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Dan Petro

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Everything posted by Dan Petro

  1. Super easy fixes for FF. Short edition. PFF - Fine Deflection Field - Add DDR Insulation Field - Add -Slow/-Recharge resist Force bolt - Add -10%res debuff (on defenders), if possible (mechanically) add greater % -res if target resists knock back (Say 18.75% total) Detention field - Have it act like the injection power from medicine. Affects enemies with a cage (leaves the power as is) gives allies a very large absorb shield say 50% base HP, with a 120 second duration. Repulsion field - Add -15% damage debuff, lower end cost Repulsion Bomb - Add minor -res / -defense to the power. Say -10% res/ -15% def for 12-15 seconds. Increase values for KB resistant foes. Force Bubble - Add a strong ticking absorb shield (similar to what sentinel regen gets at the moment) for allies inside in addition to the repel effects. Say ~30 base absorb per second that stacks up to maybe 50% of allies base HP. FF stays a top tier buff / survivability set, gets a little utility and layering and a tier 9 that is useful to be in. If you were feeling really generous, you could add in a small damage buff or something for standing inside force bubble as well, nothing crazy maybe 25%.
  2. It isn't a switch you flip and it is back to i12, it is more like a massive untangling of powers and systems. On the private server it was quoted as if we try this, there is no going back. It also came with the notion that it would require a massive overhaul / balance pass with all the sets proliferated, all the game mechanics added since i12, all the new IO's floating around out there, all the free +res bonuses on sets, and a very long list of things. So you'd have the workload of actually getting things back to i12, and from there you start from scratch re balancing a massive amount of things. The reality is, the PvP community is incredibly small compared to the PvE playerbase and the amount of time and effort it'd take from a volunteer dev team would far outweigh anything you'd end up getting out of it. That and parts of i12 were just plain awful and would be even more so with everything that has been proliferated today.
  3. This is what a Psy/EM PVP build will look like. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1527&c=706&a=1412&f=HEX&dc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our main attack chain is getting off will dom / psi lance / spirit shark jaws. Or will dom/psi lance/TK blast if SSJ is down. Mental blast is kind of a filler/finisher.
  4. I don't know if there was any changes, but If I remember right it was mentioned in the patch notes that the 50% range bonus was going to be removed from the fast snipe powers. So I believe it is working as intended. From a balance perspective, it makes good sense that the fast version acts just like a normal attack where as the slow version gives you the very potent (boost range in EM is 59%) range buff.
  5. This is a build very specific to 8 v 8 team arena stuff, but you can use it as a starting point once you get Pines working. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1520&c=714&a=1428&f=HEX&dc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
  6. I have no idea who you are, but yikes dude. I don't think we played the same game. Unless you are confusing good players on bad builds, beating bad players who didn't know what they were doing (because that was like 60 + % of the PvP on live pre i12) The best example of this was Aura on his AR/Elec shredding a bunch of randoms with full auto. Ar/Elec wasn't good, it was hilariously bad but people didn't know what they were doing. In zones and in arena right now you see : Blasters, Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, Sentinels, Stalkers, VEATs, Scrappers, Tankers, Brutes, and masterminds. What you don't see are Khelds, Dominators for the most part because they are kind of second rate blasters atm and that is literally it. If you are someone who is active in PvP on homecoming you'd know/see this. If you are just someone who is looking at the flawed i12 system through the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia then you are always going to be disappointed.
  7. *Edited the original post* Mallex pointed out that Controller gale seems to be missing a PvE flag on the two instances of its KB powers, and those aren't triggering KB suppression, allowing you to stack the magnitude with the PvP flagged ones. (I hope I got that right, but yeah PvE flags).
