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  1. The mission should've been cut into parts to make it more digestible at higher difficulties and challenge settings. Would run it a lot more outside of my own friend group if it didn't take ~2hrs+ to clear with pugs. The Vanguard is one of the only fun fights to tank in the game and in order to try it you have to spend 60+ minutes running around clearing trash, then after you clear it you have to spend another 60 minutes clearing trash waiting for your reward because lets face it; a lone kinetic melee AV that has the gimmick of blue vomit and a allergy to lava isnt that much to look forward to after the awesome fight against the Vangaurd. The pacing of the ASF kills it.
  2. When enemies are guaranteed to hit you and defense debuff nails you. You need some serious single target healing from empathy or a pain even with . None of our 4 man challenge runs would've been possible without it. Forgot to mention the massive +tohit enemies get in harder content
  3. Well I can say I've had better discussions about tanks position in endgame teams.
  4. You are cherry picking so let me expand on that statement. Tanker is extremely specialized in what it does best. With how most teams are constructed you have incarnates and insps shoved down your throat or stacking cold corrupters to the point where a scrapper with taunt can do the tanks job. So a tank is not needed because every other melee AT does the tanks job but better in 99% of content.
  5. For 99% of the game a tanker is not needed in the first place and where it is needed it should play its role. I would rather clear a little slower and not have to deal with a dead tank leaving the AV's to run wild causing mass death. I have seen it to many times to count. I have cleared a lot of challenge 4 man content; 4* ITF, 4* ASF and Old school Freedom Phalanx. Are you tanking content that needs the highest armor and HP #'s in the game? If not who cares what you're tanker is running in the first place. If you are tanking content with a team that needs one and you keep dying, it's a build/armor set problem and not a content problem.
  6. I've seen plenty of tanks that build for defense/incarnates/inspirations crumble where res built debuff immune tanks shine in Aeon/hard AE especially with challenge settings. If you have incarnates/insps and/or nutty support/defbuff sets you don't need a tank in the first place and a stalker with taunt could do the same job. Point is to many tanks have joined my teams for content, fell on their face and quit team or logged out after their first death. Would be nice to see more tanks built to tank rather then built to do council radios.
  7. Its animations are long. You can get caught in bad situations as a tank because you are suck animating an attack that takes 10 years to finish animating. Wanna move out of a puddle? or pop dull pain or unstop? Gotta wait for arc of destruction to finish animating. You can't afford being locked in place for to long.
  8. With that I mean if/when you are over agro'd maybe a few EB's are lose or a AV is lose or there is a massive nuke and a few people die or a key defender dies. You as a Invuln or Elec can pop your T9 which makes you basically immortal for a very long time. Meaning your support doesn't have to worry about you dying and making the situation controllable as they can focus on getting the team back up and stabilized. While you live through hell and keep agro on the mob. As for the crash afterwords you have 3 options; 1 is time dull pain so that it activates after the crash happens 2 pop burnout and then unstop again 3 communicate it with your support so they are aware you are about to drop to 10% As long as you don't take titan weapons you are fine. My buddy ran Elec/Elec afaik for our 4 man clear of the Vanguard fight in Dr. Aeon.
  9. If you are a tanker do your job and survive Invuln (and elec) have the ability to turn off any cascade event or massive -def/-res debuff. If you are doing content where you have barriers shoved down your throat or a pile of cold corrupters a scrapper can tank and a tanker isnt needed in the first place. Invuln (and a close 2nd to elec) are the best Tankers for the point of tanking damage and surviving. If you want to do damage play something else or go make a fire farmer. Yea that would be a great setup for anything you need a tank for. Just remember to take Unstoppable (burnout too if you wanna be spicy and re-up on unstop before the crash.)
  10. Invuln is and always will be the best hard content tanker set. Unstop is unreplaceable in all content. Source: tanked the first 4-man, 4-star ITF link
  11. Kin is useful in radios and farms but near useless everywhere else.
  12. AR is only worth playing if you are a RPing as the quiet kid.
  13. Congrats you have made a mediocre blast set even worse. With nothing redeeming about it.
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