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Crowcus Pocus

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Everything posted by Crowcus Pocus

  1. Hectic week, but I'll see if I can make it. If I'm not there on time, then don't wait for me. I'll catch up.
  2. *whistles* Yeah, it's one of those powers that are nice to have (free DPS) but not necessarily a must. Some of my Elec toons skip it due to the fact that they're built for fast paced teams - in this specific scenario pets just can't keep up. Yes, you could toggle on/off but that's just inconvenient. However, in radio teams, soloing, or exempd TFs I really like my trusty VS. I'd say stick w it at least until L50 and then make a decision.
  3. I love mine to bits, even knowing full well it's not a top DPSer. It sounds like you're having fun too - which really is all that matters. Happy zapping.
  4. Sorry for necro'ing this post but I was wondering if anyone's running Mids smoothly on recent Macs? Is the above video still the best way to go?I've ordered mine today and obviously I'll be instantly installing CoX+Mids as soon as I get it. Thanks!
  5. Sorry for necro'ing this post but I was wondering if anyone's running Mids smoothly on recent Macs? Is the above video still the best way to go? I've ordered mine today and obviously I'll be instantly installing CoX+Mids as soon as I get it. Thanks!
  6. Cinder Hornet created and parked.
  7. Here you are, trying to ruin my life. No starbucks but I do have plenty of coffee at hand! I can't promise I'll be on this late, but I'm creating my toon in a little bit just in case. So, we want /Energy with lots of knockback, yeah? You got it -- summoning Rad Pinball.
  8. While I haven't researched to learn the differences, I'm pretty sure Ninjutsu is a word. Maybe a synonym of Ninjitsu?
  9. KinMelee/Regen Scrapper. I seriously would rather solo with an Ice/FF controller.
  10. For a Slytherin I'd probably go with Gravity/Dark controller. /Dark certainly fits the theme and it provides a great mix of extra control, buffs and debuffs. Plus, you get to have your own pocket Dementor (Dark Servant). As for Gravity/, it:s just because it feels like the most wizardy powerset available. Dark/Dark controller could also work for an Auror toon. If you're dead set on kin, then I'd definitely go with a corruptor, with Elec/ being my fave.
  11. It is! Without this option my alts would be cut in half. While we're at it, another thing that is possible to do at a facemaker/surgeon is change body size (male/female/huge).
  12. You can choose a No Redraw option. Go to any trainer/tailor, click Customize Appearance -> Primary/Secondary -> Tactical Arrow (No Redraw). Same applies to most other primaries/secondaries with redraw animations (bar a few exceptions).
  13. That's odd. Even without incarnates my brutes do just fine (although getting to T3 asap does make things smoother). Two things come to mind: 1) Check your fire defense and resistance before you jump in. You should have ~45% and 88% respectively. If not, then you might be missing a toggle or maybe didn't upgrade your winter set to superior. 2) Don't jump to the middle of the map right away. What I typically do is I enter the mission and then I just walk a bit forward or to the sides. By doing this I get the attention of 3-4 groups but not overaggro to the point where my regen/heal procs can't keep me alive. As things die, other patrols will join the party but not to the point of getting you killed. Hope this helps.
  14. S'me, False Fiction -- the one who got you the Fire/Rad bug. As soon as I learned about the existence of HC I've reached out to Lee, Techno and Princey and we immediately started playing again. Tux and a few other folks back from live joined too. We didn't have your contact so I searched the forums for your name but no joy. But now, here you are! Older and slower than ever. I'll add you in game as soon as I can. (@CrowcusPocus)
  15. Oh my. Hi ScarRad! *wave* UltraViolet ftw?
  16. Hey welcome back! Sounds like it's time to make new friends then. Few questions: 1) Will you mostly be soloing, teaming, or a mix of both? 2) Are you comfortable stepping into melee range or would you much rather kill things from a distance? 3) Any restrictions in terms of primaries/secondaries or even pool powers?
  17. Is this a solo or all purpose build? Is /Force something you'd like to stick with? I do have a build updated to Page 5 that I can share when I get home. Just wondering if you had any goals in mind.
  18. Plenty of great feedback/advice above 👆 I've attached my build, recently updated to Page 5. You'll notice I don't shoot for soft capped defenses. Instead, I go for a more all rounded approach that gives me enough defenses, resistances, and crowd control to play aggressively. One small purple will cap your ranged, melee, s/l, and neg/energy defenses if needed. But 99% of the time you'd be better of popping reds and killing things faster. Heatwave Hawk - Blaster (Fire Blast).mxd
  19. Yeah, that too! Just noticed I left it off in my tank build as well.
  20. UPDATE: Made a few corrections to the build: Numina's +Reg/Recovery moved to an auto-power Added Unbreakable Guard +7,5% HP for slightly better hp/s Traded Hasten for Concealment Pool for more efficient mule slotting Updated build attached to this post. AFK - Rad - Stone Armor - P5 v3.mxd
  21. Looks great! My Brute build has a few mistakes in it. I'll be updating it in the next few hours. It's really cool to see how we can all build differently and achieve similar stats! By the way, Crystal Armor is more than a defensive armor - it also grants +recovery. Even unslotted it's a net positive recovery buff, so you might as well turn it on! Here's my Tank build attached. Happy farming! AFK - Stone - Rad Tank - P5.mxd
  22. Hey all. Here's an alternative AFK fire farmer to the ever popular Rad/FA. Pros: 1 winter set only, which makes this build ~240M cheaper than most without sacrificing efficiency Better regen than /Fire Armor, allowing you to skip accolades if you can't be bothered getting them 102.5% recharge Capped fire defense ~88% fire resistance HOW TO PLAY Pick your afk fire farm of choice. I suggest a timed Asteroid fire farm updated to Page 5 Turn on Mud Pots, Irradiated Ground, Rooted, Brimstone Armor, Crystal Armor, Minerals, Combat Jumping, Tactics, and Maneuvers Put Atom Smasher on auto Enter mission Depending on the mission you picked, relocate your character or reset the mission as needed NOTE: If it's a fresh toon, get your Spiritual Alpha T3 unlocked first for the +45% recharge and level shift. Enjoy. EDIT: Updated build with corrections and improvements added to the post below.
  23. Just take Earth and be uber on your own. Add in Mr Poo just because you can.
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