  8. Psn, Nature, Pain, Emp, FF, Kin, TA all have a place in current PVP Meta. Blaster primaries that work include Ice, Dark, Psi, Beam, secondaries are Plant, TA and EM. Melee sets like Rad, Psy, and SS all work well. Invul, Bio, EA, Regen are top picks for secondaries. Its funny because I remember it was Ice/EM and then Fire/EM as your only blaster choices for a long time until Psi came around and for melee it was pretty much EM pre ET nerf, then SS and that was about it unless you were fightclubbing. Support sets did more like Kin/Sonic/etc but that was also the time of 30 second cages which was fun and engaging gameplay. i13 has plenty of flaws, i12 just had different ones. The game has advanced so far beyond that point with so much power proliferation there would be so many combo's to play or IO's to build that would just shatter any sense of balance if there was ever an attempt at a reversion. A Mind/Psn controller with hold procs will literally run anyone out of BF's in under 2 minutes under the old mez system rules.
  9. I won't speak for everyone, but I think many of us are just happy to have eyes on it. We do our best to adapt to what is out there, occasionally banning certain powers from competitive type environments but in zone PVP you definitely tend to see the dark characters out in force.
  10. Just for perspective on these mez procs, 5.3 - 6.0 second mez effects essentially allows you to gain most of the benefits of the CC classes (Dominators / Controllers) with upwards of a 90% proc rate on pretty much any other AT out there for one slot worth of investment. 4 second base mez effects - with just an alpha that boosts the mez effect = 5.32 seconds. 4 second base mez effects with a single mez IO = 5.7 seconds. The logic becomes, why run a controller or dominator when you can just slot 1 of these in a blaster attack and get all the CC you need from just 1 slot instead of bringing another AT to set up mez spikes.
  11. I am seeing 167 base damage in PvP for it, so that looks right to me. I do however see an issue with the tier 1 attack seeminly doing much less damage than intended (21 in PvE and 34 in PvP) as well as trick shot's chain range being insanely small. Both issues can be seen in this short video. MA Dominator
  12. Thanks for the feed back on it. I figured it would take some time with the volunteer staff, but appreciate that it is at least on people's minds.
  13. This was a thing on live, but I feel like it has gotten much worse on the private servers. If you watch the video you can see ~50% of the time despite coming to a full stop on the target, Assassin strike will interrupt itself and deduct the end cost. Specifically what I am looking at occurs on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 8th instance of trying to land and AS. This issue gets much worse when you are trying to AS in pvp against a moving target using SS/SJ with capped movement speed. I'm pretty sure it is the result of just server tic rate or latency or something like that but was wondering if there was any kind of fix or improvement that could be made (slight range increase? end cost reduction of AS'es that are interrupted? etc. )
  14. Yeah for sure man, those ranged characters like controllers, VEAT's, Khelds, and to an extent MM's are just getting kills left and right. I dare someone to try and outkill a Grav/TA or Ill/Emp or Mind/FF. Those guys just have it so easy. Or maybe, just maybe this is an MMO where different classes have different roles. Maybe the fact that your average well built brute or tank just CAN NOT be killed by a solo blaster/dominator means they shouldn't be doing competitive damage. Or maybe that high end melee builds can be pounded by 3-5 opponents for upwards of 2 or 3 minutes before dying means that melee probably shouldn't be doing competitive ranged damage with characters that die in about 3 seconds when focused by 3+ opponents.
  15. I can promise you no one on our end is offended by anyone's taste in humor here. We may find it funny when someone just downright lacks a sense of humor to the point where you can tell if they ever went out to any kind of social events, they'd be that wet blanket you'd actively want to avoid(JB up there). We may find it funny that a stupid joke started by 2 or 3 people on one sever spawned 9 page threads or crazy facebook rants. We may find it funny (and a little sad) the absurd lengths people will try to go to comparing "no warshades" to possibly some of the worst atrocities in human history. Humor like art, taste, and so many other things is subjective. I'd ask who is worse, the person who tells a joke some people don't find funny? Or the person(s) who have to let everyone know that something in a subjective medium wasn't to their personal tastes and trying to link their actions to Hitler. LOL.
