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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. That's an insult to both the Goonies and Spaceballs. Btw y'all see the thing where Taika Waititi asked Natalie Portman if she'd ever wanted to be in a Star Wars movie?
  2. I just meant complicated in that you're popping from range to melee a lot. Feral charge is one of the better powers in the game but you'll also have to pop back out from melee to use cones (and so you can feral charge back in).
  3. Plant/ By level 8 you've got the signature power, seeds of confusion, which is up every mob out of the box. Adding carrion creepers at 26 with permadom levels of recharge just makes it silly. The secondary is up to you, basically just flavor. Mine's plant/savage which is a blast, if a bit complicated.
  4. Are we sure this doesn't work? It's possible lightsabers are just laser pointers with enough OS updates that they've completely lost their original effectiveness.
  5. The widely reported extra time was from a Canadian theater which was showing it and included cast/crew interviews. There's no 20 cut minutes of story. I liked the show overall despite the various plot holes
  6. Try the unbutchered book version of that. Stay for 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' by the same author.
  7. Keep in mind one purple drop will buy a whole hell of a lot of level 35-40 stuff. If you're fire farming at 50 on a consistent basis you should have plenty of cash to buy what you need off the AH even without selling your high end drops. You can certainly farm for the lower level stuff if you just want to craft drops and avoid the AH, but if you consider the opportunity costs of missed level 50 drops it'd definitely be sub-optimal to do so.
  8. One other note about hitting stuff - level of the enemy counts. This won't matter to you so much when you're leveling and using common SOs and such but once you get heavily into IO/ATO/WO etc and lots of fiddling in Mids it'll become a factor. I think (i.e. it's what I have mine set at. I trust a forumite to slap me down if I'm wrong) if you go into Mids configuration under Exemping and Base values and change 'Base ToHit' to 48 it'll make your numbers when slotting right for fighting +4 enemies (assuming you're +1), which of course we all do tons of in the current state of the game.
  9. Whaaaa? Vader dies?!?! Not that, but a few things of recent vintage probably could use a spoiler tag. I don't look at the thread on new episode day until I've seen it but there are folks who peep this who're not caught up.
  10. I worry if you're Fannon Adjacent it becomes too easy to get lost but never found and downright impossible to turn around. It's also possible I have Fannon/Fannin confooz.
  11. 5 seemed like a step up from the others despite
  12. Not a build critique but if you're going to be taunting while she hover-blasts she could just as easily do that with a blaster. Would give her more damage and higher target caps on the aoes.
  13. I like to think Jawas just have the two floating shiny pennies in the blackness even without the hood. I had the molded hood jawa as a kid so I couldn't have checked even if I hadn't sold all those off.
  14. I was vaguely remembering which must've gone viral since I've not watched an ep of SNL since the 90s.
  15. I've only seen 7-9 once, which is once more than I wish I'd seen them. Are we entirely sure Bea Arthur's purse wasn't where Rey found the lightsaber in Mitch McConnell's basement? "It called out to me like a pal, a confidante. It told me my heart was true."
  16. iirc the holiday special made the official list back when they separated out the legends. i'm sure we all have our fingers crossed for cgi bea arthur force ghost. It's been like 25+ years since I read the original Thrawn trilogy as a teen. My memory of it is just that I really liked it. He seems a bit too Brainy Smurf to me in the newer stuff, but I might just be romanticizing the original based on 0 content recall.
  17. Thrawn's already been brought into 'official canon' with Rebels and new novels so it's pretty much a foregone conclusion at this point we'll see him. Innertubes seems to want Benadryl Bandersnatch for the part, because innertubes.
  18. Is there a word in Klingon that translates roughly to "why couldn't it have just been a Rick-roll?" ;D
  19. Translating graffiti is some high level nerdery even for star wars nerds. You start down that dark path and you may wind up with Klingon wedding vows.
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