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Crowcus Pocus

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Everything posted by Crowcus Pocus

  1. My fave MM is a non-MM. Shots fired.
  2. I've been leveling my Ice/Ice and I like the uniqueness of the combo. Any chance I could take a sneak peek at your build?
  3. I've figured it out! Thanks for the input guys.
  4. Oh, I meant one arc only, but 4 exact same missions that I'll then slightly edit the mob type.
  5. Hey all. I'd like to create an arc with 4 exact same missions. Is there am easy way to easily replicate them so I don't have to do all the settings again and again? Thank you.
  6. My Earth/FF doesn't do damage because I built it for survivability and control. Earth/ is a perfectly capable set in terms of damage, especially if paired with the right secondaries. Heck, I took Lusca down with an Earth/Rad back on live. Took ages, but it was done.
  7. Which combo would you choose? One of my latest (and most rewarding) creations was a Earth/FF controller, built to always be the first rushing in on +4/8 DA missions. He does next to zero damage, but definitely does a great job at absorbing the alpha strike and getting things somewhat under control so my buddies can do the damage. My next challenge will be doing it on a Defender (and then a domi). My first instinct was to go with Time or Dark, but I'd like to hear your thoughts too! The weirder the combo, the more satisfying it is to me. And I'm totally fine with going with FF again if I must. So, what would you do?
  8. Woah! What are you doing?! Trying to make the OP even more confused? Stawp!
  9. Damage wise, /Kin will always beat /Dark except for very specific scenarios (eg: AV fights) where you're less likely to take full advantage of Fulcrum Shift. While with /Dark you'll get a consistently good - and more relaxing - performance at all times. Having played all three combos here's my quick rundown: Fire/Dark Great all rounder for both solo and teams at any level. It's the most survivable toon by a long shot, while still dishing out good damage. Fade is a great team buff and also helps to keep your squishy Imps alive. Fire/Kin There's a reason why this was the go-to farmer for a long time back then. If built right, it's an insatiable killing machine. But, again, it's a late bloomer and requires a bit of investment before it shines. Turns everyone in your team into a wrecking ball. Imps are likely die a bunch, unless you immediately control the mobs or spend more time than you should caring about placement or throwing in extra heals. Fire/Cold Late bloomer, but very powerful - especially against AV/GMs or on fast pacing teams. Bonfire and Sleet give you a pretty decent control of the battle field which *almost* makes up for the lack of self defenses (except for arctic fog) or heals when leveling.
  10. Fire/Dark. Because nothing would beat the feeling of turning to your wife and say "Hello darkness, my old friend". On a more serious note, Fire/Dark. Because it's great from the get go, while the other combos take a while (in terms of powers and building defenses) to truly shine.
  11. As long as you have some survivability, -res, and -regen you can solo AVs with pretty much any combo. Hell, I got Lusca down with an Earth/Rad. Illusion is your safest bet though.
  12. Question: which are the go-to fire and SL farm missions these days?
  13. Still Ice/Ice. Nothing else comes close in terms of aggro management and fun factor.
  14. Any Storm/Nrg or /Dark builds lying around?
  15. Where's the love for Ice tanks? *sadface*
  16. To me, it's not all about costumes and bases. I love messing around with the UI and I find myself doing tweaks every time I roll a new character. How about you? Have you found your perfect UI setup yet?
  17. Thought I'd bump this a bit just to ask what is your favorite proc monster yet?
  18. Hey gang. After 2 months without a single day off, I'm about to finally have some time to chill. So, I've been thinking of playing something different: a Plant/TA controller. I know Plant on its own is quite a monster (yet, I've never played one because I just like Earth/ too much). But now it's time to give it a good shot. With that said, can anyone share a fancy proc-based build that I can mess around with? Thanks!
  19. Hey there! Here's my experience in a nutshell: 1) LS knockback is hardly annoying to anyone at all as it only knocks back 1-2 enemies 2) If you place LS correctly (jump and place it a bit higher, or even right on top of mobs), the knockback distance can be minimized or even neglected 3) As the others have said, they've added -kb to all immobilizes in game which means you'll be able to turn any knockback into very team friendly knockdown with ease
  20. I quite enjoy my SR tank. It does require me to be more active with taunts and aoe attacks to make sure things stay on top of me, and I do hate that the mez protection is a clickie, but yeah. It's definitely fun and sturdy. The only thing I would disagree on is that it is not the best tank primary for lower levels. To me, it will always be Ice for the ease of aggro management, herding and the fact that it also has very nice defenses, end management and a oh-sh!t button.
  21. What's your fave so far @Yomo Kimyata?
  22. WM/Dark can do pretty things. Sweet damage, stun stacking, phenomenal heal/proc mule. Not to mention you'd be able to cap negative resistances with ease if you wanted to.
  23. Can confirm Fire/Temp is a serious powerhouse (soloed MsLib +4/8 with it). It's my go-to toon for most stuff in game and never lets me down.
  24. Were there any updated to Energy Melee in the past 6 months? I haven't played in a long while and suddenly there's all this /EM builds o.O
  25. I can't think of any combo that can't be made godlike. But to me, the best tanks will always be Ice/ for the ease of herding and aggro holding capabilities.
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