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Shin Magmus

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Everything posted by Shin Magmus

  1. If Blarf asked me to, I'd burn down this entire world and then myself... Blarf is the only one fit to survive.
  2. Is there a reason that Whitecap, a forced "teleport the user to a new location" power using a common ground-targeted power icon, isn't ground targeted? Whitecap has to have an enemy selected and it forces you to move to that enemy's location. This is inconsistent not only with the power icon, but with every other power in the game that is a teleporting attack including Shield Charge, Lightning Rod, Spring Attack, Savage Leap, etc. Even if you wanted to go directly to the enemy: it's trivial to create a macro or keybind that performs this behavior. Why?
  3. Labyrinth of Fog looks really fun, but it's gonna be annoying to test League-based content on Open Beta sadly. Might have to wait for the meat of the testing and feedback on that new feature to resolve until it hits live and more people take a crack at it. I hope to get a lot of playtime out of it though.
  4. It's July 4th, you're gonna get guns and you're gonna like it! GUNS AND AMMO, BOOM BOOM EXPLOSIONS!
  5. Also you guys understand that patches exist and that several of these sets, notably TA and FF, are very different now than they were in 2019, right?
  6. Yeah that makes sense. This is an ooolllllld post by this point, but most people in charge like Defenders having a useless inherent.
  7. Speaking of flawed logic, how bout that 50% random chance of KB in Explosive Blast and that 60% random chance of KB in Energy Torrent? How bout that?
  8. ☹️ Well yeah, generally when you make a mistake while repeatedly attacking someone, and you get proven wrong, it's only natural to be like "whoops, my bad." It's okay though, the onus is always on people like me to eloquently refute an endless flood of lies and falsehoods, while always being excellent to each other and making sure that we refute the arguments and not attack the poster... even though the other posters attack us first. Sure it's a lop-sided and improperly moderated system, but whatcha gonna do? For the record I main a Seismic Blast character and Upthrust (a power I already mentioned) dumpsters Energy Blast's performance at "damage mitigation" single-handedly.
  9. @UltraAlt So, you finally understand that Explosive Blast only has a 50% KB chance on enemies it hits, Energy Torrent only has a 60% KB chance on enemies it hits, and that you were wrong this whole time now... right?
  10. The existence of powers that have guaranteed KB or KD (Upthrust and Enhanced Water Burst are both 16 target AoEs with guaranteed/100% chance of KD) has been what really invalidated Energy Blast as a set for quite a while now. Even if you specifically wanted to push enemies around and have it be consistent, Gale is far and away a better power than all of Energy Blast as a set. Until the devs change something about Energy Blast: you need KB-to-KD slotted in all of the AoEs just to not be actively detrimental to your team.
  11. Please don't lie when you quote me; the randomness is clearly defined in the powers themselves and verifiable in-game, but you can check City of Data for a more reliable source. Energy Blast's AoE KB is a chance, and the chance is not 100%. Some of the enemies will go where you intended when you use Explosive Blast or Energy Torrent, but other enemies will *randomly* be left behind. The distance between these 2 new groups of enemies is quite large; resulting in a messy fight that's worse for everyone involved.
  12. I disagree with your disagreement. Nothing further, your honor.
  13. The fundamental issue central to every KB spammers "arguments" about fun, is that they implicitly state that their fun is more important than anyone else's. That's literally what those statements imply: "my fun is MORE important than the fun of 7 other people on the team." It's very rude to think that way, while being actively detrimental to everyone around you. It's also solid justification for anyone to kick you.
  14. I'm sorry you're having issues, but your teammates are having issues too and you're causing them. Energy Blast is a troll set and it can't be "KB used effectively" because of its random nature. Both the regular AoEs have an assinine 60% KB chance instead of a useful 100% one, contrasting a power like Gale. What this means is that no matter where you aim, how you play, or what you say: Energy Blast leaves some of the enemies behind in their original positions and always causes scatter. Energy Blast cannot be used to group enemies up, it can only be used to spread them out. This is why all the good advice recommends slotting KB-to-KD in Energy Torrent and Explosive Blast. It's not my fault that Energy Blast as a set is so deeply flawed, because there are good and consistent AoE KBs and Repels that can be used to execute enemy-condensing strategies like "Hurriherding", but it is what it is. You're going to keep getting these messages from players unless you just stop playing Energy Blast without KB-to-KD, because the set is inherently that bad. If you like the idea of KD as mitigation though, you could reroll as Water Blast and immediately have a better experience.
  15. Be Picturesque to each other.
  16. Nah let's nerf Energy Aura instead. Nerfs feel fine to me.
  17. The set bonuses of these sets both have back-loaded Resistance bonuses, and one in particular has a deceptively powerful bonus with 6% Res to 6x dmg types instead of the usual 6% Res to 2x dmg types. It's not uncommon at all to 6-slot these sets: usually in your weaker powers, so that you can slot better sets and dmg procs into your stronger powers. However, the +Fury proc is currently bugged and it's affected by the Purple Patch, causing it to grant less Fury than it's supposed to against enemies above your level. It would be a weak proc even if it worked correctly, but it's underperforming even against that metric. I've tried to draw attention to this but the devs don't seem to feel that it's a priority to bugfix: It's a shame that even bugfixes are banned on Brutes just because it might buff someone's AE farmer.
  18. Neat. I find the Instanced MSRs to be both less annoying and less laggy than the open zone ones. The leaders seem to also prefer them, since it has many subtle benefits that cause certain types of leechers to simply not show up. This has a second order effect where Instanced MSR are routinely *more profitable for everyone involved* than the open zone ones, while simultaneously being more pleasant to play from the reduced lag. Sucks that you're not enjoying it as much as the rest of us.
  19. I... would also hate this, but if you want it as an option I guess have fun with City of BeepBoops.
  20. It sends you out on missions to manipulate the algorithm to brainwash the idiotic masses of Paragon City into believing that Lord Recluse is actually a victim and a saint. #LordRecluseDidNothingWrong starts trending on TwitTok, and the government of Paragon City begins legislation to #BanTwitTok. Amidst the chaos, it is purchased by a "reclusive" billionaire who half of people tout as a genius and the other half tout as an imbecilic manchild: "Milo Senders" who buys the platform on the pretense of purging Lord Recluse's evil from it and keeping it legal in Paragon City. He uses this platform to [Nemesis Plot].
  21. It's true, MM pet speed is one of many many many many MANY unique-to-MM weaknesses that causes them to literally and figuratively lag behind every other AT in the game as soon as "going fast" becomes the objective. MMs can inherit certain caster effects, so travel powers would be a good one. Or MMs should finally get their long overdue inherent "Tp all my pets to me" button to circumvent the need for pets to have travel powers.
  22. Looks fine to me.
  23. I'm fairly certain they specifically wanted the Aesthetics of the Zero-G Pack in this case, and I understand that desire. I always use Small Longbow Jetpack for my fly power as a default because it has a small and unobtrusive model.
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