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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. And that's why you play something with an agro aura.
  2. That's pretty limiting. If someone is a mutant with fast healing and uses swords to fight people are they tech? They are a mutant who uses a tool. Just like a perfectly normal human picking a sword to fight is still Natural origin. I f they are a perfectly normal human who goes around with a sword but has nanites in their blood that give him a regen ability then they'd be tech, all in my opinion. At this point it may just be semantics. I have done the same with Super-man equivalent characters where the abilities are not extras, they are born with them and everyone of their race has them. We don't consider being able to hold our breath for five minutes or running 40 kilometers in a marathon as a super power (though they do imply training in either case) but an alien race would be OMFG!!! at such feats. But in the case of your angel I might say magic or supernatural. They might be able to -naturally- use magic (unlike humans who might require hand waving and speaking a spell) but it would still be magic that they are using.
  3. The mention of 'feeling' faster is a reason why I like my Fire/Claws. The double proc Burn is lots of burst which makes it feel fast. And hitting something while the aura is ticking and the Burn DoT is in effect also helps seeing HP go down. But testing does not lie: double Rage and TW both achieve 2 minutes where the Fire/Claws makes it in 3. That said both examples are outliers. Savage Melee would be fun to try, buuuuut... It suffers from the same 'problem' that I have with too many tanker sets: late blooming AoE/linchpin powers. SM gets their PbAoE at 28. DM gets Soul Drain at 28 as well. Stone Melee gets theirs at 28. Until then, what? Exemplar down to Yin and do ST damage? Use cones? Ew. Powers could do with a better pacing considering how the examplaring system is set up. Trade Touch of Fear (does anyone other than anecdotal examples even use this?) for Soul Drain and suddenly a DM tanker can examplar all the way down to Posi 1 and not feel gimped. Stone Melee can trade their level 20 stun for the PbAoE and suddenly they can examplar all the way down as well. And while there will be immediate cries for NO Footstomp could do with a slight power nerf but be available in place of Handclap suddenly making the set not a slog either to level or examplar. In a game like WoW or GW2 the fact certain abilities are only available at high level makes it annoying to level (i.e. a Hunter only has AoE at level 50 forcing them to ST all the way there) but once they get there it's fine, it's not going away. GW2 allows to examplar down and the skills lose power but remain available. For anyone who intends to examplar a set is going to be picked not for theme but for how well it plays at most levels.
  4. It should have, but with my UI and keybinds the same as they were prior to the uninstall this appears to be a no. Unless both are kept server side.
  5. I've been having a myriad little bugs annoying me and decided to try re-installing all clean and simple with no extras. But I find myself unable to obtain a clean CoH. The first attempt at re-installing showed my account name was still present at the log-in screen. Okay, that is not clean. A bit of googling found the Cryptic/CoH regedit key and I deleted that. Second attempt, no account name present, looks good, graphic settings are unset and I'm asked to set them. Alright. Character screen is set by date created and not where I have moved my characters. Everything looks clean... and then I enter the game... and my UI is as I saved it. My keybinds are how I saved them as well. How da heck? Are the UI and keybinds saved in the server? I thought that the keybinds were saved on a text file in the CoH's directory but a quick glance showed no keybind file and yet my keybinds are how I set them. At this point I don't know if there are more hidden files or registry entries, or if that information I mentioned is saved online and that's why it was available.
  6. The double tap from KD-turning-it-into-KB is something I had read about. The absorb proc ATO might work well in Burn instead if looking for mitigation.
  7. Ran some testing that turned into a wash. Traded Gaussian in FU for a Touch of Death. Traded the Eradication damage proc in Burn for the -res proc. End result: exactly the same times. According to Bopper the Gaussian only has something like 11% chance of going off. 11% giving 80% damage for 5 seconds is not tremendous and it showed when 41% chance of doing 71 damage kept up. Gaussian where it is is not doing much though where it is. It does feed both the AoE chain and the ST chain when it does go off. But since neither makes a difference on the long run I'm tempted by the damage proc for a bit more burst. The -20% res in Burn did not alter times in the slightest, which sort of makes sense since the 46% of the Eradication damage proc going off pairs very well with Burn's pseudo pet for a second chance. The -res proc not stacking means double the chance of procing did not synergize well. I feel that Eradication is still a better choice since it gives burst and the -res effect is unique (AKA if someone else in the team has it then it will not stack if both have/use it).
  8. I'm curious as to what a Bio/Claws would manage, but the Scrappers with that combo get 2:30-ish so I see it to 3+ minutes same as Fire Armor. Double damage proc Burn just brute forces past -res auras and +damage Adaptation. The other way of seeing it is that Bio manages the same damage but is sturdier with two heals and better endurance. Though after playing both (though not to high level on a tanker) is Bio really sturdier though? It has flimsy defenses easily stripped and only moderate resistances where Fire Armor will sit at 90% and ignore said stripping.
