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Everything posted by Without_Pause

  1. I don't know enough about Storm to really offer advice. I will say I would pick SR easily over Regen.
  2. And then the debuffs hit.
  3. I refuse any other answer,
  4. 1. You said you haven't look at the code. 2. The repeated narrative across people who have actively worked on the code is it being a mess. See below, and don't get people started on code for the Auction House. The display for the last five sold is widely deemed wonky. 3. My thoughts while being an actual Sr. Software engineer? (chuckles) "Hey, can you change how we do these three reports. Instead of reporting on Sundays, we need them for Monday." (days later) "Please never ask me to do this again." Code changes cascade. They can cascade in places you never even thought about. What was a simple fix isn't. I mean, the game is literally balanced around players using ED. The war about ED was decided over a decade ago. Doing code for a pre-ED build is a sheer waste of time when things like KM and Regen are in the states they are. Or, you know, fixing the AH. It would be one thing if there was a genuine player movement towards the idea, but I can't see it happening even if there was.
  5. Doing a pre-ED build is not pretty simply doing a checkmark. It would mildly be days if not weeks/months worth of work. It's perfectly fine to do a build using SOs and HOs but factoring in ED.
  6. As someone who has a SR Scrapper going through DA arcs at +4x8, see KoV, I can officially say those issues are minor at best. I even farmed Heather's arc with taking on the final mob with bosses with no real issue. I've done missions which officially made me stick a fork into WP as a set.
  7. The only mob type I can really see being easier for a WP to take on would be ones with high +ToHit buffs. At least WP has Regen to fall back on.
  8. You had Hover?
  9. This is what I do. I even include what exactly is in the attachment, ie recipe, influ, etc. I hammered out sending emailing between my two accounts early on, and leave emails around so I don't screw it up again.
  10. So non-sensible and things which are factors in rare situations. I concede the Taunt aura being a bit of an issue, but a snipe can be added. I mean, how pretty does a character look while faceplanted? Shield can be paired with arguably the best set for it, Dark.
  11. I've used Taunt while soloing just so I could peel off a more problematic mob. Sometimes even if the whole mob comes, it comes in a more strung out form which makes it easier by default.
  12. Even if I don't have the heart to level something to 50, I'll at least pop in the one slot wonders and some cheap attuned uncommon sets. As pointed out, once you get in the Level 25+ range, you are better off slotting sets.
  13. I don't care about teams where inferior sets can be carried. Solo. Maxed out settings. WP isn't on par. Even more so on a Scrapper.
  14. I have a Shield/fire at 50. I'm close to having it T4ed. I 4-slot Health and 3-slot Stamina with one being Chance to Heal. What are End issues? I have a hard time thinking of rolling another Tanker when I would just want to play the one I have. Shield is silly good on a Tanker. Fire has the best clear times. It's the only Tanker I have tolerated soloing to 50. I did grab BoF early only to drop it later as I skipped Scorch all together. I need to level Invul at some point, but Stone and SR are the only other armors I would seriously consider. Note: Rad hasn't clicked for me, and I prefer a less click heavy secondary anyway. I want to run with my Rad Brute post respec to see if it works well enough.
  15. It's not an emulator.
  16. It's one of the few Corr builds I would do if I did another Corr. I can soft cap positional Def on my Time/rad Defender to the point DDR is essentially irrelevant. I need to rework my Fire/time Controller so I can patch its Def to where I am happy with it, but it is essentially down to taking Power Build Up. Also nice is getting CS perma.
  17. I've done Claws/ea for Brute and Scrapper. I lean on liking the Scrapper more due to the damage aspect versus the Brute being slower but harder to kill. The Scrapper is hard enough to kill.
  18. Incarnates are Level 50. If those are included, then other sets will also see similar benefit if not even more so. I care about the ride to 50 as well. Plus, it takes a variable amount of time to even get Ageless to be up enough to really start to cover that hole. Again, it is far better on a Brute or Tanker. WP simply isn't on the same level as SR or Shield and more so Incarnates included.
  19. I might do a Brute, MM, or Stalker. Since you are going for the challenge badges, you will do missions without enhancements. Having Fury will counter the lack of damage slotting. You still get a mezz protection power. A Brute is still likely the easiest to solo 1-20. A MM can rely on pets and resummon as needed if/when they die. A Stalker might work simply for the stealth aspect and AS will always be there to put out good damage in terms of ST damage. Also
  20. Crank the diff up to x8 and start taking on mobs with debuffs. WP is a lower tier armor and more so on a Scrapper. I've done WP on Brute, and it is really great until it is so very not.
  21. -75% End really isn't something to right home about, and I say that as someone who had a Kin/Elec as a main on Live. Credible End drain starts with -Recovery.
  22. You're more than welcome to do the test yourself and show how Rad outdoes any other armor.
  23. I look at it this way. How high of a standard do you have for a Christmas movie with The Rock involved? My wife wanted to go see it. I even offered up better reviewed films. It was fine. She enjoyed it and that was the point. It's a Christmas story with actions scenes. Were you expecting anything else? I've enjoyed other movies Dwayne Johnson has been in more, but really, he just acts the same in every movie. The movie simply checks all of the boxes you expect it to check off for a Christmas movie while never really lifting itself above that bare minimum.
  24. Trapdoor is merely a data point. Add in how it is lesser resisted and it will come out in the lead across pretty much any map.
  25. There have been tests run and Rad did not in fact win out. Once debuffs hit, and they will, Rad is no match for Shield or SR.
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