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  1. Maybe Super Human Strength - something that looks between Street Justice and Super Strength? Combo rage and lunges so it's more like a vampire, werewolf strength?
  2. What if every time Reverberant is hit it let’s out a random mez on a melee aoe with Minor psi damage. Sleep/fear/confuse mag 2 , low duration
  3. I remember trying not to repeat secondary sets on Controllers from one set to the next but yeah, Trick Arrow makes a lot of sense. I've just made Electric/ and Plant/ TA toons already and have lots of TA toons in other ATs. I love my Dark/Nature troller. So I guess it's Storm or Traps.
  4. ITF has a hard mode. Repeatable Cim incarnate content. You now have song control and sonic is cool as a power set, even for doms now. Lots of bug, text and costume fixes. You can become any NPC you want, provided you grind for the new currency. You can now see your weapons before you use a power on your toon. Attacks from mobs now have clear two types (range/melee/aoe and fire/cold/energy, etc.) instead of 3 or more at times. Toggles, even offensive ones, stay on when mezzed or when you form shift, but will just suppress until you've changed back to a human form or the mez ends. Remember not having Toxic defense? Now you do. Remember that Psi-Hole in your armors? Not anymore. -You're welcome, Flea.
  5. It has a wide yield but a loooooong animation time. Anything that hits a big area does poor damage. It may get looked at but don't count on it soon. I know my all fire dom used it as a proc mule because I had no other Melee AoE attacks (Hot feet counts as one but being a toggle doesn't proc as well as a click attack).
  6. Thank you for your service. I know I list all my common and uncommon salvage at 1 inf each. Someone is currently cornering the market on uncommons so I'll do my part to try and keep the cost under 11k per.
  7. I think I read a Discord post of devs disussing how costly it is to run a Widow vs other ATs. I think I ran Cardiac on mine forever.
  8. As I move from Indom fully to Excel, I've been holding on to a number of names just in case (Nice to have a back up plan if Server has to be closed). If you would like one of the following let me know: The three it hurts to part with but I'm not using them - Akimbo After Image White Wolf Then the others - Crash Thunder Hellborne Mary Mayhem Nitress Marcus Queensberry Street Spectre Blind Feather Frontliner Steal Dragon Double Switch Bounty Star Nanolizard Moto Psycho Buster Crossfire Fateseer Frontlion Nuclear Dawn Speedround Neon Giant Spirithawk (may have released this, will have to check) Guy Jin (may have released this, will have to check) Fightsong (may have released this, will have to check) I'll add more here as I find them. I will not be releasing the names unless you message me directly. Feel free to check if something listed here is available as I may not have renamed a level 1 toon for everything I moved off Indom. I'm keeping the Jolt-themed names (Jolt, Rejolt, Dr. Jolt, Joltaire, Revolt and others) at the very least.
  9. I haven't gotten a 6-player session going yet but I can see it being fun. I tend to download games, forget about them and play them a few weeks later. I played this the moment it downloaded and was through 4 levels before I knew it. TMNT:SR is made by some of the Scott Pilgrim vs The World Developers (not Ubisoft, but the actual people who developed it) working for the creators (Dotemu) of Streets of Rage 4. I knew it would be a day one purchase.
  10. Electric/Energy Blaster. Power Boost is amazing but pairing it with Endurance Drains feels right at home to me (it was also my main on Live from 2005-2012). With the Electric Blast revamp it is that much better. When I tried to make several versions of Elec and Nrg coming to HC from Live, I noticed many pairings use them well. An Elec/Nrg Sentinel can use Alpha incarnate slot for rech, defense and endurance drain/recovery. That sentinel is one of my easiest to use characters in the game. EDIT: Notices two weeks later this is a Scrapper question (/facepalm). Yes, an Elec/Nrg Scrapper would be just as easy to use, you just wouldn't have the best ST killing and no damage aura. Consider a Stun proc in Energy Drain to go with Lightning Clap (with a KD proc and +rech in it).
  11. Ok, you are the first person I've read (not saying others haven't done this) to use and like Unrelenting. What exactly does it do - why do you like it?
  12. It's hard to unplug your brain from the usual. I would suggest trying Praetorian missions through ouroboros as a change up.
  13. Weird thought - do a test run of the Shadow Shard (one zone - Firebase Zulu) where the enemies have Invasion-style leveling coding but are essentially level 54.
  14. My issue with making a shield/energy melee tanker is knowing you can do the same thing on an Energy/Bio Stalker in a fraction of the time.
  15. Every time I have a toon with a fear I want to try Fold Space and the Melee AoE fear, but that's 6 powers for One Gimmick (even though Combat TP and FS are awesome). Did you find it worthwhile? My dark/shield did it and it feels okish, not enough to respec but not so much my other toons think they're missing out.
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