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Everything posted by Dixa

  1. the -regen in bots/dark is actually small. you don't start to see a noticeable regen decrease unless you stack twilights grasp a few times. remember that -regen works exactly the same as mez resists. example - 100% mez resists will reduce the time you are mezzed by 10%. it's the same formula for -regen. so -150% regen is only a 15% nuke to regen rate. only poison trap actually shuts regen off at 1000% the -tohit buffs are doing less than you think as you ramp difficulty up. google the purple patch for more details.
  2. Dixa

    How good is Beast?

    It also happens on my /nature, as if the mob gets too much attacks per second and fear just kicks in (like some tend to run away when health gets low). nature has a power similiar to darknest night. that power also causes fear for both dark and nature.
  3. Thank you for the suggestion, do you have some examples of how we can achieve that? During play testing, I've found that even keeping an entire tray, I was going through a lot of them as I was held, immob, stunned, and slept in one form nearly every engagement. Looking at earlier suggestions we tried to add some soft capped resists but, again, I don't want to use Superior versions of the Archetype sets as they are not as readily available as just slotting them into MID's makes it seem. I'd like this build to be accessible to as many people as possible, not just the rich. We are also having an issue with END - I may have to go back to the drawing board and, that END in mind, rebuild this from the ground up using the suggestions that have been given. Combat Jumping and Acrobatics, as good as they are, are still 2 more toggles that has to be dealt with. I'm going to implement the suggested changes that everyone has given me late tonight or tomorrow morning. Depends on if my daughter has a tea party planned for 6am or not. :-) If Beta testing is to be believed, Overwhelming Force might have been tweaked to give the KB>KD conversion to all abilities when it's slotted. That would open up a lot of slots for other things. Tamorand ageless solves mm endurance issues. until then yes, all mm secondaries are extremely end heavy. all of them. check the kb on the powers you think overwhelming force is affecting. if the kb amount is only 0.67 then it's a power that will only actually knock back if you slot knock back in it. many powers were changed to this years ago. 0.67 knockback = knockdown. there are only three secondaries that dont have to deal with cc. acrobatics will only help against knockback (you can fix that with one io) and hold. it does nothing for stuns which are far more prevalent.
  4. Dixa

    How good is Beast?

    I believe it’s the disruption field in sonic that can cause the running
  5. Do not take acrobatics. That’s three powerslots you lose when you could just softcap some defenses and carry a break free or three
  6. He’s referring to the fact that those three sets have a fourth pet power that can just be a place to park 4 or all six of those io giving you better slotting options on your henchmen
  7. I don’t think that’s accurate. - If I understand what you’re saying is that if you slot the overwhelming force KB>KD IO it should affect all powers in the set . I’ve attached a video of adding only the overwhelming force IO to Tornado. And casting an unmodified Gale. It clearly knocks the crap out of them but does not knock them down. Sadly I was very excited and hoped that I could remove these sudden acceleration IOs. From my build. If there is more to what you’re saying please let us know. it doesn't work this way on the live homecoming servers. if it works this way on Justin it's a bug. overwhelming force will only affect the power it's in.
  8. While leveling before you have your tier 3 pet and your secondary isn’t fleshed out you should be using your attacks. But you will find that an optimal mm build rarely has room unless you have a secondary with dud powers for attacks or even travel powers.
  9. Dixa

    How good is Beast?

