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Everything posted by Magairlín

  1. Back on live, the devs didn't want to give us long skirts/dresses because of the clipping issue they'd present. I haven't seen anything specific about whether HC is sticking with that, but I'd assume so.
  2. Maybe they mean the rest of the arc you're playing?
  3. Released: Nightspire Disco Belle Gloaming Shadetree Sunguard Slamwitch
  4. A Hero's Epic Part Seven Positron called me. He wants to go with you to the Shadow World to determine exactly what Tyrant's, I mean Emperor Cole's, plan is. Go see Tina Macintyre, I'm giving her the heads up that you are both headed over there. The comma after Macintyre should be a period or semicolon. Shadow Earth is Black Swan's personal dimension. She created it using similar methods that the Midnight Squad created used to create the Shadow Shard to imprison Rulaaru. From Rescue Positron from Maria Jenkins: A few years back when we first uncovered Praetoria, Statesman, rest his soul, was kidnapped by Tyrant and held in bonds. We had a theory that Statesman and Tyrant were nearly identical and that lead led us to believe that Statesman was powerless to against their technology. A Hero's Epic The Final Chapter (closeout): You did it, Lymelight! Positron has been rescued! Lymelight, I don't think I've ever been so proud! Positron sent his early prototype armor to you. He believes that you were insturmental instrumental in stopping a Praetorian invasion, something he and the Freedom Phalanx couldn't have done without your lead. Positron isn't careless with his praise, Lymelight; it seems pretty clear to me that he thinks the world of you.
  5. From the Defeat Neuron, purge software mission from Maria Jenkins: Neuron (player defeated dialog): Pathetic Needs a period at the end. His own defeat dialog: Even with my defeat, you can not win. Can not should be cannot. From Defeat Battle Maiden to gather info: Battle Maiden's defeat dialog: No, it can not be. Same.
  6. I think this would be great - it'd let me dump them all in the bin and do a mass crafting binge every so often. Those prices seem a bit low to me though, but they can always be tweaked.
  7. Oooo, I remember the Eagles! I had one back on live but she only made it to 7. Twas fun. heads off to roll up another alt
  8. It's kind of like JSON, but not quite, and I'm hoping there's a whatsit->json converter out there.
  9. Could we please please please get an option to make the League window look more like the team window? Or at least have the same font size as it. The text is so small on modern screens.
  10. I usually paste mine in from a word counter app, so all I get is plain text.
  11. It'd be interesting to know how many characters' bios come within 100 or 50 characters of the limit.
  12. Why not Earth/FF? It sounds like it'd fit the bill.
  13. Does "change the in-mission music" include having music triggered by a certain event? Also, seconding Aberrant's request for contact switching. Also also, finer control over mob placement.
  14. PPD Shell dialog: "The PPD relys relies on citizens like you to strengthen our community." "Epidurall" in the mission title of the first mission of Posi 1 is spelled wrong, it should have one L. In Fire Wire's intro: "This thing is gonna be big, $name. We're talkin' lots of money big." Missing comma after big.
  15. Another person who's not on European time checking in. This sounds fun, I haven't played redside in ages. I'm usually on in the evenings EST, same global as username.
  16. When clicking on a Firebase computer aftere defeating its defenses: You've created a sample from the Shiva meteor! Take it to you're the Scientist at Freedom Corps base for your reward! No "you're", lowercase S.
  17. That'd be cool! How would it work for pre-existing toons, though?
  18. Last (Wo)man Standing - Be the only survivor of a team wipe on an 8-person team.
  19. Also, a way to make custom characters transparent.
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