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Everything posted by Skyhawke

  1. This guy could solve so many of the worlds problems.
  2. Depends on if he has the teleport prompt on or not.
  3. Fallout 3 before the dlc fixed it. You had this amazing journey, made all these decisions aaaaand it doesn't matter because you're railroaded into dying...with a supermutant companion that could just walk into the radiation no problem and fix everything, but nooooo you sacrifice yourself because: reasons.
  4. Loved the first season, will definitely be giving this one a go.
  5. Seems like you can just slip through the time stream and avoid that nasty 90%.
  6. Depends on the context for me. Some charactes I have are squishy and I will never start combat. My brutes? I'll defer to the tank until it's obvious they're hesitating then it's Leeroy Jenkins time. Same with my pistols/time blaster. If my brute is our tank? I like to wait til all zone in before starting, out of courtesy. Soon as all pop in, though, hang on cause it's go time.
  7. Literally one of the loading screen tips tells you enemies may chase you through elevators. 🤣
  8. Not a Praetorian counterpart (although now I'm debating doing one), but I did make a villain "from another universe" version of my main. Sky-Hawke the hero and Skye-Hawke the villain. Hero version is a Rad/Will Brute while the villain version is a Rad/Energy Tank. **Edit: Ok, made one. Elysium Hawke (in keeping with a Praetorian themed name) is an Elec/Rad Sentinel.**
  9. Gotta give the team credit for sticking it out, at least. Yeah, things got whacky at the end, but that's where people usually drop if they're going to. I've seen people drop out in the first mission of a TF if it's not 100% perfect for them, a lot lately.
  10. Ah crap, forgot that. My bad.
  11. Make a Peacebringer, do the tutorial, whammo...level 2 AND you can fly. Boom.
  12. It's that AI that keeps getting stuck in places like Night Ward and Talos Island. I knew that thing was up to no good...
  13. Damn AI, first they take out jobs, then our online games...what's next? Oh...wait...Skynet. Uh oh...
  14. I am now imagining Lord Recluse turning around only to be met with a Level 5 Praetorian asking for directions. 😁
  15. It is indeed. I now want to hang with this person just to see where we'll end up.
  16. Go through the portal to Recluse's Victory in City Hall (Tech wing downstairs) and it'll give you the Oro portal. Way easier than bumming one off someone or keeping an eye out for one.
  17. Think outside the box and make a Robot/Radiation Mastermind. Name the bots after the Decepticons from the movie with the final one called Galvatron. 🤖
  18. Would the Tsoop Nazi be with the Tsoo or the 5th Column? 🤷‍♂️ Would his allegiance to his Nazi ties Tsoopercede his ties to the Tsoo?
  19. A truck with "Spankys" on it?
  20. One of their lieutenants is a boy named Tsoo.
  21. Take out 100 Devouring Earth Swarms and call it "The Coming Swarm". 😁
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