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Shin Magmus

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Everything posted by Shin Magmus

  1. Yes. Lore Pets have the "Essence" name and aren't allowed, but Backup Radio + Shivan Shard + Signature Summon + spam Envenomed Daggers + use Offense Amplifier + Assault Radial Hybrid: that's all allowed in the ruleset Koopak has decreed. Check out Videra's winning Sentinel Pylon time.
  2. But... we have so many already. Besides, you didn't request the enemy I wanted. I think the Lore Pet we really need to add is ASF Goldbrickers with overpowered Sonic attacks!!!
  3. Gosh, I guess I better give this thing a shot! I'll just use this regular old character on their regular old build then, I guess I got 55s. I have no idea why you specifically want a data chunk for the build but here you go: 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
  4. Thank you. I don't know what possible statement the average player can make about a powerset, that is more damning than "I would never play it." Based solely on perception and sociology reasons, I would think that a powerset which "good" players all instinctively avoid is something that could stand to receive some buffs. Seismic Blast falls into this category the same way that Archery does: the "good" players know these sets currently belong in the dumpster and so they also lack experience with the powersets to provide more-researched feedback. They also might not complain much about the powersets because they're already written them off entirely, and you tend to not complain about something that you never interact with. Seismic Blast currently combines several weaknesses (including gameplay-limited factors like needing to be grounded and a high degree of randomness) with 0 worthwhile strengths. Even having 1 very strong power in Enhanced Stalagmite isn't a strength in terms of DPS or clear time compared to other powersets: as has been tested and proven. Using every advantage available to the player: a "good" player can only elevate Seismic Blast to still being below the "par" performance of most other powersets. From a game balance perspective, the only "advantage" that Seismic Blast truly has over these other sets is that its debuff effect is -jump and -fly, but that's just a sidegrade and not an actual true advantage. The better-performing sets still get debuff effects, they just get -speed/-recharge or a different debuff instead. Fire Blast is the only exception there, but that set doesn't have to stay grounded, so it still has advantages over Seismic Blast despite simple DPS. Devs please listen: this set needs work.
  5. Search rules. It does everything but tell you their powersets, and any smart old-school player puts their powersets in their Search Comment. This 5 seconds of effort spent, means that, forever until you decide to change it again, whenever anyone uses Search they will see "Poison/Fire, speeds up content" next to my Defender, as an example. Search used to be how you had to form teams; LFG chat and LFG queues have made it an order of magnitude easier. But if you want most of that info, Search is still your friend.
  6. Hey... calling the dedicated new Taunt Aura toggle "tai-jutsu" is genius. Naruto fans everywhere are already on-board. I'd like to be able do make a Nin Tank as well: I think the set is appreciably mechanically different from SR and Shield: the only other positional defense sets.
  7. @Player-1 Here is my data. I have my own conclusions, but the only thing that truly surprised is how volatile a gimmick set like Seismic Blast is compared to a gimmick-less set like Psychic Blast. Seismic Blast can't execute a planned attack chain or flowchart in the way that some other gimmick sets can (Energy Melee, Water Blast, Street Justice), because the chance to get Seismic Shockwaves is not consistent and because you don't have a tool to instantly grant it... such as Tidal Force or Build Momentum. This appears in the data as Seismic Blast having over 2x the standard deviation of Psychic Blast: despite me building 2 near identical characters (as previously discussed). I have to adapt more to "whatever happens" while playing Seismic, which does cost time both in terms of bad luck but also the player needing to mentally be reactive instead of predictive. I think this also validates 2 of my suggested changes in my original post: which are both based around more uptime of Seismic Shockwaves (more consistency). The times from my previous videos are not in this table because I practiced the map more and play it better. In my recorded runs I was fighting one spawn at a time, but in this data I began to pull stragglers forward with me and immediately use my powerful abilities (such as my Nukes), the second they were off cooldown: fighting 2 spawns at the same time. This resulted in much faster times for both builds, practice makes perfect.
  8. > Example complaint: NuCouncil are too tough, it has been mentioned multiple times (seen it from people in-game and on Discord too, not just here) since their buffs: "Bullet Sponges" is the term. The unhappiness stems from the fact that fighting NuCouncil just take longer. > Example solution: Galaxy enemies lose some or all of their tankiness, in exchange for a powerful but smaller AoE attack that is telegraphed and can be avoided. Players can just move out of the way, MMs can just move their pets out of the way. This simultaneously fixes the issue, incorporates positive design from Advanced Mode stuff, and drives further engagement from the players in a way that they can control, rather than the way the powerful AoE Rez attack just hits a huge area instantly every time they die.
  9. These bad-faith comparisons are genuinely hilarious. However, there's no value in arguing with such weak points, or arguing in general on these forums. Blindly criticize the new content all you want, but unless you offer a solution (and back up why with data) nothing will change. Every time I make a complaint suggestion thread, I also put a proposed solution: new numbers/effects/etc. Where are your solutions? Please post them.
  10. Eiko-Chan, it's your topic. If you just want to complain, you certainly can do so. But if you don't have any experience with something, and you additionally don't have any facts about it, but you still want to complain about it based entirely on hearsay and assumptions: don't expect anyone to listen. I've already answered everything I can relevant to the original discussion: which was that the devs are significantly more receptive to feedback during beta cycles than 4 months after the content has been out. Other people mentioned that stuff even got changed during those cycles. I additionally pointed out that since the NuCouncil have been live for several months now, changes based on one person's feedback are pretty unlikely. You'd need to provide some sort of data like recorded mission times (showing how much slower the NuCouncil are now compared to their old version) to make a "case" to get the devs to even begin to evaluate making a change. It would need to be well-reasoned and backed up by evidence. I only mentioned Advanced Mode because other people are bringing it up... again. You can't know you don't like something without trying it first.
