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Everything posted by Magairlín

  1. If I'm subscribed to a thread and a poster has changed their text color, that change carries over to posts sent to email. If it's left as the default, it displays as the email app's default color. A lot of times I get emails with white text; could color styles be stripped out of notifications?
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  2. I'm of two minds about how it could be handled and you could really go either way (or both ways) depending on the time of the character/scene. A, you mostly ignore it. Your character got slapped around a little bit. They pick themself up, dust themself off, and gets back in the fight. It's good for true-blue hero types; that's usually how I roll on mine. B, you assume the mediporter is just a really fast ambulance and your character can still get the stuffing kicked out of them. There's still room for not dying when you're defeated, but some fights call for tactics other than moar dakka. I guess it's easier going this way in prose, but you could always narrate the leadup and aftermath of some AV fight or TF.
  3. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be ok. Unless he's such a singular expert in a topic that he could break a storyline, but it doesn't sound like that's the case.
  4. The Library "Applied Metaphysics? As in magic? Seems strange, having that in a normal classroom. I'm Mia Stone. I'm in the audio engineering program over in Founders."
  5. Mia let the phone ring three times before hanging up with a frown. She started a text to Cath, holding the phone in one hand, thumb swiping almost automatically across the keyboard. Had they gone somewhere else? Cancelled entirely? This was supposed to be the easy class on her schedule this semester. Last time she ever trusted- The two girls looked like they'd been at the table for a while. Nerds, she thought amiably. Hopefully it was just Latin or something they were discussing, and not magic. She walked over to the table, to the dark-haired one. "Did you guys see a group of three here earlier? One of 'em would've had green skin. I was supposed to go over some math notes with 'em."
  6. The Houston Library was three floors high. Cafe on the first floor, engineering books on the second, with a staircase twisting upwards in the center. It was lit by natural light spilling in through the skylight above, highlighting the modernist architectural features like the glass-balustered staircase or the inlay running up both sides of the steps. Mia didn't care about the architecture. She cared that her study group met after her 9 am class ended, and about that stupid no-flying rule. Up the staircase, through the second floor exit from the stairwell into the library itself, and toward the area with the study tables. Which were filled up by people not in her group. She pulled out a phone and dialed, drawing glances from some of the people sitting at the tables.
  7. That's for groups looking for members. This is for characters looking for groups.
  8. I've tried that too. Might as well do both.
  9. I have Down Tempo and Technomagical available. Send a tell to @orchid if interested and we can set up a transfer time.
  10. Looking for a rogue SG for my sentinel. Global: @orchid Character name: Yperochi Alignment: Rogue, mostly redside Timezone: EST, evenings and weekends I'm looking for medium-high, prefer in-game but am open to discord-based.
  11. In the Send the Family a Message mission from Mr. G, Vitto Marcone's dialog is missing a variable. It uses he regardless of character gender. Vitto Marcone: $characterName thinks he can take the Family on our turf, huh? Well, we'll show her a thing or two.
  12. They could always turn off XP below fifty and decide not to slot sets.
  13. Yes to matching, no to taking away options or changing the color of team names. It's easier to spot green names vs cyan in the middle of a league battle.
  14. It should be possible to add a clientside mod so this shows up as a blue circle or something instead. I'm not sure how you'd go about figuring out which image asset is the relevant one, though.
  15. What's a blind costume contest?
  16. Paragraph 1: Scientists should be plural. Para 2: Indigenous should have an E. Para 3: Bretheren has an extra one.
  17. Seen in Port Oakes after I've run some villain alignment tips. Lymelight is female, and Franklin's text is cut off.
  18. You can find the global of the person who has the name by doing /getglobalname aracknight. You might get better results asking in game; not everyone frequents the forum.
  19. I'd be opposed to this. The server isnt currently specifically for RPers, and there's quite a few established non-RP SGs that can't be moved. Having a short note about each server on the selection screen would be good for new players, though. I've never actually seen behavior like this; people who have are more likely to post about it here than those who haven't.
  20. Could you tell us a little more about your character? Maybe someone here could point you toward an SG that would fit them.
  21. I view level as just a game mechanic, not something that actually exists in universe - especially now that zones aren't level-locked anymore. From what I've seen of the few groups I've had/have characters in, a mix of in-base and in-mission RP seems like the norm. Some people like one, or the other, or both, so give 'em a mix.
  22. It also resets the colors to black and white.
  23. Couldn't you just type ;signs Hello? Then it wouldn't matter if the player knew a sign language, just whether the character did.
  24. They mean the titles you can pick at a trainer. The Awesome Fantastic Superguy, etc.
  25. A GM would have to approve all the titles, though. Or the devs would have to implement automatic checks on whether they're compliant with the CoC and the GMs would have to deal with ones that slip through. And then there'd have to be a way to lock usage to an SG(s) or list of people. Why not just have a costume that alts can wear?
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