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Everything posted by Magairlín

  1. Could I suggest that group descriptions also be posted here too, for anyone who can't make it?
  2. The maximum is lower than it used to be. I've been away from the game for a bit and when I went to mess around in the costume creator, I found that setting it to max gives me a little less than what I used to get, and a lot less for baggy shirts. No more huge baggy sweatshirts, I guess. This is on female characters; I haven't tried huge or male. It's not a huge thing, but why take away options?
  3. Hey, people of the RP forum! I've been poking at an idea for an SG. For those of you who've run one, what advice would you give to someone who wants to get one started? I've got a discord set up and the SG created, thought about what sort of community I want the group to be, structure, sg lore, etc. What are some unexpected issues that might come up? How much in the way of story arcs/hooks should I have already set up and ready to go until the group really gets going?
  4. There's a few different large discords for finding/discussing/etc RP. Everlasting Roleplay (https://discord.gg/HWTG2ZAv) is a good one.
  5. Where are the Rogue Isles? The official game material is vague; I have my headcanon but i was wondering if you had ever nailed down a specific area.
  6. It doesn't change the status of the other servers.
  7. Robotic Arm 3 is missing the Spectrum pattern under chest. Also, could we get spectrum options for robotic arms? Maybe with a techy-looking bit at the shoulder?
  8. The interior and exterior colors are used on the wrong sides of the front cape for both Sybil patterns.
  9. 1 TANK - tank, brute, peacebringer, warshade 2 MELEE DAMAGE - scrapper, stalker, PB, soldier, widow 3 RANGE DAMAGE - blaster, sentinel, corruptor, PB, WS, soldier, widow 4 CONTROL - controller, dominator, WS, widow 5 SUPPORT - defender, mastermind, soldier 6 EXTRA Today, Feb 21, 3PM Eastern 1 2 Ironblade (Ironblade) 3 Lymelight (Orchid) 4 5 6 Also today, Feb 21, 9PM Eastern 1 2 3 4 5 6
  10. I mostly RP in game (not as much lately because I like niche SGs and they're hard to find) but occasionally in discord. In-game is just so much more immersive especially with a well-designed base.
  11. I think they mean "who RPs in game vs somewhere else (especially the forums)".
  12. I'm really really not a fan of gated costume pieces, even if it's something easy for lowbies. Getting rid of that was a great decision by HC. I remember grinding for Vanguard pieces back on live and it's not a good direction to go in.
  13. Why not enjoy it while you've got it?
  14. This is amazing news; it's great to see the game going official. If we have questions about the new user agreements, is this the best thread to ask them in?
  15. Oh, them. Yeah, I agree. I probably shouldn't go into details why.
  16. I think a brief mention in a bio would make it easier for uninterested players (like me) to avoid that person.
  17. Would you take a Warshade? I have an idea for a rogue one. Also, I've seen a few definitions for light RP, how are you defining it?
  18. I was confused at first about the red name=defeated thing. I guess that's how characters show as defeated in the revamped team UI? I've kept using the old style because it makes it easier to read names, so hopefully any changes that get made would apply to both.
  19. I'm imagining a mostly-noble flying-brick type with a bit of a tendency to look down on normal humans.
  20. Just released these: Beast of Bodmin Moor Cirrina Copperwraith Lithica Opalescent
  21. I've had a couple characters like that and I'm curious what other people use. I've always thought some people still spoke French as a holdover. I haven't thought of any specifics - my current character is a bit of a grammar nut and it'd be nice to know what she might've heard.
  22. I love what you did with the eyes! Is she based on a specific demon?
  23. Are you thinking of this as a long-term thing? It might be hard to stretch it out much unless the characters in it are sort of semi-NPCs who mostly support other's stories. I do have a character who spent a bit of time in the Zig and I'd want her to have some contacts from that.
  24. Just to clarify for any new players, there are no server-specific naming rules, and you're absolutely allowed to use numbers or anything not barred by the code of conduct.
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