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  1. It's a tough one to design around, I'll admit. Looking at some other control sets for examples: All of the Energy attacks in other sets (Energy Blast, Energy Melee, Energy Manipulation, Energy Assault) only really contribute stuns/disorients or knockback, so that's a limiting factor. Gravity Control has a little bit of knockdown in Propel, but otherwise it doesn't use a "secondary effect" so much. Its powers break the mold a bit with enemy movement and having more attack-like powers than was standard on a control set at the time of its design. Mind Control also doesn't have a secondary effect, other than just having a good damage type and ignoring positional defenses. Not something I'd suggest ripping off. Illusion Control very much breaks all the molds, but its single-target hold also has a chance to sleep enemies around it in a splash area, like poison's debuffs. And, come to think of it, Gravity's Propel kind of has a splash area too, if you combo it. Maybe a chance (a low chance, realistically) to do knockdown on nearby targets when you hit with a single target power? Or, cribbing a bit from the Energy Melee revamps, some kind of Energy Focus-like builder that gets spent to improve knockdown chance? I hesitate to focus (pun intended) on that angle to avoid making Energy/Energy Dominators have two separate build/spend mechanics, which seems like it could be annoying to play.
  2. Focusing on Energy Control, I feel like the -damage component that a lot of them have as a secondary effect feels more like Kinetics' bag. Not sure what I would suggest as an alternative, though. I do like that there is a big theme of knock(down/back/up) and a bit of disorient, and I could see more disorient stacking as a way to carry over the theme of Energy (particularly Energy Melee) while increasing the control components.
  3. The cumulative chance of missing a 10% drop 17 times in a row is 16.67%, roughly 1 in 6. It's just unfortunate luck, sorry.
  4. While I think it would be nice to have this built-in, I've made a bind file that has similar functionality that might do what you want it to already. I made a file called ca.txt in my Homecoming/settings/live folder, so I can load it in-game with /bindloadfile ca.txt. In that file, I have 3 lines: C "monitorattribute To Hit Bonus$$monitorattribute Damage Bonus$$monitorattribute Recovery Rate$$monitorattribute Endurance Consumption$$monitorattribute Recharge Time Bonus" shift+C "monitorattribute Ranged Defense$$monitorattribute Melee Defense$$monitorattribute AOE Defense" alt+C "bind C nop$$unbind shift+C$$unbind alt+C" In-game, after I've loaded ca.txt, all I have to do is hit C, shift+C, alt+C to have my windows show up as I've set them up. The command on alt+C helpfully unbinds my keys so I don't accidentally turn off the combat attributes I just started tracking. The exact attributes you want to track are likely different from the ones I track, so check the wiki's page on the /monitorattribute command to find the ones you want to track. The command is a bit weird in how it works. In theory you could also just save those lines in your default keybind file, so you don't even have to use /bindloadfile ca.txt if you always want to use the exact same attribute window on every new character you make. I don't personally do that because I've set up ca2.txt and ca3.txt tracking different defensive stats for other characters.
  5. I'm torn: I like the idea, but I also want to engage in some vulgar tangential ranting. So many decisions!
  6. It's not a bug, but it is a very weird power. As Rudra said, it has two components - the first is a knockdown and a chance to stun, and the second is damage. But they also have different ranges. The knockdown component is a targeted AoE with a 20 foot range and a 15 foot radius, but the damage component is a 55 degree cone with a 20 foot range. If you're executing the power at max range (20 feet) from your target, who is standing in a cluster of enemies, they will likely all be affected by the knockdown portion. The damage portion won't affect anyone farther than the initial target, because they'll be outside the cone portion. Edit to add: And if you use the power on an enemy in melee range with you, flanked by other enemies in melee range with you, it can be easy to miss the enemies to the sides of your target with the damage portion because the cone is very narrow at close ranges. The knockdown portion will still hit all enemies in melee range with you because the targeted AoE will just hit everyone within 15 feet of your target.
  7. I'd like to throw in Bio Armor as a contender. When colored red, it works really well visually for blood manipulation, either with or without the carapace visuals. It works great for a more biological type of vampire than a mystical one, though my Bio Armor vampire has a magical origin and it still fits well. And mechanically it has a few "absorb from your enemies" type powers that fit the theme very well. On a melee archetype it would pair well thematically with Savage, Dark, or any weapon set you could imagine your vampire using. I haven't tried it on a Sentinel yet so I don't know if the theme holds up as well, but Dark and Water would be obvious choices. For all archetypes, it's a slightly less intuitive choice, but Psychic powers are something vampires are known to use and might make a good thematic pairing.
  8. If I could offer an alternative for Group Fly that I don't think I've seen suggested before: Change the Group Fly power to only affect pets by default. In addition, grant it a travel power popup tray, like you see with most of the other travel powers, that includes the current functionality of Group Fly for everybody. The popup Group Fly should be a toggle that costs zero endurance to maintain but can only be active while Group Fly is active. In my mind, this implementation wouldn't meaningfully change anything for people who want Group Fly to work as it does on other players, but would improve the lives of every Mastermind that wants to use it just for their pets (and everyone who teams with them!).
  9. That said, the Kick animation is already there for many of those weapon sets - you can see it when you use Brawl. You can even see how it's the exact same animation as Kick, but it doesn't put the weapon away. It just has to be tied to Kick as well, with whatever flag the power needs to not despawn the weapon. As for the "change the animation" part of the suggestion, only if it's an option. I like Kick the way it is and even use it sometimes.
  10. As of page 7, Telekinesis in Mind Control. And I believe either Spirit Ward or Enflame (or both) from the Sorcery pool may work that way as well.
  11. I don't see this as a request to make one of these powers (such as Detention Field) perma, I see it as a request to make the power cancel-able early. There are toggles in the game that can only be active for a maximum duration and then are shut off and put on a cooldown, and I think powers like Detention Field would be an excellent candidate for the same treatment.
  12. I'm with you there - to be honest, I mostly intend to unbind the inspiration keys because I'm using F1-4 for other functions. But I'd also like the game to not lie to me, and for the system of showing the current bound keys to be consistent like they are now with the powers bar. Ultimately I wouldn't consider my suggestion to be "high priority", but I don't want it to be completely forgotten either.
  13. In the newest page update, the power trays were updated to showing the keybind associated with the slot. I'd like to request the same functionality for the inspiration tray, showing an updated keybind if one is created.
  14. I definitely have this problem too - usually I accidentally set an ally as my map waypoint (W). Luckily setting a map waypoint is not the end of the world, but it is definitely annoying. I think once or twice I may have nearly removed someone from my friends list (R) or global friends list (E). Removing from the global friends list asks for a confirmation, but removing from the character-based friends list doesn't! I think the proposed solutions are good ideas. Another possibility could be that the right click context menu should only come up if you right click on your target, instead of right clicking on any random thing.
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