  9. I looked at the Pylon thread but could not find many Tankers having tested themselves. I know my best is 3:07 without Hybrid and 2:47 with. If I recall correctly it is what double stacked Rage Bio/SS got (but could not find the post to verify). TW is that outlier of two minutes with hybrid and good luck catching up to -that- 😄
  10. Energy can be pushed to 90% though. So it stops being a hole.
  11. Truth, but we were talking of the benefits of each slotting approach. Six procs or as he has it slotted.
  12. The testing seems sound but against +0 it is skewed. You ought to try one run with what you currently and another run with the slotting I mentioned, and then compare the damage of both runs. Perhaps against +4 so the lack of acc becomes more important. The usual slotting is both -res procs, then the damage procs of Obliteration, Eradication, Armaggedon, and Touch of Lady Grey.
  13. Not sure what ??? confuses you. A 4.5 second animation for 30% takes so long we would lose the 30% before the animation is over. Half the animation sure, even with the interruptible element.
  14. In-game testing has begged to disagree. But maybe things have changed. If you could test and let us know?
  15. Like the others its good. You can perfectly get away with playing thematic characters since it all boils down to simply making a good build for them. Ice/Ice or Stone/Stone won't let you down. Stuff like Fire Armor/Claws is just perfectly min-maxed to me which is important for my appreciation. By level 20 the character has everything from the core which means it exemplars down to 15 with that core. I - personally - would struggle to like a character whose linchpin powers would take too long to acquire or would be lost if I examplar too low. It's something I've been looking at when I consider playing other secondaries. Energy Melee would do tremendous burst, but the linchpin powers come at 35-38 and even Build-up comes at 28. Fire melee would be thematic, but the first 'real' AoE comes at 28. Super-Strength is really fun and super-heroish, but don't you dare to examplar lower than 32 or you lose your only AoE, etc. Most people won't take a big consideration in exemplaring down and intend to solely play at max level which makes this a non issue for them. I'm on Everlasting btw, but have moved to a second account. If you intend to level there let me know since I bounce around all the time in the low levels.
  16. You will be spoiled for choice as Tankers are in a good place. Radiation Armor is top defensive goodness with Radiation Therapy holding you up from level 16 to level 99. Fire Armor is your most offensive oriented armor and it will blow holes on things to a point you'll forget you are not a damage oriented character. There is no particular set that I would say is bad though with the caveat that some are slow to start or need IOs to get up to snuff. Granite Armor is a bit obsolete nowadays with the built in downsides not making it a fun set to play. I may be biased but my altitis has been cured by my Fire Armor/Claws which I've posted on these boards.ots of damage and starting early unlike, say, Super-Strength, whose trademark powers only kick in at 28 and 38.
  17. Four damage procs and two -res, it has no need for accuracy, the damage is better than what Fiery Aura achieves because it ticks twice every ten seconds where FA ticks once.
  18. The medicine pool is... kinda bad, like 90% of the pools. There's a reason Fighting, Leadership and Speed with Flight/Leaping for travel are pegged in nearly all builds and if those three were removed I'm not even sure what I would bother taking. Aid-Self at first glance seems good, and then we notice the monstrous 4.5 second animation for a 30% heal, who can then be interrupted. Not even with maxed interrupt reduction will it go off if we are standing on fire or caltrops. It's only use is for kiting. Hover away from danger and heal and it will be okay, but 30% is nothing special. At best it has a 6 second recharge which makes it look good, hey, we heal 30% every six seconds!, but in practice with the 4.5 second animation turns it into an 11 second recharge and it returns to mediocre land. Like all other power pools barring those mentioned on top. No one knows what Field Medic does. Not even the combat attributes. It sort of shows us getting an extra 5 points of endurance, which I suppose does give more recovery since recovery is based of the % of endurance. So basically it is old and obsolete. Carry greens to heal if needed. Carry medical packs from the P2W since we can carry far more of those than greens. Carry Recovery Serums also from the P2W and save yourself three powers.
  19. Oh, you're one of those that believes there is a moon?
  20. I've done that in the past and it did not help (did it again to be sure but it just revalidated and did not download.
  21. Bad? It's one of the best sets. The AoE is a bit small but it's plenty acceptable.
  22. There we are doing an ITF with a TW/DA Brute. Poor guy. Not only was he squishy but he was using rest at level 50 😄 We start talking and he complains about his endurance, and how he is on generic IOs and the last time he played was in issue ONE! We all start pitching in with suggestions to help his build. The moment the mission stops someone hits the AH and buys him all the procs, the Panacea, Miracle, Performance Shifter, Theft of Essence, etc etc and then patiently explains where to slot them (he couldn't see Health and thought he hadn't picked it as he leveled). I was like, aw man, you don't see that sort of thing in WoW. Well, to begin with no one even talks in WoW and then we all go back to our separate servers anyway.
  23. It's something to try alright, but I'd like to know what is causing it. Iv'e seen some of the older threads with people using the logs to uncover how X had an inverted or corrupted texture.
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