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City Council
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Everything posted by Cipher

  1. Are you able to open http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml in your browser?
  2. Hey, sorry you all are having this problem. We have a few reports of players that are no longer able to the load the client as of the recent Windows 10 update (1903). Where do you all have City of Heroes installed? (Where is the CoH folder located on your computer?) Feel free to block out your computer username if it is shown in the path. Thanks!
  3. Hey, sorry you all are having this problem. We have a few reports of players that are no longer able to the load the client as of the recent Windows 10 update (1903). Where do you all have City of Heroes installed? (Where is the CoH folder located on your computer?) Feel free to block out your computer username if it is shown in the path. Thanks!
  4. Hey, sorry you all are having this problem. We have a few reports of players that are no longer able to the load the client as of the recent Windows 10 update (1903). Where do you all have City of Heroes installed? (Where is the CoH folder located on your computer?) Feel free to block out your computer username if it is shown in the path. Thanks!
  5. Okay, with the help of @GM NobleKangaroo we've tracked the issue down. There is a bug in the forum software when BBCode lists terminate on a separate line than they were started which is causing the issue that you are experiencing. We're going to work on adding a small tool to the forums to allow people to paste their mids builds and have it spit out fixed versions which can be posted. We'll also try to reach out to the developer of Pine's and see if they can fix the exporter so that it moves the closing list tag to the same line. Thank you for the report!
  6. Mind PMing me the build as you tried to post it (the exported content) pasted into https://pastebin.com? I was unable to reproduce this problem on an account with and without permissions using a build on all 3 export configurations. Thanks!
  7. Just a quick note, that you can use CTRL+Right Click to edit the table after it's been created.
  8. Tables have been added: Wow, a table! Header1 Header 2 Wow it's a table! Thank you for the suggestion 🙂
  9. Signatures have been enabled again; we can work on a system to restrict their height to a collapsible as @Sunsette suggested after more important things (like the BBCode conversion) have been completed. Edit: For now, max lines and image size in signatures has been limited to 5 lines and 300x150px respectively. Thank you for the suggestion!
  10. We wanted something more modern and with better features. SMF's private message system, for example, was so bad that we didn't want to use it as a means to communicate with players at all. We also got a built-in support system, a better moderation system, and other features from switching as well.
  11. Firstly, I’d like to apologize for the very rocky last 48 hours with the website. A lot of things went poorly during migration and we ran into a big issue that either did not occur or was not as obvious during the test migration done a while ago. This issue was the biggest cause of delay during migration as it required some research, database work, and programming to resolve. Our plans moving forward have changed several times, as I’m sure many have noticed, but a final decision has been reached. We will be sticking with IPB and working to improve it, both functionally and visually. This begins with tweaking the theme to condense things a little and replacing the WYSIWYG editor and HTML system that IPB currently uses for posts with a new system that uses BBCode instead. We’re aware that some people are happy about the new forums and others dislike them. If you have a problem with or criticism of the new forums, I welcome you to create a thread here. We will be keeping a close eye on feedback and suggestions. Finally, members of our amazing GM team have offered to help go back and fix popular posts and guides that had their formatting get a bit messed up during migration, so hopefully we can get those fixed up ASAP. Again, we apologize for the mess and constant back-and-forth since the migration started; hopefully we can make the new forums something that everyone is happy with and comfortable using. As of the time of this post emails have been fixed, registration has been re-opened, and other features have been re-enabled. Thank you for you continued support as always, - Homecoming Team
  12. Yep, that's exactly what we're deciding on at the moment; there are a lot of factors to consider so we'll be talking about it and taking action ASAP.
  13. What Fiddleback said (thank you!) is correct; emails were intentionally left in a non-working state last night to act as a measure to prevent new accounts from being created until a decision is made about if/when we're migrating back to the old forums.
  14. Per the global announcement - we may be migrating back to SMF which would restore this post. If we end up deciding to stick with the current forums I can export the post from the old forums for the author (the old forums are technically still there, we just moved the domain to the new forum host; meaning I can go back and grab stuff that was important but posted after the migration began). I cannot give an ETA on either solution at the moment; we will be making a decision shortly.
  15. Regarding posts taking too much vertical space - if we end up sticking with these forums for whatever reason then I will adjust it so that smaller posts use less vertical space by reducing the avatar size a bit and removing some of the margin and padding in the author pane (this is something I tested while creating the theme but I didn't think it was a problem).
  16. The account system is actually working totally fine; the problem is actually that emails aren't getting sent out for new forums accounts which I haven't fixed yet because there is a high likelyhood that we'll be migrating back to SMF today and we'd rather not allow new accounts until a decision is made.
  17. The forum can parse and translate BBCode, it is just not possible to continue using BBCode to maintain a post unless you keep a copy of the BBCode source somewhere else as when it is posted it up it is translated one-way.
  18. This is a false positive and has happened nearly every time we've pushed an update to the client; nothing has been compromised or is infected. We hope to resolve this in the near future by signing all of our binaries.
  19. I'm still adjusting some stuff, that link will be fixed in just a moment. You should now be able to edit your posts at any time.
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