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Everything posted by Dixa

  1. if you can take fire and still soft cap smash/lethal defense on you then go for it. if not then i dont recommend going that route. i have damage proc in corruption and i use corruption entirely because it's ranged. 6 slot purple set because why not. it's only there for the debuff and this build already has perma heat exhaustion and melt armor. having force feedback due to my secondary choice would not really benefit much of anything as i dont obsess over keeping forge up and i only use melt armor and HA for tough single targets.
  2. Several weeks now I've been asking this on the help channel and of teammates. Everybody just cops out and asks me to download Pine's. I've used Pine's for over a month and I still have the same questions, so obviously Pine's isn't helpful to everyone. We need a cheat sheet guide that answers these sorts of questions for every Archetype and the guide needs to be stickied to the top of each Archetype forum. it's not a cop out and there is no cheat sheet. whether you use all 12 or not, where you put them vastly varies based on primary, secondary and your goals. if the question of 'what is best and where' is important to you then you should download and use that hero builder. in thugs and demons i slot them the same - 4 of one in the boss pet, 4 of the 2nd set in the lieutenant pet and the last two of each in the tier 1's. i universally always put soulbound allegiance build up proc in t1's and i always put overwhelming force chance to kd in tier 1's. that fleshes them out. i then put a damage proc or two into the lt and boss or i use another piece of soulbound allegiance to help with end reduction or accuracy or if i really want to push above the post ED damage cap. I can do this because i park the other 4 io auras in hell on earth. thugs, demons, necros are unique in that they have a 4th pet power that makes for easy io aura parking. nobody told me to do this. i figured it out playing in pines. building and rebuilding. everyone has different goals. maybe you want to play kin? i dont like kin on mm so my goals are different from yours. maybe you like trick arrow? maybe you're a masochist. whatever. it's all personal choice.
  3. I used to be one of those that would decry anyone using the attacks while leveling, but honestly why not? The prestige attacks are end hungry anyway and for some secondaries it’s better than doing nothing.
  4. I have modified the build but I’m not able to post it right now. I can spot pop thaw on pets that get held or immob. This happens a lot. I dropped Phoenix for six slot corruption with a purple set. Slots came out of tactics as I was way over on smash/lethal defense Both heals are six slot now with a slot removed from both stamina and health. Panacea in one nunima in other. Miracle unique in health. Heat exhaustion is for the hefty -damage and -500% regen. Getting that perma is important for AV fights. Melt armor is there to go with the -res that also comes from two of your demons and corruption. Due to the long recharge rate Achilles heel should fire 90% of the time for an unresistable -20% resists. Thermal is pretty light on end compared to something Like time even when you have t4 ageless running so being lazy and flipping warmth to auto during an active fight is nice maintenance healing every 5 seconds. Assault won’t add that much and there is nothing I would drop for it except corruption but the demons are so tough I need something to do when I’m fighting things that aren’t av or GM. The number of times I’ve had a controller boss lock down two or more pets means I’m not about to drop thaw. The pets gain infinitely more from the tohit in tactic than the damage in assault. I have never run into a situation where taunt and placate have been an issue for pets and I believe demons have inherent resists to both Luck of the gambler provides global recharge. Unless I mis clicked Hover should have the def/global recharge, def/end and def from the set same as manuevers and scorpion shield. While I have tough I don’t actually run it. It’s for parking uniques.
  5. Get pines and play. The chance to build up only affects the pets they are in. The best spot is the tier 1 pets as they will proc it a crap ton and the proc has tohit. The ato aura is 15% aoe defense. What to put where is different based on primary. Getting lines and playing is how you optimize for your needs. Generally you will place all 12 ato plus the other 4 auras and fill the leftover with kB to kd and damage procs.
  6. Demons don’t have very good aoe. What they do have is mostly short range cones. Thugs and robots are the aoe sets. They can do 4/8 but crey with their incessant knock back and anything with a lot of psi are out of the question. Actually I find 4/8 in general annoying on mm as only kin can keep the pets from being flung all over which frequently gets them stuck flopping like fish on railings and what not. Mm def need tools to help with pets being Knocked around. No other at has as many hard counters in pve as the mastermind.
  7. I believe offensive adaptation with the multi hit staff aoe's adds it's damage to each damage tick. something to consider.
