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Everything posted by Without_Pause

  1. My only complaint with soloing Tankers is their damage is on the lower side. They get a benefit against larger mobs, but you need to be able to survive those mobs, and the damage output can be a factor. My point is, I've soloed Tankers only to reroll them due to how boring they were. Brutes, 1-20, are essentially the best to solo due to Fury. I have soloed to 50 many more of those. The one Tanker build which did work for me in terms of soloing is Shield/fire.
  2. I was essentially typing this out when you posted it before I did. Saying Sents are close to Blaster damage is sheer ignorance.
  3. Buying the rights to anything Marvel doesn't already exclusively already have should be pretty easy for Marvel at this point. "You guys are losing money overall, so this would be an addition via subtraction." If Sony continues down their pathway and screw up what Spider-Man access they do have, Marvel might simply step in to prevent further tarnishing what Marvel is trying to do.
  4. You can get to Level 50 and be fine with SOs or common IOs starting at Level 25. You only need to take the IOs to 35 if you 3-slot specific aspects. You can go higher if you are 1-slotting. You also get one free respec every 10 levels, so feel free to use them to work on builds. My super generic slotting for SO/IOs would be ST 1 Acc, 1 End Red, 3 Damage with possible 1 Recharge. AoE is 2 Acc then then the same as ST attacks with skipping the Recharge. Toggles tend to be 1 End Reduc and 3 for whatever it is meant for. ATs: Scrapper, Stalkers, Brutes, Tankers, and Sents would be the top ones. Basically anything which has mezz protection. One question to ask is what do you mean by solo? Do you care about soloing on higher diff settings, and if so, do you know the range? I ask because if you are willing to go the route of essentially the default diff setting then basically every build for those ATs work.
  5. Rain of Fire should. Elec isn't purely ranged if you want to max out End Drain, which, to be honest, is one of the weakest forms of mitigation in the game.
  6. Nope.
  7. FYI, as mentioned before on this forum, I ODed on Kin on Live. My namesake is from my Claws/regen on Live. I have a Level 50 /bio Brute and a Level 30 /rad one. I just found I got lazier and older. I don't mind something which has a click, but I start to be less excited about ones with two or more. Even my EA builds I try to do where clicking is minimized. Since I have repeatedly stuck with Claws, I would simply rather keep clicking on attacks versus things to keep me up and running. I had a low level Claws/nin, but I couldn't figure out why it was really all that better than EA or SR, so I rerolled it to something else.
  8. Pick a zone and go through its content. There are definitely some contacts which need to be played on a lower setting if you are doing them for kicks. I just got to the point of trying to T4 builds via Heather's arc and got to the point I just needed a break from the game. Most of my characters are Level 50. All but a few are at least Level 30. I'm getting close to where all of my characters will be Level 50, and I'm just finishing them off, whatever that might mean, and logging in when I just want to play a fun build. Honestly, popping a build onto Beta pretty much covers me wanting to level a build. I don't lack in unplayed Steam games, so I've honestly been more playing over there and doing token logins for CoH. That and playing board games online with people. That can essentially be done for free depending on the games. There's also reading of books which I need to get back to my old pace. I've fallen behind. Plus, a certain series has hit a breaking point, and I need to get started in it.
  9. Boosters seem to be the winner of supply and demand for my builds, so I would aim for using them for that.
  10. So unsung I have no idea who they are, but I appreciate the fully pimped out highly Vet leveled characters who hop on a +4x8 Frostfire and make life easier for the lowbies. But seriously, there's a high 90% chance I have no idea who people are talking about in this thread, and I play on Excel.
  11. In case you forget, they legally couldn't do it sooner. No one really knows if FF or X-Men are actually going to be good. They took time and still likely miscast FF. I highly doubt Hugh Jackman is going to be Wolverine in X-Men movies as the one part of the team. Marvel is so currently desperate they are greenlighting any and everything they can with Jackman's Wolverine and Deadpool. See Wolverine vs. Hulk. And no, that's not the first mention of it as Charlie from Emergency Awesome talked about how things changed for Marvel post Deadpool Vs. Wolverine. https://comicbookmovie.com/hulk/wild-new-rumor-claims-hulk-vs-wolverine-movie-is-now-in-pre-production-at-marvel-studios-a212463
  12. Pratt was already in parts of well received movies. He was part of the Jurassic franchise a mere year later so I question how much GotG factored into it. Evans literally was already tried in a major superhero IP. Hemsworth is essentially a dude just waiting on the right part. Fine, Holland and Boseman were the unknowns. You also seem to be forgetting RDJ, Scarlett Johansson, Cumberbatch Benedict, and Samuel L. Jackson. Yeah, what a bunch no names they had starting that franchise. I mean, Iron Man had Jeff 'The Dude' Bridges as its villain. Mark Ruffalo had already been nominated for an Academy Award. I'm not even going to add in the sheer list of other actors who were part of the Avengers push as it's only stockpiling a list of names where even everyday people know who I was talking about even before Iron Man came out. Seriously, look at the cast of Endgame. Marvel made billions and spent the hell out of it until they found it was not sustainable.
