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Everything posted by hejtmane

  1. The only reason I do longer play Dark Armor and I even ran it for a short while when we could not even stack the armors in I2 yea that sucked but loved the set. Yes Dark Armor is good other than a lack of KB protection arrg. The issue is I got spoiled by the taunt aura in shield so I am stuck with rad, shield. ea, inv and Will power now; for some reason I got the taste of that sweet sweet taunt aura and it just makes other sets less appealing.
  2. On old live I loved my db/ea it is a good set and I preferred it over /sr because I got at least a weak taunt aura in the set
  3. The issue is pvp is not pve so what is good in pve sustain damage is not good in pvp coming from 20+ years of MMO's yes all the way back to Ultima Online and including games built around PVP DAOC, Rift etc burst damage is the name of the game generally in any pvp outlet and anything that slows, stuns etc the enemy. When looking at any melee AT you want quick animating burst damage attacks in pvp
  4. So how does this change things from the beta forum in the Dark Melee set changes "Hey all! Thanks for all of the feedback thus far. After a lot of consideration and internal discussion, we've decided to roll back the Dark Consumption change to the live values. Shadow Maul changes will remain, and the set might get further reviews in the future. As there's no more changes planned for Dark Melee in this update, we'll now be locking this thread."
  5. This is nothing new in city of heroes back in i2 it was all about damage hell survivor ability was even better for some sets than with IO's it was down right dumb. You know the no xp from mobs and portal was because of super strength tankers. Litterally they would do the Circle of Thorns missions sit outside the range of not damaging the portal sit with footstomp on auto go watch tv, eat a sandwich and everyone in the group would sit at the door and rack up xp or the classic dumpster diving one tank to heard and a blaster and a 6 slotted t9 kill 100+ mobs rinse repeat. The list goes on and on that was all pre-ed
  6. It was better pre-ed back in I3 for dark armor control when you had a mag 3 cloak of fear and you could lock up lieutenants as while oh those were fun days for a short time because it last a short time because da sucked before i3 no stacking armors lol
  7. The original devs even had concerns with rage and scrappers double stacked rage on a scrapper sounds dumb and stack it with shield charge bahaha that be stupid fun and most likely broken
  8. Cool when I was looking at the #'s psi blade sweep dpa was really good so my guess was pretty close to spot on but was not aware of the last part so that is helpful
  9. Has any one came up with a good ST attack chain for PSI melee
  10. I agree us old timers that where back here in the non agro cap days now how bad that is and what was going on they just do not understand.
  11. True scrapper story was running and a +4x8 AE team the map had streets on either side of the building anyways I peeled off and started a couple groups back on the other side and clear grups on the other side. After a while someone goes hey are XP gain is way faster then someone goes wheres melted copper. Then they look on the map wait Melted are you soloing the other side ? Yes of course; few mob groups later another person wait he is keeping pace with us
  12. Katna/wp is so good it can be boring and yet do dumb stuff (itf solo cough cough cough before incarnates Iggy was the master)
  13. Ok I threw this together this will soft cap you smash/lethal defense and get you close on s/l resistance I am assuming you are going to use the attack vitals combo since it makes the most since on ablating if you want to take it up a notch you can put the purple set in that one. I am not sure you need Hasten you may be able to drop it and free up some slots There is some wiggle on some of the IO's and the build on swapping out powers etc. I am relying on acrobatics and one IO for your kb protection this is not fully fleshed out just going of memory of db builds and my dark armor days and may at least help and you could maybe be use it as a base and tweak the build http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1436&c=663&a=1326&f=HEX&dc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
  14. +4x8 mission with a full team team; Team goes right scrappers goes left
  15. Think Fire/SD and second was DB/EA though I been thinking of trying the db.inv
  16. Dark armor is a power house against psychic
  17. See a lot of times those statements are lies because they laid of all the staff that was running coh so they did not reassign those resources to other projects or anything a long that lines they just wanted bigger profit margin % to make their books look better it was a short paper shuffling on the books. Companies do weird things all the time and it shells games half the time,.
  18. Yes and no if you plan to do a lot of IO's you can soft cap smash/lethal and be just fine and have the resist and Invulnerability is layered and is just as much a power house as all the others you listed it s as much defense based as it is resistance base. Then if you do something like Katana and use DA I seen katana/da armor do everything at the high end as anything else you listed it is all about putting the right build together with the right IO's and capping smash/lethal defense first it is the most common damage type in the game and the majority of the high end game. Yes you can solo AV's without incarnates with the sets I justed listed and more including regen etc etc it is about building the IO setup correctly
  19. Thanks it been so long I knew it was something like that I never played it before it was changed. I started with Dark armor and quickly shelved it when I learned it could not stack armors like all the other sets and moved to /sr
  20. Invulnerability always had it but then again most people do not know that Invincibility (pretty sure it was that one) but it rooted you in place and you could not move then came along will power and it got a taunt then shield was the third best things to happen to scrappers giving us something besides Invulnerability. Then a lot of people never played with perma elude (the original before softcap) Regen being so strong they where either 100% health or dead or perma unstoppable and no cap limits on mob aggro
  21. Once in the wild it is never totally going away. What it means I have no clue; I am just posting the information that came out. and I will continue to chug along playing my toons
  22. I played both /EA and /Elec on scrappers back in the day different primaries but I thought /EA was the better game play than /electric secondary so anything /EA is what I would recommended
  23. https://mmoculture.com/2020/01/city-of-heroes-ncsoft-files-trademark-application-for-superhero-mmorpg-it-abandoned/ I saw this info drop out there in the news so i figured I post it interesting none the less
  24. That is why I think the best of both worlds is a way to have it on or off one can still dream
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