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Everything posted by Skyhawke

  1. General gets taken off when a character pops out of the creator. It's just part of my new character setup. I'm sure there's some fun and frivolity there, but I've only seen it as a cesspool of garbage thoughts, both political and otherwise.
  2. Hey hey hey! How does my summonable pet get top billing over me?!?!
  3. Just saw a Drudge fishing in Night Ward. When I attacked, he said " Wot? I can't 'ave a break but you can? Anyways, we do all th' work."
  4. Just remembered that if you have a Praetorian SG, you can put the pillar of ice and flame in the base and access all the Praetorian content. You can literally do everything Praetorian before having to leave Praetoria. Wish I'd remembered that before going to Pocket D, would've worked on badges while getting xp.
  5. I dipped into Pocket D as well to push to 30. Back on track now in Night Ward. Once I finish that, it's off to the different Praetorian zones to get exploration badges, then Pocket D to do @Darmian's Praetorian arcs and things like the SBB or more AE stuff to get to 50. THEN, Paragon can have me.
  6. My journey was running well until I finished First Ward at 26. Now it's a slog of repeatables until I hit 30. Will definitely do double xp to push to 28 and then 30 next time I do this.
  7. Head cannon would see them as my character reminiscing about old times just before jumping to Primal Earth. That way I can do them after finishing Night Ward and level up to 50.
  8. Sounds like a great way to go from 39 to 50 without going Hero or Villain while still doing Praetorian stuff!
  9. Put me down in the tentative pile as well. Saturday afternoons should tm be good for me most weeks, barring any family stuff. I made Ice Hawke, an Ice/Ice (baby) Brute on the Loyalist (can reroll if we go Resistance) side. Sitting at level 2 just out of the tutorial.
  10. I pick a lane (just did good side Loyalist but switched at the end...couldn't bring myself to kill Kang ) and roll on. I've seen all the arcs so fomo doesn't factor in and there's always Ouroboros for the other badges. I do follow the "cut xp off at certainlevels" trick so I don't miss the choice per zone.
  11. Obviously nobody punched it hard enough. Punch anything hard enough and it'll "hold" them. (PSA: do not test this in the real world)
  12. Any of the slow overhead smash animations.
  13. All this talk of gold side got me wanting to run it again all the way through Night Ward. Took SeraphimKensai's idea and reversed it with an Ice/Elec brute and so far, loving it. Frost with even a half full fury bar decimates!
  14. I'm more a melee player with toes dipped into support ATs from time to time. It was my Thermal/Dual Pistols defender that made me make a Pistols blaster and it ended up being a ton of fun. Pistols/Time made me finally understand the love of the Blapper.
  15. A man walks down the streets of Nova Praetoria in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything
  16. Mastermind and any, really. I also took a SS/Bio brute through with hardly any issues.
  17. Was on a KM ITF earlier and it went from the team lead saying "have fun, we'll kill as we go and be laid back" to someone piping in midway through that they had a meeting to go to in 30 minutes and could we "hurry up while keeping close to the KM approach". This was followed by how we "kinda moseyed through the last mission". Now, I get real life beckons, but don't join a TF that's not advertised as a speed run then push for a speed run because you suck at time management.
  18. This can be offset by people knowing how to play the game (you know what I mean) coupled with some resolve and a light attitude. I ended a Synapse with just a scrapper, a blaster and my bubble defender taking on the King because everyone else quit when the TF became "impossible". It was tough and we had to do some hit and run, but we did it. We just had that "not backing down" moment and pulled the rabbit outta the hat. Now, this doesn't really translate into something that requires a league, but a sub par team with some chutzpah can pull off some serious miracles. Not a regular occurrence, but damn is it sweet when it happens.
  19. Did someone give you grief over this? Kinda surprising since I've seen some things on Excelsior that threw my 49 year old mind for a loop that definitely eclipse what you're describing. That being said, if your secret origin is drinking too many cans of RedBalls, I fully support you. SHAZAM!
  20. Anything I've been on that's run by Oklahoman is always a carefully laid out in detail setup before and during whatever it is. I see something from Oklahoman in LFG, I try my damnedest to get into it. Blapperella is another one. I love when team/league leads communicate and there is no such thing as too much communication. I can't keep some of these things straight and love getting reminders so I'm not on one side of the map wondering why I'm there alone (again). If a leader doesn't do that, I have no issue with letting everyone know I have no clue what I'm doing and to treat me like a noob. I prefer a ding to my ego than messing up everyone else's fun. I'd like to think that people causing issues aren't jerks or idiots, but either too shy or proud to ask for help. On the flip side, I've been on PUGs doing things like an ITF or a BAF and usually everyone just follows muscle memory and unless some bad luck hits, it's never an issue. That, however, requires everyone to just know the task at hand like the back of their...er...hand. Risky to be sure. I did a Posi 1 the other night and there was little communication other than the occasional joking around. When we got to that mission and we not only wiped the floor with the Vahz in front, but easily handled the ambush, I figured this was in the bag. Then, on the last mission, someone went to the door while we were still clearing around the steps. Went as well as you'd expect and the guilty party then announced that the TF was impossible to finish and quit. Three more followed and those that remained gave it the old college try, but finally had to admit that we were just outgunned. Again, I'd much rather have a team lead lay it all out from the start and offer reminders as we go along than just roll the bones and hope for the best. If someone's ego is so fragile that being told what to do on a TF bothers them, there's problems that need to be handled on the other side of the keyboard.
  21. Base building is a rabbit hole that will steal entire weekends away if you're not careful. My base on Indomitable was/is (still there, just not used) a labor of love that lasted weeks of every game session being building, tweaking, hating, demolishing and redoing every nook and cranny until I could tell my wife exactly what each piece was there for from teleporters to NPC's to train/sell/tailor me up and all points in between. I. Love. That. Base. It had a pool! Then, I moved to Excelsior and just couldn't bring myself to do that to myself again. My current base is function over form and while I do feel the urge to redo it, I'm afraid of where that dragon might lead. Tl;dr Bases are fun to build, but easy to get lost in. Builder beware. 👨‍🔧
  22. I did take a peek and TC is the same one complaining about how the drop in the enhancement booster market killed their ability to play. Best advice I can give to TC is step back, take a breather and realize it's just (I know, I know) a game. If it brings you no joy and you feel the need to bring others down with you, it may be time to take a break and get in a better headspace.
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