  13. I fully assumed this was going to be a return of the old gang for one final send off. I'm kind of surprised people though otherwise.
  14. FF isn't out until next year. X-Men are 2026, IIRC. I have questions as to how bankable Alpha Flight is, but again, GotG. At least GotG had the toy factor. Young Avengers has been talked about for some time. Still no movie. Still hardly anyone attached to it who is bankable. At this point Marvel would have been better off letting Spider-Man be the movie franchise post Endgame and let Marvel build up their shows, and then when they were ready start up a FF or X-Men series with a similar Avengers focused type run do that, but waiting from Endgame to 2025-2026 is a long wait when billions are sitting on the table waiting to be made.
  15. What teams are they starting over with at the time of the end of Endgame? F4 and X-Men aren't options. Even Daredevil was a work in progress getting over to the MCU. Sure, they pulled off GotG, but any and everybody thought that was a huge risk before it was shown to not be a risk. I think the biggest problem Marvel has right now is post Endgame is the sheer lack of new bankable stars. I'll die on the hill that I liked the Marvel shows more than most, but those worked as shows. I can't see any of them really being built as a significant entry point for movies. You simply can't name a actor/character which has been added post Endgame that makes you go, "That's a movie franchise right there."
  16. Disappointed but not surprised. I had a sliver of hope for Kraven. I felt like the idea of Madame Web's character is an interesting idea if you strip Spider-Man out of it, but whoever green lit that character getting a movie shouldn't be in the industry. I never talked myself into watching the Venom movies because they never were that greatly reviewed. I feel like people saw them due to Venom versus them be standout movies.
  17. I have the latest version of Mids, and I had no issue opening the file.
  18. Weak in what way? Offensively or defensively? I know I looked at a guide talking about DP and Piercing Rounds was deemed one worth skipping despite having -Res in it. I would change the IOs in Enduring and Stamina to set pieces. The Chance for Build Up in Pistols isn't really doing much for you as I believe it triggers once per minute. I would also take Dual Wield instead. You could easily drop Teleport Target which isn't doing much of anything for you and Piercing Rounds to switch in the Sorcery Pool with swapping the travel power. This gives you access to RoP for a temp boost in Res. I assume that works theme wise for a magic origin.
  19. Maybe someday I will get past /nin being click heavier and get one to 50. I just feel like that ship has sailed.
  20. Playing other games means nil for knowing how slot in CoH. I played so much Diablo I get credited in the best known realistic user guide for the game. I played a ton of PoE. All of that knowledge is meaningless when it comes to slotting in CoH. Hell, my friend and I played so much FPS: Football I wrote a tool for it using JavaScript. For SOs, I do ST attacks as 1 Acc, 1 End, 3 Damage, and maybe one 1 Recharge. AOEs I do 2 Acc with skipping the recharge and doing the rest as a ST attack. Any toggles for mitigation are simply done 1 End Redu and three slotting for what it is meant for, see Res or Def. Same could be applied for debuff toggles. It isn't hard to figure out the rest.
  21. I think my answer for optimal solo Scrapper is Dark/shield. Note, I'm not saying it is the most fun, but just the most optimal. In terms of SR's lack of taunt aura, that's what ranged attacks and mezzes are for. Mobs don't run away if the are KDed or disoriented.
  22. Fire is still good damage for a Defender. The issue is DoT being clearly better on a Corr. I can't think of any aspect where Fire is actually better on a Defender.
  23. I prefer Res based sets on ATs with higher Res caps, see Brutes and Tankers.
  24. Someday I'll learn to not look at the wiki and just check CoD. That's still not a lot of resistance in a game which offers -500% Regen.
  25. In short, Confuse and Terrorize are annoying. +ToHit Buffs are detrimental. Confuse and Terrify likely are coming via Psy or Ranged attacks. That's rather tolerable for a Shield or SR character as their positions will be soft capped at minimum. To my knowledge, WP doesn't offer resists to -Regen. See Praetorian Clockworks above.
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