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Everything posted by CrudeVileTerror

  1. @Blood Speaker: When we (the players) thoroughly test the crap out of it. Or when there aren't enough people testing any more, and the Devs throw up their hands and say "well, I guess we have to release it now . . . " I'd personally prefer the former over the latter. Get to testing!
  2. Considering the "unknown energy" bit, it almost sounds to me like they're trying to say "we have future plans for the zone, and this is the first step toward that." A guess, anyway.
  3. The 10 second cast time for the Base Portal Powers seems excessive. I think 3 seconds would suffice as a barrier from using them in combat situations. I find the default sound for the cast to be rather grating. Would it be possible to have a different sound or silence being made available as part of the new customization? The short duration of the Ouroboros Portal is entirely confusing to me. What was the reasoning behind this change?
  4. Yeah, I think that @skoryy's suggestion makes sense. Give Scrappers and Stalkers something different in that department (like guaranteed bonus damage on Stun'd targets, and make Cobra Strike 100% Stun chance again).
  5. With Stun disappearing from Energy Melee and Power Crash having a very low chance to Stun, are there plans to restore Martial Arts to its former Stun'ing glory?
  6. The change to Cimerora level access is beautiful. Thank you! It's so wonderful to see progress on this front.
  7. I see your I0xh4qopQpk Science, and play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znxFrgql5dc in response to your opener.
  8. This is the best possible news related to this. And not because it's been released. But because another one of my predictions came true (sorta kinda)! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/20081-page-6-guesses/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-238340 (Thanks Devs.)
  9. In regard to your or-based uncertainty statement, @Telephone: "Yes." In all honesty, I understand that your being in that board isn't indicative of anything, but there's certainly been a great deal of interest in peeling back the curtain related to Page 6, and it felt as though the community could use a little jolt at this point in time. I mean, we just had that thread started by @EmmySky about feeling that things have been too quiet lately. I only wonder if you folks in the Team will wait until after the Hallowe'en Event has come to a close, just to make sure that we players aren't split between testing and event content.
  10. Short answer to your question, @Chris24601? Yes. And not just on the female model.
  11. Just some skills and/or habits picked up from past work experience.
  12. @Telephone is in the Beta Patch Notes board! @Telephone IS IN THE BETA PATCH NOTES BOARD!
  13. *offers @Lines hugs with hairy taint thighs*
  14. Hey! Do you remember that time: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15120-devs-release-i27-by-accident/ (This one goes out to you, @Lines.)
  15. Condolences on your loss, and thank you for sharing your work with the community.
  16. We are legally and morally obligated to support this suggestion: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/17746-staff-fighting-hockey-stick/?tab=comments#comment-196962
  17. Yeah, I seem to recall that the female character model got the fur coat trim shoulder option when the Arcane Booster was released. But we're talking, like, ten years ago. My memory isn't terribly great.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnf7r6lUVfA What do we have to do to make this a reality, Devs? Just tell us what we need to do.
  19. /showfps 0 or reboot the client.
  20. I play a newly-turned Tzimisce in a Monday-night campaign. We have a spot open: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/19014-vampire-the-masquerade-and-bloodlines-too/?tab=comments#comment-277069 BUT BACK TO ARACHNOS! Do you think that Arachnos would be willing to accept any Vampyri traitors from the Council or 5th? Would Arachnos go out of their way to secure the necessary serums to keep such a traitor alive?
  21. Edit Base ... Place Item ... either Arcane Workship or Tech Workshop ... and then Enhancement Table, Salvage Racks, and Inspiration Collector are the core storage objects. Be sure to exit Edit Mode and click on the storage object to edit the permissions when you place them!
  22. Not off-topic in the slightest. THAT is how I envision the Weavers. Taking living flesh and asking the question "what -else- can I do with it?" I imagine they'd be less purely sadistic or obsessed with sensations (albeit one or two of the Weavers might specialize in those fields), and overall be more obsessed with pure exploration and experimentation. And since the Weavers are essentially a part of Arachnos, and this topic is about Arachnos AND evolution . . . yeah. Kind of perfectly on-point. But I think I've described my view on the Weavers sufficiently at this point, so I welcome others to share their ideas! On the Weavers, Arachnos, or the Rogue Isles in general. That was, probably, @Darmian's original intent with this thread, after all.
  23. Freakshow are -very- WAAAGH!!! And I suppose I should be more precise: Weavers are like the https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Haemonculi
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