  16. Hey thanks for posting this...I know who to ignore better! #ItJustAGame Bud. They are memeing. You're falling for it. Hard. I would suspect Dan Petro, who starting this part of the conversation, has a custom title and played on SCoRE would fess up if that was the case. Maybe I expect too much of the stewards of this game when it was secret...regardless, I don't find it funny, so I'm ignoring those who do...I win either way... BTW, explain the Meme to me? Alright after talking with the public relations wing of the Warshades are Trash SG I was given permission to release the following statement, it will hopefully clear some things up here: I was not a member of this SG at the time of posting as I was waiting on my membership fee's to go through. The inner circle and founding fathers of this quickly growing SG were not members of the private server (if that matters?) There is an established movement inside of Paragon City Lore wants earth to remain for humans only. This group (WSAT) is somewhere in the middle in that they are okay with Peacebringers, but just really hate warshades. Everyone is free to play with who they want and what they want. WSAT are inclusive of Heroes, Rouges, Vigilantes, Villains, HUMANS of any race or gender, Peace Bringers, Human Animal Hybrids (only those created in lab accidents though or offspring of such hybridizations ) Bird creatures named Fateswing and Sewer Dwelling Deities. Have fun out there, but remember : But PB's are okay.
  17. I heard someone on reddit was trying for 3 hours to beat our ITF time and got within 3 seconds of it. All it took was a call out to the "Warshades are Trash" SG with the opportunity to kill some warshades and 15 minutes later, we ended up with this.
  18. I'm just going to put this out there, but the "Warshades are Trash" SG on torchbearer hold numerous speed TF records, including the STF, LRSF, ITF and most importantly the AbSewTri. So those guys might be on to something with their no warshade policy. (If you are looking for an invite you do need to provide your account info for regular sweeps to be sure you haven't rolled a warshade).
  19. 2 minutes??? How?????? I'm pretty sure that dude literally only runs sewer trials and that is it. I heard he leveled 1-50 exclusively in the sewers, it is his farm map, his RP grounds, his merit farm. Everything. To say he knows the AbSewTri like the back of his hand would be an insult to the amount of dedication he has put into it.
  20. I'm glad someone finally posted the only speed TF time that matters.
  21. Correct, if you are damage capped consistently -res and damage procs (along with enough +recharge to run your best chain) are pretty much all you are building for. For damage at least.
  22. A few more first attempts tonight if you don't count the 6 months of non stop practice. LRSF ITF
  23. Redylnne, not going to quote everything you said but the TL:DR is crit should be checking the same time as a to hit roll (the beginning of the animation, this is really easy to see with powers like BFR and Will dom that have very long projectile travel times but the to hit rolls are instant at the start of the cast). So you are pretty much always getting that 33% crit buff as long as you cast a power immediately after EC no matter which one it is. And 33% crit buff on one attack on an AT with the highest base damage modifier is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than 33% damage on two attacks on AT's with a nice and low +damage modifier. Especially considering scrappers now have an extra 6% base crit and a 50% buff for 3 seconds.
  24. If you want a handy resource for calculating the PPM of various procs in single target only powers you can check out these : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oCxgCELXxttPkTjXcutGfWA6GPmiEGiC-cmd7vTXBcU/edit#gid=0 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vd4ZZd1jfhOzdZZkGxC9O0NN5G0T1EdWPu_XRrV6s0U/edit#gid=905771942 First is a calculator, second is a list of all the procs and their PPM. I believe it was @macskull who put them together.
  25. This is true if you want to try for an i12 reversion kind of thing. But look at the snipe changes currently on the test server. In PvE they are going from 2.28 to 2.76 scale damage based on your to hit modifier. In PvP they are unchanged and using the standard PvP damage formula which heavily accounts for activation time to determine damage done. Understood, while some changing may be easily possible, unwinding travel suppression, GDN, ED, and other changes made because of PvP would be largely impossible, due to every other addition that built in them. A damage scale change is much more minor. So you can just straight up turn off travel suppression and Heal Decay in the arena and it is currently turned off in the zones. ED is a PvE change and laid the groundwork for Invention Origins. GDN was a PvE change because it created this massive gap between characters with defensive primaries and secondaries, and those with damage/support/cc ones. It was bad for the games PvE health. It wasn't a PvP change because Powerboost Aim/Build up + 30% unresisted damage on blasters or completely unresisted debuffs on defnders in PvP pretty much laughed at any level of defense/resistance a character could hit.
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