  8. since nobody ever does this with this AT I took my Justin char to the rikti pylon. I haven't made the changes I plan to with live, picking up corruption and dropping phoenix. this is also fully tier 4 incarnate - t4 musculature, t4 ageless, t4 assault (double hit), t4 degenerative. no lore pets used. 149 seconds (2:29), 385.18 dps. I'm actually quite happy. I expected worse given how long it can take an mm to drop a +3 or +4 av vs. scrappers and stalkers without lore pets. as this is not a defense setup, the pets get knocked back a lot. the demon prince was stuck in ragdoll for a bit too after a knockback. the damage potential could have been a LOT higher. I have a feeling a softcapped ninja/time or beast/kin even with just one target for fulcrum would wreck this thing provided you don't lose any pets during the test. added beasts/time, same incarnates. one or two were knocked away and one nearly died but much higher uptime on target and lower -regen from the set. 2:59 for 342 dps thugs/time same incarnates. the tier 1's were knocked around a bit but nobody got stuck in ragdoll like demons. almost lost the tier 1's several times it was hairy. 2:21, 399.79 dps. both beasts/time and thug/time technically had 100% uptime on achilles heel. demons/thermal only has achilles heel in melt armor with a cooldown far longer than it's duration, but the toxic demonling and hellfire demon also apply -20% resist each. so given how much the demons were being knocked away and the issue with the prince being stuck in ragdoll, the -500% regen really made the difference there.
  9. On Justin Demon/thermal mm. T4 musculature, t4 assault (the double hit one), t4 Degen (25% hp proc 75% dot proc), t4 ageless, t4 void (I only fired it once I think cause i'm an airhead) 149 seconds, 385.18 dps. when you watch the video realize that it could have been a crapton higher as my pets were being knocked away and my demon prince was stuck in ragdoll a few times. im happy. lost zero pets. My final live build will be different and will have an attack to spam for more -resist pets are hardcapped resists to smash/lethal/toxic/cold/fire 54% to energy/neg and naked when it comes to psi :( added beasts/time, same incarnates. one or two were knocked away and one nearly died but much higher uptime on target and lower -regen from the set. 2:59 for 342 dps thugs/time same incarnates. the tier 1's were knocked around a bit but nobody got stuck in ragdoll like demons. almost lost the tier 1's several times it was hairy. 2:21, 399.79 dps. both beasts/time and thug/time technically had 100% uptime on achilles heel. demons/thermal only has achilles heel in melt armor with a cooldown far longer than it's duration, but the toxic demonling and hellfire demon also apply -20% resist each. so given how much the demons were being knocked away and the issue with the prince being stuck in ragdoll, the -500% regen really made the difference there.
  10. correct. once geared out you will be popping a 3 piece boneless combo before crushing uppercut has fully recharged it's sweet gravy. you need something else to soak it up, and sweeping cross is the biscuit you are looking for. for most of my builds I only use heavy blow, assassins strike and shin breaker as combo builders and am able to use all three gapless while hasten is up. I always have another 3 cp ready before crushing uppercut is recharged and that only has a 7.6s recharge, so I drop sweeping cross. the powers you can drop - later - are initial strike and placate
  11. For a tankermind provoke really serves the following purposes (varies by secondary) Pulling Keeping pets alive Stopping a runner Third one is the biggest. All giant monsters run. If you have a secondary with a debuff toggle or debuff field everything runs and runs far. Provoke keeps them in place. The trick is fitting it into a build. A tankermind wants manuevers, fighting, hasten. Leaves no room for a travel power or hover or cj (again varies by secondary - traps doesn’t really need hasten)
  12. Stay defensive Goto defensive Follow defensive These three “modes” are bodyguard. Any other mode is not. This is both a blessing and a curse.
  13. Pick up the attacks. Grab the prestige attacks. Once you hit 32 either respect or flip to build 2 and drop the personal attacks. Get aid other, aid self and field medic. Team as much as you can However if you were looking for easy I would recommend street justice/sr or /bio stalker, not an mm.
  14. without incarnates, nothing tankerminds like bots/traps. and bots/traps doesn't need clarion, opening up more incarnate options. all mm builds suffer in actual incarnate content. if incarnate content is your goal this AT can be frustrating in it.
