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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. That is one power set I have never been able to get in to. So I honestly wouldn't know. I'm sure I could figure it out though.
  2. I think the timing is as good as it will get for it. The issue is, is that they use the same sound effects for different powers, they just time them differently...so the timing is pretty much an issue because if you time it perfectly for one power, it doesn't time right for another. So the best you can do is find the middle ground and roll with that. One thing that annoys me is that they do not have a sound effect for when you come out of teleport for combat teleport. It would have been much better had they given us a sound effect for that, but sadly we only have a sound effect for when you activate it, not for when you reappear.
  3. LOL...don't tell anyone I did that, lol
  4. It won't even let me update it. Every time I click to update to 1.68 it just continuously loops to opening the zip file over and over.
  5. Just updated it to version 8. I may adjust the timing a bit with a version 9 later today though, so if you like, just hold off till I do that.
  6. I'll look in to it, but I think it's because it actually plays that file twice. If you listen to the original, it plays it twice there as well. Same thing with Teleport Foe/Friend.
  7. I'll update you once it has been corrected. It might take some time because PK will need to be available for this, and as I understand it, his time is limited. So it may take a while.
  8. Odd, it should say version 6. It must not have took. I'll upload it again. It should say version 7 soon. However, it might be a bit because I believe I have discovered a bug that needs to be worked out with the Mod before I upload another version. If my suspicions are correct, if I attempt to upload this mod to version 7 it will bug out the modder tool. So I have to get with @The Philotic Knight before I proceed so that if it does bug out as I suspect that it will, he can be on hand to witness it and fix it before anyone experiences it.
  9. I have updated the teleport mod...check it out. If you like it better I will leave it. If you like the one you have now, I will switch it back.
  10. Teleport SFX Mod is on the Modder Tool and ready for use. It's not exactly what you wanted (primarily because with the animations it just wasn't fitting, I tried it and trust me, it was plain stupid sounding when heard while viewing the animations with it, the visual effects simply put just would not match up with a regular *POOF* sound effect) but it is the closest I could get while keeping it in line with the animations. I think you will be pleased with the results.
  11. I thought about this myself. I might try and work on that sometime soon.
  12. I have on occasion been robbed of mobs that my Tank had gathered by other Tanks that weren't so good at gaining early and dominant aggro. They used Fold Space to snatch the mobs off of me and place them unto themselves. It's cheap but unless I am willing to also pick up Fold Space and then play Tug-O-War with mobs, I just roll my eyes and leave the other Tank to it while I go and gather the next mob.
  13. Yeah, instead of putting it in the CoH folder, you put it in your Homecoming folder. I *think* I covered this in the main thread. This thread should have died, lol. If it is not updated in the other thread, I'll update it once I get home.
  14. Because not everyone who agrees with me is going to post their thoughts. Not everyone has a thick enough skin to get bashed the way I can. I can take it. Most people cannot. I cannot tell you how many times I have talked with people about this game and told them, "Why don't you bring your concerns to the forums?" and then their response is something to the effect of, "because the way people lash out at you on the forums for having an opinion that differs from theirs is something I simply can't deal with so I never post the forums." And you know what? They are right not to post because that is exactly what people do. People are preaching to me tolerance and whatnot yet they are not being very tolerant to my point of view. Instead of having a conversation about it, they have went straight to calling me idiotic and straight to demonizing me. I don't care...that crap does not bother me one single bit. I know who I am and what I am. Nobody can tell me what I am or who I am, especially based off a single or even a few differing ideas as to what is acceptable or not. I do not personally believe that any graphics or sound should ever be made without it being an option and I will stand by that no matter how many people hate me for it. They think I am selfish for thinking like this, well guess what, I think they are selfish for thinking the opposite. So yeah, perhaps the posters here will hate me, but I happen to know there are a lot of people who agree with me. Just because they do not post here doesn't mean a damn thing. And some things just need to be said...and this is one of them. Not everyone has the thick skin to say it and deal with the hate. I do. I think I covered the rest of your questions already.
  15. I will tripple down on that. Straight up. I will take it straight to my grave if need be. If it is not an option, it does not need to get changed...period.
  16. Again...not sorry, dude. If me thinking people who demand changes instead of requesting optional changes makes me a bad guy, then so be it, I'll straight up own that crap, man. If this makes me bad than I must be the straight up devil and have no plans of changing...like at all.
  17. That is absolutely nothing like what I am talking about....that is not even close to being a viable comparison. A better comparison would be, "They stopped making swings because not everyone likes swing sets. So now swings don't exist." There is a huge difference between a playing asking for a minimal graphics option and forcing that minimal graphics on everybody. If you can't understand that then all I can say is what I told Macskull....I'm not sorry...not even a little bit.
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