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Everything posted by CrudeVileTerror

  1. God-Emperor, no! More like Dark Eldar, but with less recreational drug use.
  2. I believe it matters based on the order you grab the Pillboxes. Try switching it up. Or maybe it's totally random and I'm imagining a pattern.
  3. There's a version under Willpower, Ninjitsu, and Super Reflexes I think. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Willpower#Heightened_Senses https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Ninjitsu#Danger_Sense https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Super_Reflexes#Focused_Senses
  4. That's quite true, @Arli. I shall not attempt to scoop players from your Shard if you continue to fight the good (evil) fight and promote Redside on Excelsior!
  5. Sounds good to me! Unlock certain content by completing the same type of content. So, like, if they wanted to lock Costume Pieces behind any sort of wall, then I would say it would have to be locked behind making X number of costumes, heh. (Not a serious suggestion, but just using it as an example.)
  6. The secret might lie within @Piecemeal's Freaklok! Unsatisfied with merely merging Excelsior with Vahzilok's medical teachings on organ grafting and cybernetic limb augmentation, the Freaklok venture in to Praetoria to scavenge the pieces of Neuron's Ghoul projects!
  7. Doesn't mean it's not still worth talking about. Different people means different perspectives means different ways of expressing that perspective. Different expressions improves the likelihood that someone will say something which gets through to somebody who previously dismissed the topic/issue. Just another example of a benefit of diversity.
  8. @honoroit, I apologize as I don't recall, but did you happen to get involved in https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/19655-weekly-discussion-53-how-to-increase-villain-population/ earlier this year? And remember, folks: Everlasting is still the community leader in dedicated Redside players. We roleplayers have a deep appreciation for The Evil.
  9. Mmmm . . . nice, neat, and tidy graphs . . . *drools*
  10. Call me @VileTerror. Or some variation of "lunatic who has eight accounts and plays this game with a passion which may well be unhealthy." Either or.
  11. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/19655-weekly-discussion-53-how-to-increase-villain-population/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-222758 Hell. Yes. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/19655-weekly-discussion-53-how-to-increase-villain-population/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-222760 There are so many stories we could tell. SO MANY!
  12. You know . . . I never really noticed before now . . . but . . . Atlas's posture is REALLY BAD! Also, @EmmySky; a hint: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12118-hollow-pumpkin-een/
  13. Well. I just deleted -every- Tab on -all- of my characters on both of the Staging Shards, and I'm still subscribed to all my Global Channels. I'm still subscribed to them, and still Owner-Operator status in all the appropriate ones. It appeared to lose all the custom colour data for those Channels, but as soon as I added one of them to an active Tab again, all the other channels had their custom colours restored. Very curious.
  14. I see, hmm . . . I'll try some additional testing on the Staging Shards, since I don't want to nuke my actual Global Channels. Do you happen to remember which member of the GM team told you that, by the way? Might be good to get some additional information straight from the source.
  15. Find factions with Tactics, or make Custom enemies with +Perception Powers, such as Heightened Senses. (For the record; I'm not entirely sure if the Architect Entertainment versions of Heightened Senses have the +Perception buff.)
  16. um, I think you may be experiencing a bug, @Perfect Square? Here's my testing: Made a new Chat Tab "Test" (private channels omitted for privacy reasons) While "Game" Tab was selected, made new "Testing Test" Global Channel: Edited "Game" Tab and Remove >>'d "Testing Test" from Game Tab: Edited "Test" Tab and added "Testing Test" Global Channel to Test Tab: Confirmed that "Testing Test" was not active in any other Chat Tab, then deleted "Test" Tab: Then checked a Tab and confirmed that I was still subscribed to "Testing Test" Global Channel. So long as you never hit the "Leave Channel" Button or type the /chanleave command, you shouldn't be able to accidentally leave a Global Channel. If you find that you are, then I am quite certain that's a bug and should be reported for repair.
  17. See, while I remembered that Recluse technically stole Arachnos from someone, I totally forgot that it was someone named Weaver. Wheels within wheels . . . hmmmmmmm . . .
  18. Are we not talking about the same Weavers? The ones who are nominally a part of Arachnos, simply because Arachnos provides them the protection and the playground for their work, while Arachnos gets things like the Tarantulas out of the equation? Lead by Weaver-1, the most enigmatic of the Weavers, in no small part because they keep changing their own body to whatever flavour-of-the-moment happens to suit their interest? This "guy?" Am I screwing up my lore? Also, I might be a little passionate about the Weavers. Note my "Magnum Opus" entry in: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/11876-new-difficulty-mechanic-advanced-enemies/
  19. I am a whole-hearted supporter of Weaver content! But whoever tackles it . . . they really gotta NAIL it. The Weavers are . . . special. They're transhumanists which make the Freakshow and Vahzilok look like bonobos. They're on the level of Tzimisce or Hellraiser Cenobites, but using cybernetics instead of magic (although, I imagine the Weavers wouldn't ignore the use of magic, if they could ensure its use didn't interfere with their art). The Weavers are beyond concepts like "good" and "evil" (which, ostensibly, makes them pretty frellin' evil, but whatev's). They care only for the freedom which Arachnos offers them in their pursuit of evolution! They aren't blinded by the concept of "perfection" either. They know that there is no such thing. Just endless change. And, in that process, Arachnos occasionally gets the blueprints for a mostly-stable combat exoskeleton which is "on-brand" with Lord Recluse's obsession with spiders. Win-win!
  20. And really, "Temp" Powers or other baubles would be far MORE rewarding, wouldn't they? Like Accolade Powers, for example. I'm almost certain that @Piecemeal has been dropping hints about a new Accolade for a while now. Maybe have a looksie at that, when the time comes. . . . and so help me, Piecemeal, if what you're up to is a costume piece unlock. So help me . . .