  11. "I haven't tried it but I know I don't like it."
  12. As one of the people who actually plays "Hard Mode" stuff (it's Advanced Mode now): it's not that hard. Every single difficulty below 4*, for all 3 TFs, excluding very implicitly obvious optional superboss challenge stuff, can be reliably PUG-completed on Everlasting... the RP casual server. I've literally never failed any tier of starred ITF, and although I have been on teams that failed 4* LGTF... the leader was very new to it and I approached their team with the assumption of making it a learning experience rather than a completion. That team that struggled with 4*, would've cleared 3* and been fine. The perception of the content is more difficult than the execution of the content. It's also 1: more engaging and interesting than the rest of the game and 2: more profitable to incentivize players to do it for the huge bonus Reward Merits, Empyrean Merits, and Prismatic Aether. I'm consistently shocked when people bring up Advanced Mode stuff unprompted on other forum discussions about balance: I know the people complaining about it don't even actually play it. I took my triple-nerfed Rad/Fire Brute to a 3* PUG ITF and basically got carried: this is a Brute who has literally no place on any endgame anything after being eviscerated by the balance team... 0 deaths, it's not that hard.
  13. I 100% can't help you there. The actions of the GM are mysterious; scientists debate the role GMs have in the ecosystem to this day.
  14. For you @Player-1, I'm going to fill out a Google sheet of runs and just log every single completed run unless I make some sort of real mechanical error in my flowchart. But I'm pretty diligent about running these mishes the same way every time. For example, since Ston's map has a timer, I use all my buffs right before I talk to the NPC and then immediately jump in to the mish to remove those first few cast times from the run time of both characters. I recorded my first runs (after practicing the mission to learn the enemy group) for both characters and uploaded them: but the Psy Blast character has a significant lead that's even more severe than I would've predicted. Could be an abberration; I'll grind out 10 runs on each character tomorrow, and do good old averages. Seismic Scrimblo: 7:11 Psychic Scrimblo 6:01
  15. I believe the topic was supposed to be something along the lines of how enemy groups getting revamped was handled? Are they too hard now, when and how does OP give feedback on how they dislike NuCouncil and such? I think the feedback is historically most likely to cause changes during the Closed/Open Beta test periods. I think that's a good thing to talk about.
  16. Y'know... when I make a personal attack against another poster: I'm subject to immediate retaliation. Ghost, PeregrineFalcon... an escalating series of personal attacks against each other does literally nothing but summon @GM_GooglyMoogly to delete your comments and tell everyone to "Be Excellent To Eachother". I've used pattern recognition over the past few months and learned a few things. You guys have fun.
  17. I was waiting on a multi-enemy group simulator test arc that Ston is working on, to average powers and resistances from several groups at the same time. I can test other stuff in the meantime I suppose, if you have an idea for something with less randomness than the office simulator AE arc.
  18. Here's another video, showing my favorite testbed TF: the humble Penelope Yin TF, at +0 (typical speedrun for 20 merits). You can see how the magnitude of the KB is even higher when enemies are only +0s or +1s, making TFs with any sort of conditional defeat all or defeat group triggers ripe for this type of trolling. My first few Meteors are just wildly inconvenient and annoying, but my last one manages to lodge an enemy inside the Train Tracks (completely unexpected) and get another "true stuck" softlock; talk about trollish griefing!
  19. The scientists will FAIL TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO WALK UP A RAMP AND ACROSS A BRIDGE, and proceed to fall off 5 times in a row no matter how you position yourself or how slowly you move. It was insane, especially because that ramp/bridge combo is MANDATORY for completion of the quest. I genuinely don't know how anyone did this on live while being attacked by other players simultaneously.
  20. Personally, I think the game already has an issue with too many Archetypes and redundancy. Sentinels are not in a great spot, in either power level or identity (ranged Scrapper is a bald-faced lie), and there are other ATs in serious need of help next before any new stuff. Both MMs and Khelds are on the devs' radar for reworks already: much-needed reworks that I still appreciate. VEATs just got their big buff patch and are much better off for it. I'd rather see the stuff we have now ALL BE USEFUL and endgame-viable, than see more new ATs. Human-only Khelds operate at a level of weakness that is inexcusable and unmatched by any other AT. At the very least, I'd hope that gets fixed before they release another new AT.
  21. Escorts in CoH are some of the worst in any game: due to pathing that is basically them rubberbanding to you. Want to experience true pain: go escort a scientist in Warburg to unlock a Nuclear Launch temp power. It's always been bad, and I'd love improvements here but now we're talking about pathing AI code. I just don't know if it's technically even possible.
  22. I would like to play the Faultline "defend the dam" Trial, but I think it overlaps with Posi2 TF now. Seeing scrapped content is always interesting though.
  23. To be perfectly clear, if someone joined one of my TFs and spammed Meteor enhanced for KB (doing what is demonstrated in my video): I'd kick them immediately. They can form their own TFs and lead their own content... and see how many players want to join and deal with... this.
  24. @Player-1 Here's an example video showcasing Meteor, when enhanced for KB (this is allowable by the game but hopefully uncommon, as it enables vicious trolling behavior) on the Moonfire TF. Many cave tilesets have always had the potential for enemies to get "stuck" in the walls and ceiling after getting KB'd, but this video shows that Meteor really takes the cake. Jump to 1:14 for the most disruptive "True Stuck" enemy who I can't hurt in any way, but watch the whole thing for stuck enemies left and right. I tested the power without the KB enhancement and it's obviously still capable of producing these issues, but they're at least less common with lower magnitude KB. I think that this video is a great demonstration overall. This is why players feel forced to pay the slot tax on KBtoKD.
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