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Everything posted by Tahliah

  1. Oh, and we discussed last night how welcome a plant/kin would be as we level and beyond. That SB end crack would be so welcome. No pressure, of course, but if you're reading this thread and think you might want to join and have a desire to run a plant/kin . . . what's stopping you?!! Hehe
  2. Good plan, @ShoulungI was thinking I'd save the 2xp boosters for the grueling 30s and 40s when I'm so eager to get to 50 I can almost taste it! heh
  3. Our second plant troll/dom team meetup was a blast! Seven planters showed up, and we got everyone added to the Parks and Wreck sg for ease of connecting with one another on Tuesdays. It turns out that people are interested in using the sg for other plantsy, parksy, wrecky types, and that's great! Our illustrious sg leader Irresponsible Creeper put in some time to ensure we have all the necessities and a pretty sweet looking base. So last night, one member from last week was unable to join us this time, but we had some great new and very welcome additions. Adding new peeps always means a bit of a learning curve, but we gelled quickly and had a great time with a bit of Hollows ToT and then Frostfire. One of my very favorite mishes in the whole game. The nostalgia, the slippy ice, the great map, the hilarious cutscene . . . what's not to love? And we blazed through it . . . well, we strangled and confused and de/buffed our way through it like buttah. So fun! From there, we headed to Steel for Posi 1 and completed that tf in 45 mins. It took a bit longer than it might have because we are all getting to know one another and how to work as a team, so we spent more time in early mishes than we might otherwise. But fun! And every single plant troll / dom was amazing in keeping the banter going, the holds and de/buffs on tap(root), and the team simply crushing it. Oddly, the easiest part of the whole TF seemed to be the mirror phase. We were worried we'd be confused or held by own dastardly plant powers, but we wrecked it in no time at all. After our great success with Posi, we were off to Faultline and got started on Jim Tremblor's arc. Yes, the dreaded and wacky Fusionetta was doing her typical aggro crazy routine, but we were totally on top of it and got through a couple mishes there before people had to start heading off in anticipation of work the next day. We didn't get a formal "group" screenshot last night, but we have many more milestones and much more fun to have. We are leveling like crazy and having an all-plant blast on the way to incarnate. What's not to love? Next Tueday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior, we will be picking up where we left off and probably moving on to the other Faultline arcs before we outlvl the zone. We still have Posi 2 to do for the first badge toward the Task Force Commander accolade, and then there's Striga goodness to be had. Come and join the plant troll/dom fun every Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. Any level is welcome! As an addendum, our very own @StridingWindis having a birthday between now and our next meetup. He's (by far) the youngest of our group (so far), so be sure to send him birthday wishes and boost his spirits since he seems to think he's old. Bwahaha. He has no idea!
  4. I'm not, but you certainly can if you wish!
  5. What @StridingWindsaid! Also, anyone seeing this thread and interested in joining us for plant troll (and dom) team fun is welcome! The more, the merrier. If we run two teams, that's even better! Tonight we are meeting in the Hollows at our regular day/time: Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. After tonight, we will be meeting in game, so if you see this at some future point, be sure to send either myself @Tahliahor @StridingWindan ingame and we'll get you situated in no time. You can also post here or send a forum message to either of us, too. There is no limit to the number of plant trolls (and doms) as we have an sg specifically for this plant-filled fun and can run two (or more!) teams if we have more than eight on any given Tuesday.
  6. A couple of quick reactions: yes, the tutorial does deal with inspirations, but if you missed it: use them. They drop all the time and can be bought for a pittance (meds, sg meds, the ah). Yes, people do low level content, but you may have to search for team. Once you've done the lowbie arcs on 30 alts, the DFB develops a special allure (the defense/acc/damage/end accolades are not bad, either). Related to the above, a few people do just play one toon and never revisit early content except maybe via Ouro to badge or with teammates, but most of us run (lots and lots of) alts. So a negligible few ever "finish" content; after all, our new toons all have to start at the beginning. Others have spoken to IOs and archetypes, but no, origin doesn't really matter anymore (if it ever did). I tend to pick the same origin on all my toons to share DOs until I get to IOs. All that said, welcome to your City. We're happy to have you and to help in any way we can . . . because you will never find a better group of people than the COH/X community.
  7. That's great! Also, I love your toon's name!! :D
  8. Yes, but with ill/ you won't want to grab hasten until your mid- to late-20s when you have some endurance IO sets/procs to help with that issue. Also, get your AM slotted for recharge/end mod so you don't have to worry so much about end (the big issue with getting hasten too soon is the infamous end crash).
