetype: BrutePrimary Powerset: Radiation MeleeSecondary Powerset: Fiery AuraTime in seconds: 55Hybrid: Assault RadialNumber of Runs: 1Version: Issue 27 Page 7 - 20240524 Used: Offense Amplifier, Recovery Serum, Tank Signature Summon, Envenomed Daggers. This build is entirely sustainable and doesn't need Recovery Serum; it could just use Consume in actual content, as well as switching to Cardiac for serious gameplay since Musculature's dmg bonus is heavily diluted on Brutes. The ability to swap Incarnate powers is fast and easy though, so I don't mind bastardizing them to suit the situation. You said you specifically wanted a data chunk for the build so here you go: G3JmACwK7MbopMEcDVX4hJWj/iFV6lqUskdg3HK0SdpplT5e2BdmTZuKeFAklyUp/znkcychmyo90sYHaMlf6LgFUufrtK+qjWgyJ+mjfru91SMHXhL0jR3ZMHP7/y1/Og7akjKbLnSM/TNv5v9OWZa00t6ez7LpC+ld0oTKQaWoSAMuKlL/u5gdSlVYZByg4iUyETImokt9WxPW8FPQxWMpshnuuwgWyTcV4su9UNcVQqvF58cAuSkAz8eEsH17tVuA9yGiIUChmcB/x/6fVMV5Ib83Lz5IIV0Qwr4Az90Yun5x0jY6AmhS2hCCPNmGAKJn2xukP+FxMA3gR+S9jjefGrhjkY/pabvrhuUEL3LBf3QP/fD4Z6YGBqKcGdl5wT30yCJ79BX2ntQwCh7sROVYQRdKslLyWGZlJLLMplUST3ZRAHfVHJ/mIHRwUr60/z0cCHopXneF1GxrBWKpTeG1JLzNhnF1lHA8M6GRn2Fun5oP0KmrtnJDqvV2T9NsrQftZoTdlN6+LxcPkpwwSP/P2l3MTG2ehLExu/4P7sa55xw0JX+o9LNpHWDkXtd5rUqoeT3+IgaGzN3TJj/sfe0ZvLBo0EpN6u272B+6yh8v6XPv9j4Q8TPeTorIpSYjY6c56uM3eK7XhcLKGf+Zv2FJjoggbFwY0Y2MGuIYD3cXYGCJK0fynLyQyYE/77hzxQLE5FzyAdm6EOO0ThaaKhtU7iYeXTcvTbkgaqaPKodFXEfTSva6O5/Rrd7gtVr0uG/y8B8nGB/1byJX05x1Hgt7qX5CErytxtb9y/NWlSAPcDIhJHhmplfTtKskvALXyV5SVIyp/rTqhZgkn8jAjLUsFNxTxRqeouv+jUIG6WRVRWwSoQ7mJokiCb6qFbrhtWvYksvW+OGYJuJgk+0mmWZrZRhu4GigrRqmeQzDJ4tt7DscwfsLVvmszPD5RYBx2JS5kN74akg4K7j8s9ck2D8ntZPU0Saj1Ksc67BKkJLqMcQLgX7gwCRwCT/PUT48bI8gzpG345kafLK3SXC70z7yA7OgYcMKIVoEGj7veNmLscBEgV22HitM98AEkkgRoA9zXv5cxsxFanO1rZLDXy3+uWi0bdRTHs2KRaX2DgkeKe9qsqb7qG2MlU47ahfpTZIGMb5KDc0IxjcJLsr1yfEurV9R7vTCVcC41HrZ6MR7HzqOX05nivkeUjulekMvlX6Eic6nEBduSFA+oP0YyTukWs/iMLc5TFrhA6tNTQ9GCitjDYABMvfJlTFclZrMuReymCSY+9FBRYKGgTp+VUTzTdiEQwWpbRkTXDC8bDOzkMU+bWe/iqV03Uqv5lHW1FbyRzxzO23HCSrOX8UV7kUkJaR4019yGGRlRY3epvgn/yNVrKgVD781bUCC7AT7Ms1wr3LkgNp94jrf7ZBWS9+47gonB4r7xrXq+WRvVLk1jrMPA3cfJgNKGkdKwm9O25DMbDeipG7oeNCweGhQMM3OkwiliUzyQcpDPph5Aico+Y6EGJtBkFusZhWTVhmeFrZvVHw0NJ9HEsb5vM1hOmGf8S65Gxs+n6k7zmt+b24ig4NStAdgYoR9q00Vm7jtsnihJX9ySdcl9/DIwiItbS6LyNS1bXKHUJF+xGa7dokWTbwPE7tHFiBimnvQzAKdHKNuxvBeO5TSnQiLNfduEBUlcZRi1TDA2KR8gdS9y9cWO54U7AZl83eaLEXlwBkPcICB4mDHOAbYeDP8LW/8nWq+mrifAKHKX4afx5Q6z2lJqtawuNPiJsGt38aV3crDx5FcVVXRZZHQxfLLJrVzvxX9JL73/xyHtSt7jA5IS0IorfttYWDIV8Wgu2g94G96VjmgPO/06hxg8erjfngj98pwyLoiI1TB851Aw72SzIN3Ge7ehg+U5Lj4/OGwznuITrH2SY99bx7wly1BAMKWQhMpqDxIKS19E8XlquWlm+26thnlut5q4bY8D+SSOpr4TeJiaaoNI59uc69iM0kw6Qsxmdvo33Nrl/+sPVb1XmrZEUdolmaHdmNg1TbT7a2iwypWzRPVpZn4/XJUuTw8i3H8qukIB0ZM849d1fLQKk6AFdThAzlgWEd5sQA39oIadMWLX2HO61Hr2yID41mTPAU7EbaQUH8qOo5zyUuL0wzcaSYDLppUuKh8AFj9BnqBxSbB9hjqFXXJrMnXWzAJdFKKeeZfcGA43eEvaYmPhW71C/bgLuP8uMjLh+u4FbJetYxOwY4iOoh7VsLSm3ciHoCWtoR3CNVt8jXJmruJxZu6DWp2a/DVxhv7mQ6kqumw9apFtiYov59qo1fmFXmBoXDLPUFh56G5th9lHmX4ymJSUkn6C0D9m8Zr3bteQ3+FvjckfsMqO5WfvXMAcVhhGKYpAn9P+amY/ul5klAGrSjW/kZg4hXsbvuKKP1Iq0LzGJUXYjgkQ0MFU3HetNAID2DUGQnOY1o1ygwhMNNOK3i83NBpNsf1gfcSoob24MJK/1Ppp5aqukQkAl45TxqKQfy2YCkHNq9pLMz5D8u8nvXuX3VCyddcBl98obGbwqsRCH5SWaN8GqUHsmBBeZYvyGRCHfHzADqpDc+DNa30waghTTI6puVUoDGfHgtJPv3m/1KPKmdlKvAoJ5LqTJ4aCjFXCDvIb2msIrVpiCixaWhYt7PNlDXf8P5X9yolg+shJnlL48EFh9FwHw==
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