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Everything posted by Nericus

  1. Yeah once you have Lorekeeper badge that mission is open. Easily stealthed,. Take down boss in mission one, get glowie in next.
  2. Ah, the memories. I did similar runs back on live with the arena. For any that think the damage received or heal badges are bad now, I remind everyone to look at the old requirements for them prior to the issue 13 badge revamp. I believe 2 billion was the amount as I recall.....
  3. Buck Rogers,. Time to get the original sci-fi adventurer back on the screen. Also please include a cameo of a destroyed Twiki the robot Flash Gordon RoboCop vs the Terminator
  4. This is the first major outage in the two years HC has been around. Would you rather go back to the seven years of no game at all?
  5. Well, vidiot maps does have the locations marked since live, I would suggest the following 1 event messages on 2 long range teleport linked to KR 3. Fly power with the now integrated afterburner Once you teleport into the zone, one site is near the base portal, the other two are equidistant Only problem I have had is correctly guessing which site. 🙂
  6. Precisely. I think they were meant more for base raids. Though I do drop a nuke sometimes in a Respec trial.
  7. Going off memory here but I think the nemesis invasion ran during anniversary month back in the day, which is May as I recall. The game returned last May but we were all starting over and rebuilding alts. So with luck May 2020 is Nemesis invasion time Also aren't we due for a month of rikti invasions?
  8. Interesting.....makes sense given that the DD trial can end in fail if enough people screw it up....and I do not know what would happen to that badge mission if the mission holder was on a trial that failed
  9. Wait, what? Auto completing that mission awards the badge?
  10. Use the lava on the trapdoor mission of the arc where unlock your incarnate powers or ouroborus Maria Jenkins arc again Before entering lava, enter rest mode, eat about 20 break free insps then walk into the lava
  11. Lava soaking can work but you really need to be careful that your rest/regen is constantly outpacing the lava, or have a secondary account character with fully slotted up since target heal set to auto fire on you Same if you use mutliple enemies to attack you at once
  12. Trying to remember from the old days,...I had a praetorian origin character that is in rebuild mode now. The badges you get every 10th level I think are renamed, some of the damage received, heal and hold badges may have alternative names Defeat badges I believe are not changed for praetorians, Tf/SF/incarnate trial badges aren't changed either.
  13. Hmm kinda reminds me of the old transformer animated movie "why settle for a peak when you can see everything from lookout mountain"
  14. Nericus


    Basically, you just need to run all praetorian missions in ouro
  15. Interesting, I have not used the beta server, but then as this badge likely isn't available on live servers then I can see why it is not counting as part of the total. Phantom badge
  16. Going to Disneyland! Text reads "you have obtained 1530 badges in City of Heroes, what are you going to do next?"
  17. That's been around long before NCSoft pulled the plug. You obtain it when you complete Mortimer Kals strikeforce in sharkhead, the buff is gone as of level 50, so click convert and the badg changes and you get a notice of the well
  18. Sweet Sixteen would be cool, and better then "too bad for you, NCSoft!"
  19. Beta tester.
  20. FYI when you get the mission with only 15 minutes, speed and stealth/invis are your best friends for it. The map is usually a multi level crey map with glowie usually on the last level, ghost to it, click it then after that stick around and smash crey if you want
  21. This badge was never in ouroborus You must do newspaper missions and be L45+ The badge only awards to the mission owner so teaming up with others won't get you the badge. Fail even one of his missions and you likely will not get the badge
  22. Just be happy that it is 100 hours now per badge and not 21 days 🙂
  23. Always park your main badge hunters at a day job spot before log out to get some progress on dayjobs then after you get all the rest finish the day jobs
  24. True there are gaps and most of them could be filled as the data regarding them is preshutdown and was likely not changed by Leandro and homecoming. Some badges like doorbuster would need to be updated to show the old criteria and the post shutdown criteria.
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