  9. Awesome @Shoulungand @Dark Current! A few days ago, I logged on to check out the progress on our Parks and Wreck base (it's amazing!) and noticed that I had the lovely green arrow telling me to train. I ended up at lvl 13, so I misspoke earlier when I claimed we got to lvl 11. Luckily, the levels happen so fast at this point that this will be easy to "catch up." Also, I'm happy to grab a higher lvl toon and get you guys the extra two levels, so no worries! I have a plant/emp troll in her 40s who would be fun to run for that purpose, or for more speedy lvling, I can grab something else. Just let me know since I feel awful that I got that wrong.
  10. Personally, when I am on my ill/kin troll one of my favorite things ever is to see another kin on my team! :P
  11. We aren't requiring anyone run anything, including maneuvers (though it's hard to imagine a solid plant troll build without it, it's not impossible). If you want to run sonic or FF or rad because you think it's fun and good, that's the ticket. Don't pick something you won't enjoy or stick with. An all plant troller team is incredibly powerful, and secondaries are just the cherry on top. 😛
  12. Heh, no, I had to get this one from Irresponsible Creeper because I had my back turned in mine (I was looking at all your fabulous costumes and not paying attention to the fact I was facing the wrong way!).
  13. Here's a screenie of our first night. We've just exited a mission in the Hollows and are about to call it a night.
  14. Mine is time, and the other two I remember are nature and poison. I think there was a sonic and a dark (or maybe a kin), but I'm not positive. And @Dark Currentrolled an /elec. Sorry I can't be more specific; we're still very low level so our full power hasn't manifested . . . yet. hehe That said, I don't think duplicate secondaries are a problem as a lot of powers/buffs stack beautifully for optimal buffy goodness. I recommend playing what you want and think is most fun!
  15. That's awesome, @Dark Current We got to lvl 11, so not too far yet. That said, the main thing for next time is to get to Posi 1 lvl (which is only lvl 8). We will complete the Flux arc first, so you should get that with no problem. :)
  16. I just noticed this horrible "wet bum" problem on a toon, and I had to change the whole look. On top of that, we don't have usable long skirts yet (two lengths of material draped down legs does not a skirt make). Jewelry may not be practical, but what superhero girl doesn't don a lovely necklace that IS NOT a chain or barbed wire? It's hard to make a "pretty" girl with the current costume creator: they have to have crazy lip and eye makeup that matches, and that's just nuts. On top of that, any decorative thing is chains, bones, or skulls. Some girls like nice things that are not of dead people parts or chains/barbed wire/bones. Dunno, it could just be me.
  17. Personally, I avoid speed runs like the plague and have zero (maybe less than zero) interest in them, but I get that there's an appeal to achieving "best times." Me? I like to move through TFs milking every last ounce of xp, every thread, every recipe, and every other drop (including infl). I also hate to rush past (for example) toxics when I need that badge. WHY wouldn't you kill the toxics/monkeys/fake nems/whatever? I don't get it. But hey, speedsters love it, and that's all good. I love that speedsters are clear about their goal so that we don't "accidentally" join a speed run.
  18. Heh, when I first saw the topic title my initial reaction was ice/ice blaster. Of course! Great solo toon: Super dps, great mitigation, good holds. But for GMs, there's only a few that work, and everyone has named them. I would add an ill/kin, but I think that others are right that ill/cold is better (see my point about /ice /cold mitigation).
  19. With all due respect to costume designers who are not female, we really need some girl costume love: --Long skirts --Skirts/shorts that don't cause visual problems with tops --Makeup fixes. Love the ability to choose lip color, but no woman wears the same color on both lips and eyes. Except goths, I guess. We need to be able to do lips one color and eye makeup another. --mid-thigh skirts that aren't doofus looking --new hair designs. I'd love a super long (to knees or feet) flowy hair choice. --jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets. --new head choices like cute hats a woman would actually wear, a flower (that doesn't need crazy "leaf hair"), etc.
  20. Our first all plant troll team was a blast! Five plant trolls engaged in a variety of joy-filled fun: we did a bit of ToT in AP, then we ran DFB (twice), then we were off to the Hollows for some mission arc fun and mayhem. We started the Flux arc, but we won't do Frostfire until next time. From there, we are planning to do Posi 1 (and maybe 2 if we have time). We'll then head to Faultline for those tremendous arcs. So if an all plant troll (and dom, waves at @Dark Current) FF run sounds as fun to you as it does to us, be sure to join us on our new, regular day and time: Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. EST on Excelsior. On Tuesday we will be meeting up in the Hollows by the entrance. We also brainstormed an sg name for our weekly plant escapades: we are Parks and Wreck. A couple of people (who are not me, heh) will be working on making a functional base, so we'll have all the necessities . . . and be able to easily connect on Tuesday evenings.
  21. Sure, @Dark Currentyou're welcome to join us! We ended up deciding on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST, so I hope to see you next week!
  22. Keeping that in mind @Shoulung We should be able to set a weekly day/time that is not Thursday evenings. 😛
  23. That's fabulous, @Gregg247I can't wait to see him! Or her. So excited!
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