  21. Oh, you're a grandmother now, @EmmySky? Congratulations!
  22. 1 - Expanded palette: One of the Devs was looking in to it a long while ago, but we haven't received word on their progress in many months. 2 - Spectrum flats: A popular request, and one which I honestly surprising to me that it hasn't been banged out. 3 - Additional No FXs: Another popular one, and yes please! Some people argue against it, though, stating that they feel the FXs are necessary for them to tell what other players are using as Powers in PvE teams. 4 - Sybil costume: Another popular one. Jimmy had said that stuff like that wouldn't be added until it met some level of quality, but didn't provide any more substantive information. 5 - Base Auctions: This one is presently impossible (or, rather, just so ill-advised that it is being treated as impossible), since it would cause a MASSIVE amount of lag and server strain. If the Auction House code ever gets overhauled, they might consider it? None of the Devs have really spoken much about plans there; just the reason for the limitation. 6 - Recipe storage: Another popular one, and had a thread about it a couple of weeks ago. No idea if there are any Dev responses to that suggestion, but some players feel that it would upset the market supply if other players could "horde" recipes. I'm all-for more storage! 7 - Badge search: I . . . imagine this is a request that has come up before? At least people have requested that Badges be better organized. I whole-heartedly approve of any quality of life improvements of this sort! 8 - Toggled Brawler: This one comes up from time to time, and there have been some pretty solid arguments against it. So, as an alternative, I propose improving Leaping's Acrobatic Toggle Power so it can offer that same level of Protection for Super Reflexes and Shield Defense characters. 9 - Burn Low FX: I approve of any and all requests for No FX / Less FX options for all Powers. I'm unsure of what the Devs' feelings are on this, though. 10 - Improve Long Range Teleport: There was a thread about this too, not terribly long ago. The argument there brought up the enterbase command, without realizing that command is eventually going to be removed from use-anywhere status . . . but the point still stands: With -EVERYTHING ELSE- which exists, Long Range Teleport is just really underwhelming for an Ultimate Pool pick. I liked the suggestion someone made about it allowing you to teleport to a teammate/league-mate in any zone instead. THAT would be worthwhile. 11 - Powers with Crashes: There was a GM Miss Weekly Discussion about this not too long ago. There are some players who feel the crashes are warranted and add complexity to the gameplay, but it seemed that most people felt strongly that they were a relic from an era where the Legacy Devs of the time didn't understand -how- people would actually be playing this game. I personally like the idea of all Crash Powers have a two-click system: Click once for 1/10 to 1/5 of their normal potency without a Crash, or click twice for full potency but with the existing Crash. 12 - Martial Arts: This Set has been under the microscope so many times . . . and there is quite a bit of division on what to do with it, exactly. Since new animations aren't likely to be a thing any time soon, if you can find some existing animations that you'd like them to use and post them, that might be more helpful. 13 - Self-Buff Bubbles: Another one which comes up a lot, and there have been some interesting discussions on the subject (also some stupidly high levels of pointless flaming between posters). It's an interesting prospect, but self-protection is "not supposed" to be something which Support Sets are good at. Of course, in saying that, we need to recognize that some Support Sets are absolute BEASTS at protecting or enhancing themselves, and Force Field in particular has the issue of Personal Force Field. A couple of suggestions for compromise included the idea that such Shield Powers should only provide a fraction of the protection they offer other players when self-buffing. 14 - Henchpet Customization+: Henchpet costume customization is one of the most popular requests ever. Full Henchpet customization (or Sidekick customization, or Archrival customization) are also right up there! We've seen an effective tech demo of one method which could be used toward this goal in the form of Illusion Control's Doppling Phantom Army. The Devs haven't really talked about it since then, though. 15 - Primalist Archetype: A whole new Epic Archetype is probably -more- ambitious than Henchpet customization, honestly. It's another popular one, though. Honestly, just a reskin of Peacebringer/Warshade, but with a Lethal Damage Type would be a good springboard for such a thing . . . buuuuut we might be waiting an especially long time before we see something like that come to fruition. 16 - Dinosaurs: Another popular request, but even more ambitious than the previous two. Modelling and rigging dinosaurs from scratch . . . oof. I do not envy whoever it is that attempts to bite off THAT particular load to chew. 17 - Sentinel+: An official tool for downloading back-ups of our characters would be delightful! In the meantime, though, I believe there is a third-party program for that sort of thing. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I can speak about it? Postscript: I believe GM Tahquitz had posted that the Homecoming Team prefers requests to be posted separately, since it makes it easier for them to address and track each idea in its own thread. There appears to be a slight difference of opinion, though, on whether old threads on a topic should be "necro'd" to cut down on clutter, or if new threads should be made so the old ones can be "retired/archived." In any event(s), I hope these answers are helpful to you, @sveld. Don't let yourself get discouraged any, though. If you come up with any more ideas, please feel free to share them. But, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, please consider either searching for the topic and replying to an existing thread, or just posting each of your ideas to an individual thread for ease of organization's sake. Thanks!
  23. . . . ok. I understand, and that's fair. Honestly, whoever figured out they could have an infinite supply of the damned things by simply recycling them through the timeline itself really bungled up the market for those crystals. It's like everyone and their grandmother now has one as a piece of decour for their fireplace mantle.
  24. Is @Jibily not @Wravis? I had assumed they were one in the same!
  25. Tsk! If I've told you once . . . This is why you need to stop using those things from Ouroboros as the charging crystals for your death rays.
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