  15. all I know after..what...two weeks on Justin is that when you can hardcap your pets resists you do get better results with survivability - in general. I have also found that fighting av's on +4 is just not worth the effort on any AT. at least for me. losing pets irritates me to no end. one can not dispute the tanking king combo of bots/traps, but anything dependent on defense can fail to bad luck, lots of ddr, lots of tohit or the streakbreaker. and don't get me started on the number of av's out there that spam aoe knockbacks - so cheap and annoying. but of all of the combos I ran through the maria Jenkins arc with t4 incarnates fully io'd out on Justin, the only thing that came close to the tw/bio scrapper god was demons/thermal, but some av's the mm had to do on +2 not +3 because I did not want to use the lore pets for any of what I was doing on that server just to break regen (and that's with -500% regen in heat exhaustion). I was impressed with beast damage potential however zero ranged abilities and such large models all melee there were some smaller av's and bosses where I couldn't get them all to attack - they couldn't reach.
  16. this is not entirely correct. the old tankermind builds on the old forums didn't take acro because it only protected against hold and knockback. generally a tankermind is going to be softcapped so the cc is rarely going to connect. clarion is an option as well. check this old thread about tankerminding that was made a few months before shutdown. that's about as current as you can get. https://web.archive.org/web/20120905233931/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=293937
  17. It’s a good idea to take the first two attacks while leveling but once you get your tier 3 pet it’s generally time to drop them or keep one for its utility (demons, beasts)
  18. Frankenslotting both mm ato sets in your pets can get you 30% global recharge and cap them for acc, dmg and end reduction. Overwhelming force kB to kd gets the most use in the pets with the most attacks as does sovereign rights chance for build up so slot into the tier 1. You would then slot call to arms and edict of the master probably in tornado. You don’t need the sovereign right and expedient reinforcement auras.
  19. this was one of the most annoying av's ive ever faced. fighting at +2. pulled out lore pets at the end due to the annoyance factor making the fight longer. Watch and you will see what I mean. Didn't lose a single pet though even though this av does energy/smashing, and energy is the weakest resist next to psi on this setup. this is the build i'm going to settle on. corruption is nice for ranged pulling, additional -resists, a spot for a purple set for another 10% recharge and is something to do on normal packs. on normal packs unless i'm fighting carnies the pets don't take much damage. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1521;702;1404;HEX;| |78DA75944B4F135114C7EF74A6625B6A8B05CAA36FA05068A71D75AD065012A5490| |5445D91493BD049FA20B424EACEAFE0068DF1B132BA71ABF111C5F8FC18BA121575| |A15157F530FF13DAD03869F39B7B9EFF736F6FB317A73B1FCC5C392624EF5449AFD| |596B27AAD6EAC95CD4AC19ED557CCBC2C84704E1BE56AE5B2592AE91DB48C366396| |E6D7CBE452AD005E989595D688C9F5E56575A1482BBDB434A7174CBD6E562BC293A| |B564BEAACA1178CB55AD15C755BEB93E64AB14E059CD66A7ED5300A2E384A3B9EC0| |895533AFB614CFEA7983255FEA236909FA5EF70A7E1A76316513425384ED38F39C6| |25139CB7C2B5BDCF71A7CECA634897303EC0B82FB43CC30E88C80C351F0899B5345| |439642F436AA88CE1878300A7687C1A7142BB346F9938CD82DF0C067E617D0FB154| |C6DA3CF0D9ACF8E5C618F0ACBD645E7D201DDB68E1EC9B20D7483112FF88C7A3A58| |9F83F579FFA3EF26F570B13ED707F4ED3D8A3DECBD80BDEB5B602E8203E7411F697| |1438B70DF43CE35AAE7E17A9E246C8114185299693092018734F016E576B1EEAE2D| |61E90B7C245F90F6FE17E64FFD44EC739AD18758C9F717BA43BF418974F5F0BEF50| |C204F269B1F5A25FF21C40DED18A8F66DEADBCF9AFBDFC117790546DF30DF33EF22| |6768123A5E908E41EE3538815E0AF50AF21905F96CE27C36713EB33BD433CC79613| |EDB4DAA15834D89B1EE61AE19E7F528AF93CC979433C239239BA4C9A788719B6C69| |1C97990A98B4838F0863D0278FB19E04EB4CB0CEC41F61C53EA4D809AE3F7106332| |773606A0E4CCF83DA0218A3F9559E5F659DE93D74504C866332AC41630D1A6B0828| |BBF79B3EF4D0247B2D99368BD66639DC6639D266996DB5383047B6696BE494DD3B2| |F242BC3E1DDBDD98D6D2779A556EFF7A645924EE1AE8D2E62AE6F6DD13F9A169BB4| |61E37F1D3EF1AB58CFF80988696CD04F5FE3DEF7634DFB695FF3FD1F688EF040| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  20. the -regen in bots/dark is actually small. you don't start to see a noticeable