    Hey, quick question. So in your opinion is it the Demons or the Thermal that helped more? Well, I guess what I'm trying to ask is why was Thermal doing so well? What was the synergy between them that worked? It’s both The reason it works is because demons natural resists plus ember shield from the ember demon and the two resist shields cap your tier 1 and 2 pets to smash/lethal/fire/cold/toxic and are over 50% energy and neg. just weak to psi but even then I was able to drop a +2 mother mayhem thanks to the healing spam and the -dmg, -regen (500% mind you), -defense, -resists from the secondary and the -resist from the hellfire demon and demonling that stack and the occasional extra heals from the ember demon. I am able to drop avs faster than the tw/bio scrapper I was testing which is getting a good 700+ dps on the scrapper pylon thread. Demons have poor aoe though and most of the damage comes from the ember demon not the prince. You won’t be rolling x8 missions but you will be rolling x3 av without needing lore pets for the most part. +4 mm are at a substantial disadvantage vs the other ads and I find it not worth the effort.
  10. What do you mean, "bodyguard mode" ...? The former would achieve the latter. Also, +1 I don't agree. We get so MANY pets, that effectively, MM's already exceed anyone else's damage cap (when you add all the pets' DPS together). +1 - especially since Pet damage sets include Recharge enhancements. Or, alternately, let us slot Health enhancements to increase pet health. Hmm. Or maybe just reduce the damage they do to pets? bodyguard mode only works in goto defensive and follow defensive. the minute you put them in any other mode it's shut off. someone incorrectly claimed attack defensive works but it does not. in bodyguard, damage you take is split between you and your pets. without it you get squished. but while in bodyguard mode your pets pick their targets frequently and this is inefficient for clearing. ranged pets will run up and use a ranged attack at point blank without ever using brawl. it's an ai change that went in with demons since demons are mostly melee range. it's annoying on sets that aren't demons or beasts or pure melee.
  11. you probably used lingering radiation too ? I mean, it's within my powerset and I use it on AVs as well, so yeah can you try without it, so we can have an idea of the effectiveness of -500% regen debuff ? (not sure how it works on Objects like pylon, only 1/6th of its value like GM ?) It's probably going to cut the DPS by roughly 127.8 as that's the regen rate of a pylon and they don't have any -Regen resistance AFAIK. Doesn't Regen have a floor of 25%? So you should only be able to debuff its Resistance by 75% (Incidentally, I think this is how much Lingering Radiation debuffs a level 50 even-level AV). So, if I'm right, LR is worth about 96 DPS (when it hits) to a Pylon, and about 74 to an AV. -500% regen = -50% actual regen rate. it's similar to how cc resistances work.
  12. this is why my demons/thermal mm is doing far better than defense capped mm setups vs av's that are higher level than me. I can res cap them to smashing/lethal/toxic/cold/fire. the cap for pets is also 90%. every defensive mm I've made (and defensive tank/stalker/scrapper) gets pooped on when you increase the relative difficulty of an av battle.
  13. Dixa

    Tankiest Tanks?

    stone gets destroyed by praetorian resistance fighters and carnies. there is no do it all tank, there are only does-most-of-it tanks.
  14. how well necro does vs. hard single targets boils down to your secondary choice. beasts do have -fly on one of their attacks but no -jump. all pvp'ers seem to sj.
  15. why do you not want powerboost? besides the fact you need scorpion shield to self cap, aoe immobs are a godsend to help mitigate the messiness of mm combat. in order to do what you are asking you will have to slot two defense io's in the enforcers. this will prevent you from getting their damage, acc and end costs in line and prevent you from slotting achilles heel in them as well. with powerboost you don't need to enhance the enforcers maneuvers.
  16. Dixa

    How good is Beast?

    Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say Beast/Kin is top tier, I am just saying that they can self softcap w/ Fortify Pack which opens up some other avenues for secondaries if your goal is softcapping. I just think with Kin it makes the most sense, not because of the recharge, but because of the added damage. I have not tested out numbers, but I take your word that they are lower DPS (and a more resisted type of damage as well) but my thoughts are that a Beast at or near damage cap with Fulcrum Shift is probably still out damaging any other Henchman that is not Kin. Other sets can get more damage out of Kin, but they will not be as durable as Beasts that have Fortify as an option. I guess all I am saying is beasts are viable, and with Fortify, they have some different options not available in other sets. Good info on Demons. Thanks the pet damage cap is only 200% I believe. with proper slotting and the 45% musculature incarnate your pets will be at nearly 140%. half a fulcrum gets you the rest of the way. call to justice gets you 20% shy. however I do believe beast mm's should take hawk for the -fly since your pets have zero ranged attacks. so a fat fulcrum will for sure help that out.
  17. I want attack defensive to be considered bodyguard mode I want brawl removed from all ranged pets I want ranged pets to stop running to melee to use their powers I want a higher damage cap on pets. I want recharge to work on pets. I want pet health increased by 20% across the board. I want autohit aoe nukes from npc's removed or have their autohit flag removed. this unfairly punishes mm's the most out of any AT.
  18. Isn't one of the demon's T1 pets the one that heals them though? I thought about that with Bots, but then where would I put all my pet globals? Thugs most of the damage comes from the T1 arsonist You could probably do that fine with Necro & Ninja - they go down like tissue paper anyway (though slotting OF +KD sounds like it'd be better) I like to take the attacks early so I have something to do in DFB/AE lv 1 boss farms, then respec out of them later. Yes I can just use Nemesis & Blackstaff, but those aren't as effective in comparison if you slot the prestige enhancements. Demons and Beasts are a special case in that all their attacks have secondary effects are very useful, most sets have at least one that fits that description Lifedrain for Necro, Disorient in Bots, Knockdown from Thugs, which I try to fit in my build. Sorry, I wasn't clear. I have beast, necro, demon summoning, and robots MMs. I was thinking of dropping the zombies, and I picked two attacks on my demon summoner. necro damage comes from zombies and grave knights, not the lich. you would be gimping yourself mightly. it's worth grabbing at least corruption on demon as it's ranged and has -9% resist debuff. the toxic demonling and toxic lt demon also debuff resists -20% each stacking. makes up to a point for not being able to slot achilles heel in the primary like you can with thugs and others. but as you are not 50 I want to you understand something here - mm attacks do very poor damage. a defender will outdamage an mm just attack vs. attack. mm's have higher base endurance costs than the other at's. quite a few secondaries are too busy and end hungry to spam your attacks. your pets will need to be managed. you have too many things to do. this is part of the charm of being an mm, and a drawback for the more traditional mmorpg player.
  19. Mines.. kinda stalled? I love the throughput, I love the 'OMGWTFBBQ'. But shes so much -work- to play. I think stacking two micro-intensive sets may have been a bridge too far for me. So now I'm leveling an SR/Claws tank with no hasten (PB on auto, nothing else to manage but HP), and an Energy Melee/Energy Aura/Energy Mastery Brute (Not cause good, just cause fun) Is it though? I mean sure the tw bio build is only softcapped in defensive but honestly I found it had no issue melting av just chilling in efficient the entire time. You have three heals if you will that come up pretty quick on that build.
  20. It procs a ton for me and is quite noticeable in av fights
  21. For pvp I’ve watched people have great success with necro poison For pve it’s hard to beat demons/thermal I’m finding for general av killing. It does have a pretty hefty psi hole but you have hefty healing that is cheap as all hell to spam
  22. Dixa

