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Everything posted by Skyhawke

  1. From the old Prima Guide: "When the archvillain Faultline held Overbrook ransom with his earthquake device, not many took him seriously. A group of fledgling superheroes did attempt to stop him, but failed, and the master of tectonics set off his device, wiping out Overbrook. Faultline disappeared and has not been seen since. The ruins of Overbrook have adopted his name, and many villains now inhabit the area. Faultline is primarily a hunting ground, with no contacts or stores. It’s all villains, all the time. The cracks in the ground make travel difficult for speedsters, as many of the gaping holes do not have exits. Watch your step or you’ll need to find someone to help you out of the pit. Flyers, jumpers and teleporters will have an easier time." I remember being sent there to hunt for some missions...the groups were nutter butters, especially Vahz at that still relatively low level. I remember taking one speedster through there...one.
  2. Back in the early days of COH when I thought defender = healer (and then I fell in love with bubbles...we won't go there), I never really got Darkness Affinity. Truthfully, even after I understood that debuff = very nice, I never used it. Fast forward to Homecoming and I have a Thugs/DA Mastermind that wrecks face. I'll second the idea of making Black Hole a targetable drop rather than an intangible thing. Drop + disorient with minor damage would be nice, especially if I can just grab a group and drop them, disoriented, right into the tar patch my minions are standing in.
  3. My first level 50 villain back on Live was a Merc/FF mastermind. Take the medicine pool as a way to heal and just turn em loose. Bubbles keep em safe for the most part and if anything does get through, their resistance helps mitigate. At higher levels, if things got too hairy, the repulsion bubble gave me a moment to breathe before releasing the boys again. I highly recommend it.
  4. I would like to see an ending to the Coming Storm thing. Even if it's just some missions that pop into regular arcs dealing with things others have listed, culminating in a TF that has you finally stopping the Coming Storm and resolving the Mender Silos/Lord Nemesis thing once and for all.
  5. I've seen the movie three times and it's still awesome, but I have to admit the show is better. I freaking love What We Do in the Shadows! The second season has really raised the bar with Collin Robinson having more screen time (and he deserves it) and poor Guillermo...damn good with a crossbow, though. Plus, I'll watch anything with Matt Berry in it. My girlfriend and I loved him in the IT Crowd as well.
  6. -StJ/WP Brute that just keeps going and going -Beast/Nature MM...even though the going consensus is Beast is weak, I'm really enjoying it -Emp/AR Defender that is my fun teaming character -Grav/Rad Controller that was one of my first characters on live so it has sentimental value -MA/WP Scrapper that I just made yesterday and am realllly digging There's way too many other alts, but these have held my attention the most, lately.
  7. Speaking as someone that used perma Unstoppable before ED, I did enjoy just being...well, super. Afterwards, I still had fun and when I figured out a build using Willpower on a Brute that was just plain fun and pretty beefy, I felt super again. I've never felt the need for Godmode, but being super as a superhero feels like a must. I also love the challenge of playing support characters, especially on teams that can be less than perfect. Keep me on my toes and I'm happy. I also like to solo and tinker with different power sets. I also enjoy playing a controller and just going along for the ride, slinging holds and buffs and just having fun. Do I really need to be categorized? Or do I just need to play COH? Hmmm....
  8. Definitely Iron Fist. He's just a martial artist that makes his hands glow with energy that can do massive damage, but he's normal human strength. I can't think of any others, even after googling around for a bit. I always assumed energy melee was just a tip of the hat to Iron Fist.
  9. I tried filling the gap after COH had its sunset with various mmos, but none clicked. A friend got me into Neverwinter on the ps4 and it was fun until it became the log in merely for the daily grindfest thing. He will still say "logging in to do my dailies". To me, that's a chore, not fun. COH is fun. Whatever mood I'm in, I either have or can create a character for it. Totally agree with this thread: this game is a long missed and happily welcomed back breath of fresh air.
  10. Same for mine. Just remember to set a key to reset camera and you're golden. On a side note: it's always nice to see I'm not the only person that prefers a trackball. I always get ribbed at work because I brought my own in to use.
  11. Ah ha, Batman! I have you now and without your utility belt to help you! (Pulls batarang out of new utility belt) What the!?!?!?! How?!?!?! I'm Batman.
  12. I think the Arena needs to be used more often. Don't like what someone said? Feel like lashing out in a chat channel? Challenge them to the arena and settle it old school. MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAT! (Insert movie theme song here)
  13. I remember still being on dial up back then and going to a friends house to use his dsl to download the beta client. Slow loads were just par the course for me until they finally brought dsl out to the sticks.
  14. At the end of the day, the HC team run the servers, do maintenance, patch things and have the risk if things go south, so if they say no more characters that are ripoffs of other IPs...well then, no more characters that are ripoffs of other IPs. I know people will be people, but why this is still an argument is hard to grasp. You like the rules? Continue on. You don't like the rules? Adapt or move on. It sounds cruel, but that's life. (And yes, I know some will argue just to argue)
  15. And I quote "Characters using copyrighted materials will have their name and/or costume reset. You will then be able to select a new name and create a new costume the next time you log in." IF you get genericed, you get to rename and redesign when you log in. Now, it's heavily inferred that these are both free of charge, but some verbage confirming would probably help. As I recall, on live, it cost nothing. Quite honestly, you tried to kill a fly with a grenade launcher and cost yourself all that influence. Not the Homecing team, not anyone on these boards...just you. Taking out this vendetta because you perceive some slight to yourself that was actually self inflicted...well, you do you.
  16. Red hair, a beard, wears a glove and Mjolnir has a very short handle. Totally different than Marvels Thor.
  17. I've got a parody character of Dr Forrester from MST3k that I will gladly take a generic on and redo his look, name and origin. He was a "for fun" creation and I have zero attachment. All my other characters are all originals with looks, names and origin stories (sadly, I see very few people with origin stories...I love a good origin story) created by me. Whether this is part of the NCSoft negotiations or the HC team is just getting some ducks in a row to continue to protect themselves, I'm good with it. I know saying "like it or leave it" sets people ablaze, but I think in this case it really does ring true. I also think "you can't please everyone" rings true as well. I feel for the people that invested a lot of time into their characters that are copyright infringements, but in the back of your minds...didn't you know? Just a little? Hopefully this will mean costume contests will be more interesting as well. No more ripoff characters spamming their ripoff battle cries.
  18. Thanks for that info, Lost Ninja. I've been having the same issue with the UI. I'll have to give your settings commands next time I play.
  19. I'll echo Willpower. It's a tad rough early on, but after awhile, you just go and go and go. Add in the Energy ancillary power pool and take the end discount power and the recover/healing one and it's just crazy.
  20. Ah, impatience and entitlement at its finest. It's a shame people like that filter into mmos, but they do and give the gold farmers easy targets. I'm wondering how they're advertising, though. I've never seen anything in various chat channels or gotten a /tell like would happen on live.
  21. I've come up with the perfect way to answer this question everytime it comes up. (You know, every other week) I think it has an answer for everyone
  22. Most do. There are some that, in my opinion, either like to rock the boat or just can't take "wait and see" as an answer. Some are very vocal (and a joy to /ignore) and as we all know, the vocal minority can make a non issue seem huge.
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