regen decrease unless you stack twilights grasp a few times. remember that -regen works exactly the same as mez resists. example - 100% mez resists will reduce the time you are mezzed by 10%. it's the same formula for -regen. so -150% regen is only a 15% nuke to regen rate. only poison trap actually shuts regen off at 1000% the -tohit buffs are doing less than you think as you ramp difficulty up. google the purple patch for more details. Very respectfully, Bots/Dark has some excellent -Regen: Howling Twilight is perma with basic IOs and has -500% Regen. Assault Bot has two Plasma Beam attack, each with -500% Regen that last for 30 seconds and stack. That's -1000% Regen from him. -1500% total. Not saying Traps isn't an AV killer, it is, and it's a fantastic recommendation. But Bots/Dark has had a great reputation for tackling AVs as well. I always forget about howling twilight. I haven't personally played /dark since cov launched it was my first mm. necro/dark. I am tempted to play it again it was a helluva combo for not just dropping av's but general gameplay. that being said the -regen portion of howling twilight lasts 30 seconds (as taken from the in game tooltip). I don't think it's possible to get enough recharge on an mm to make that -regen permanent. edit: yup you would need 300% recharge. at 257% the cooldown is 41 seconds. still not bad. expensive though.
  21. what mm post would that be? the one where you asked about mercs/trick arrow viability and crapped on everyone who gave you positive advice because they did not directly answer your question in the format you wanted? oh right you deleted that one. but that's ok, insult my knowledge. I do feel bad for those who take yours. acrobatics. lol.
  22. Dixa

    How good is Beast?

    It also happens on my /nature, as if the mob gets too much attacks per second and fear just kicks in (like some tend to run away when health gets low). nature has a power similiar to darknest night. that power also causes fear for both dark and nature. I don't run any debuff toggles on my nature, just the odd few aoe buffs. Even when im not even close, when all 5 wacking the same mob, they tend to just run off. wondering if primary may matter here. beyond the obvious primaries that drop patches which have fear associated with them, I have never dealt with many runners on demons. I was doing diabolique as a +3 av on Justin with a tw/bio scrapper and it was frustrating because she would bubble and run every minute when she was at 20% health. but with my demons/thermal also +3 even though she would bubble she wouldn't run, or rather fly off. I know someone said earlier that acid mortar also causes a permanent fear effect when really it shouldn't. just more reason to always grab an aoe immob as an mm.
  23. sleet has the same -defense of freezing rain at 30% unenhanced the -resist on these powers is resistable based on level difference. it will only give you 30% resist debuff on same level minions. achilles heel will always be -20% regardless of level difference. farsight provides the same defensive bonus as both cold shields together and unlike the shields, provides that defense to all as well as a +tohit buff for your pets. time also has a superior heal. cold has superior -regen if you can slot enough recharge to make it permanent.
  24. you were the same guy who took zero advice from any vet on reddit, treated us like crap and constantly delete your posts because you didn't like the answers we gave you. I went by JupiterMoon on the game forums. Here is my i9 thugs/traps build guide. https://web.archive.org/web/20120904225238/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=120004 if you aren't using Justin to test your theories then they are nothing but that - theories.
  25. really wish you would stop dispensing mm advice when you don't actually have one at 50. you dispense a lot of bad information based on sub 50 anecdotes of sets you have no experience with. the end return on lifegiving spores barely covers it's toggle cost. it returns 0.01 end. time is one of the most end hungry sets we have even with perma chrono shift. kinetics has end issues before transference since you WILL be tranfusioning a lot for survival. the only set you listed that has no end issues is force field because you quite literally have nothing to do. the fact you advocate for acrobatics on an mm already speaks volumes to your inexperience in either efficient building or min/max building.
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