    How good is Beast?

    All numbers were unenhanced. Fortify pack doesn’t need much recharge to be perma so kin really does t have that much of an advantage there. However and I believe I stated this elsewhere this combination is still nowhere near as tough as demons/thermal. I have been testing several dozen mm combinations on Justin fully decked out in io and tier 4 incarnates by taking them through the Maria Jenkins arc which has a lot of avs with various damage types and nothing has cruised through it like demons/thermal. Hell infernal had his way with beasts killing them over and over it was frustrating even though they were softcapped without fortify pack. As a same level av he one shot the dire wolf straight up. Beasts hit pretty crazy hard with the slotting I used above but every time they stop to roar a short term buff it’s a dps loss.
  23. This is probably accurate, but I don't think 10:45 is the ceiling here. My fire/rad sentinel is at ~215 DPS (7:16), on one try starting when Hybrid was on CD. Attack chain Blaze -> Flares -> Blazing -> Flares, Aim with Gaussian BU + Inferno with Arma Fire and Fury -RES. Setup: Hybrid T4 (doublehit), Reactive T4 (-75% res, -25% dot), Cardiac T4 Given that Meltdown < Offensive, I'd expect a Fire/Bio to push this time down. End management being a nonissue, you could likely include Fireball in your attack chain with an additional -RES proc too! ** Edit: crafted T4 Degen (-75% maxHp, -25% dot) on the aforementioned fire/rad sentinel, and gave it another go. 5:20, ~247 DPS. Hybrid was ready right away, so, this might account for more difference than Degen vs Reactive. Or, it could be luck. it was well established in the old pylon thread before shutdown that Degen was the way to go for tough targets like this as it has a direct impact on the targets regen rate.
  24. you really aren't going to top street justice. not only does it have an aoe and a small cone that do great damage and recharge fast, it's tier 9 hits harder than assassins strike. Your strike Infernal with your Crushing Uppercut for 580.2 points of smashing damage! You hold Infernal with your Crushing Uppercut! You knocked Infernal from their feet! Your target takes 108.93 points of bonus smashing damage! Your Doublehit hits for 253.32 points of Energy damage! when it crit Your strike Infernal with your Crushing Uppercut for 474.8 points of smashing damage! You hold Infernal with your Crushing Uppercut! You knocked Infernal from their feet! You land a critical hit with your Crushing Uppercut for an extra 379.84 points of Smashing damage! Your target takes 89.14 points of bonus smashing damage! Your Doublehit hits for 207.3 points of Energy damage! I just don't think it's possible to top street justice on stalkers for single target, and for aoe it's really not far behind the other sets with how fast spinning strike and sweeping cross recharge.
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