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Everything posted by hejtmane

  1. Ok not counting Incarnate stuff back in the day pre-incarnate we ran an all scrapper stf the person that ended up tanking recluse while we worked on the towers was a broadsword/shield they where softcapped and then added parry to stack probably want aid self if you go that route. The other option imo while rad is good I still think katana/wp is the other way to go stack DA and note Iggy soloed the itf with a katana/wp per-incarnate. Now the second scrapper you want dps and pre-incarnate if you look at the top dps build for st on the tower test the top slot was dm/sd I made the top 10 with fire/sd the nice part about dm/sd you have a heal built into your attack chain and with spring attack now you have an aoe to mix in with your st prowess . With DM you can leverage the repairman as fodder for soul drain buff along with shield charge /spring attack. Just my two cents from the past
  2. Here's the issue better to have them in AE farms you want to know why portals only give xp when you destroy them and mobs coming from portals do not they nerfed it because of mission farming back in the old days. After that a lot of the higher missions with timers on it nerfed because we use to mission farm. If it is not AE it will be farming missions that give the best xp etc etc. Hell I use to solo farmed Posi back in the day to farm merits.
  3. This is why optimizing the I24 code is so important to get it cheaper to play and host more people on a cheaper server foot print. Wish they had a way we could donate to to help add servers
  4. Did it really fail I mean it had at peak 180k subs kept over 100k for a long time. It never lost money and it was more an NCSoft issue than anything else
  5. Right around the corner from Ms Liberty
  6. I rather Jack Emmert err I mean Statesman stay dead
  7. Cheap is good for me I had farming the Positron task force down to an art I would use 3 other accounts log in start it log off then solo the entire thing log back the accounts in the end part get rewards.
  8. Yes I was looking for the total real numbers and I found it if anyone wants it //window_show combatnumbers it was like I12 when they put in if I remember correctly been to long You can get stuff like this then
  9. anyone remember the command to show all the real numbers in detial
  10. That is why I use names from obscure history military leaders and things like that for a lot of my toon names over the years like my current handle I been using since DAOC days (but not my UO days) anyways it was a title bestowed on Jan Ziska he was Hussite general.
  11. Started and Pinnacle in I2 and ended on Pinnacle
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