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Everything posted by Skyhawke

  1. What an ancient Egyptian cult kept all their files on?
  2. I highly, HIGHLY recommend following the conversation flow from the link lemming put on Prometheus' name. On more than one occasion, I've found my self in Orbouros yelling "Just give me the badge you @$%@!" at my monitor while adamant that I've clicked everything there is to click.
  3. I did do a housecleaning a few weeks back. Any alt under level 20 got the "does this bring me joy" treatment and some pruning ensued. Other than that, I've also taken to keeping my main in the #1 slot, current projects on the first 2 pages, all my 50s go on pages 3 and 4, there's a buffer page for more 50s then on page 6 onwards is the land of misfit toys. All over 20 and kept around to tinker with.
  4. New people, returning people and people who've been here since the beginning are all putting their experiences out there and some are clashing. Now, nobody's come out and called someone a Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins...yet. I think that last thread was starting to heat up and a GM just pulled the plug before it got hotter than Sister Solaris's outfit.
  5. Lot of different viewpoints in here, but I think the one thing we can all agree on is Nerf Regen.
  6. Do or die scenario? My main, Sky-Hawke the Rad/WP Brute, for many reasons. 1. Sky has been my character (powers and AT have changed at times) since live beta. 2. He's built to wreck face. 3. It'd feel weird to not have him.
  7. The answer is "Yes". Duh. Also, what if this is all a Nemesis plot? What if it isn't? But...but...if it isn't, that usually means it is, but that's totally what Nemesis wants you to think, but he always plays 8th dimensional chess, but yes, pineapple on pizza is gross. Whew. Brought it back to sanity-land.
  8. If, IF you decide to go to Pretoria (the Going Rogue option in character creation) before really playing through blueside, might I recommend an Ice/Electric brute. Ice gives you Ice Patch early on which is great for the metric butt ton of ambushes you'll face and Electric Armor gives you energy damage cap almost unslotted. Guess what most things in Praetoria dish out.
  9. Would be kinda funny if they all worked at EA, though. 😄
  10. Yes, they're leaving. They're leaving Atlas Park jam packed with 2 instances! They're leaving redside busier than even back on Live. They're leaving me with whiplash trying to spy a team forming for what I'd like to do while watching LFG zip by at mach 5. Whoooole lotta leaving going on. 😁
  11. At level 5, you'll get a contact (Twinshot heroside and Dr Graves villainside). Do their arcs at levels 5, 10 and 15. For vets, they're cheesy fun, but for a newcomer they do funnel you into all the different aspects of the game. Do NOT play on the Going Rogue side as a newbie...it's geared to be harder without that nice learning curve. Also, send Yomo an ingame email to @Yomo and you'll get 100 million influence/infamy for free (totally legit).
  12. On a plus side, I've never seen redside this busy.
  13. This feels like January 2nd at the gym. Give it a week or two and things will settle down and (hopefully) queues will be gone. If not, well there's always <checks notes> I believe it's called Abominable?
  14. Now we need the Canadian flag so someone can make a "Is everyone leafing" post. 🤪
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