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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. So one thing I have noticed is that you cannot slot Wet Ice for Defense, even though it grants Defense to all. I think one thing that would help (not the only thing mind you since Ice Armor's main issue is the huge gaping hole in resistance) is to grant Wet Ice with a bit higher Defense to all, like 5%, make it to where you can slot it for Defense and give it more than just 30% Resist to Ice damage (which it doesn't need) but give it a +12% Resist to Lethal/Smashing and Energy/Negative Energy (nonslottable) to go with it. Another thing that hurts the set is that since it is primarily a Defensive set, it fails when going up against anything that stacks -Defense. Wet Ice really needs more than just 17.3% Resist (and this is at level 50) to -Defense Debuffs. That number needs to double along with making any Defense Enhancements you slot in to it add to the -Defense Debuff Resist. Sorry to Necro this thread, but I hate creating new threads when threads like it already exist...this helps to keep threads similar consolidated.
  2. Back to the OP, I think the only real legitimate complaint comes from Dominators in how the changes interfere with a mechanic that is specific to them. I think that should be looked in to and corrected if at all possible.
  3. That wouldn't really be a compromise since that is your original stance. What I offered was something that meets you half way between your original position and my original position.
  4. As I would like to point out that I covered the reasons behind that and how it makes sense. I also pointed out a way in the edit in how this could be handled as a compromise. I think it's worth taking a look at.
  5. You are correct. However, I would like to point out that this is not the real world.
  6. I hardly feel that it is the best. Best at nothing IMO. Psi Melee still does top Single Target DPS (I think that the lame animations throws people off from playing that set more often with the exception of the Assassin's Strike for Stalkers, the Cone and the Tier 9), Spines still does top AoE DPS. Energy Melee went from being one of the worst powersets in game to being competitive with other sets. I PUG constantly and honestly I rarely see anyone playing EM these past few days. The first day or two everybody was playing Energy Melee, that has died off very fast from my experience, it didn't even trickle off, it straight up dropped off. I think the only people who will be playing them are the same people who already played the set...the die hard EM fans like myself. The set has finally been given the long over due love it should have gotten over 10 years ago. However, it is far from the best at anything.
  7. I understand where you are coming from, however I don't fully agree with it. One thing I absolutely hated about Champions Online, was the lack of unique identity in that game. There were so many players with the name of Frost that I just couldn't get in to it. This game has always held that unique style to it that has always guaranteed that you will never see another player of the exact same name as yourself. Yes, Spider-Man and Superman do indeed have multiple people with the same name, however, they are almost always from a different multiverse/universe (aka different server). This game has always allowed us to be unique and this conversation has been brought up since release more times than I can count. Every time it gets the same answer...the players will continue to be unique. I do however understand your frustration. If I did move servers (which I will not do unless it is forced) and I was forced to change the names of my characters, I would put on a frown face and then get to changing names. What I would not do is come to these forums to push for a change in the name policies. There are only a few names that I would pitch a fit about if I could not use them but that is only because I own the intellectual property to those names. The rest, I would just deal with it and reach out to my imagination to come up with names that I can like rather than just refuse to play those characters anymore. Edit: However, as a Compromise, I would be willing to share a name with another player that came from another server but with a short hand tag under or above the name. Such as, if your name was Casket (which I own on Excelsior) and you came to Excelsior with that character, it would not bother me if you also had that name, but under that name have (TB) to indicate that you came from the Torchbearer Universe. That IMO is a great compromise that could be implemented that would not bother me because it would make sense in a comic themed world.
  8. The name Eagle Eye was taken, the name Arrowhawk was taken, the name Deadeye was taken. So I got creative and came up with Cyberoptic (which sounds like Fiberoptic) and loved that name more than any of those easy to think of names. I mean, I don't think it's hard to be creative with names, you just have to think outside the box IMO. So I agree with you, it's not that stressful and it's not that hard to be original.
  9. Hahahaha! Thanks for that, you just made my day! 😄
  10. It's better than "XxxFiremanxxX" or "F1R3M4N" or "Firemannn" or some other such crap. Nothing irks me more about names than when if a name is already taken, people will be so desperate to get that name that instead of coming up with something original, they just add X's or numbers to replace letters or add extra letters at the end. I just look at those names and go, "Really? That name was that important to you, eh?"
  11. I don't have any numbers to back any of this up, I am simply going off the way things feel as a very long time Tank player. However, it sure seems like Punchvoke is not working properly, nor are the taunt Auras. Hell, even by the matter, my Taunt seems to do nothing from time to time as well. It's not that it is not working at all, but seems it is hit and miss...almost as if all of the ways for a Tank to taunt are all taking to-hit checks now. Like I said, this is just the way it feels now in comparison to before. I do not believe the recent patch had anything to do with this, because I first noticed this months ago. However, I kept chalking it up to this or that and other players have been giving me this reason or that reason, all of which I believe are wrong. Anyway, might be worth it to double check all the values of the different ways Tanks can keep aggro and see if anything looks out of place. I wish I had better information than this, but sadly I do not...it's just the feel of the class now in comparison to the feel of the class prior to a few months back. Aggro management is just not the same as it used to be.
  12. I like the idea, but if memory serves, there was a particular reason the original devs could not adjust it. Maybe somebody else can be a bit more specific.
  13. A Ranged/Melee Tank with each Secondary being a choice. Example: Monolith Secondary Barrage Power Blast Bone Smasher Power Burst or Aim Whirling Hands (only one AoE can be chosen) Explosive Blast (only one AoE can be chosen) Taunt Total Focus Sniper Blast Energy Transfer Monolith Primary Resist Physical Damage Temporary Invulnerability Dull Pain Resist Elements Unyielding Resist Energies Invincibility Tough Hide Unstoppable Monolith Pool Whirling Hands (only one unlocks depending on what you do not already have) Explosive Blast (only one unlocks depending on what you do not already have) Conserve Power Focused Accuracy or Build Up Physical Perfection Superior Conditioning Rundown Basically you would have each power under the Blaster Mains and the Scrapper Mains open to chose from. In each category if you pick one Ranged, your next one has to be Melee. After that your next one has to be Ranged. Taunt would be the only option to pick from in the tier 6 slot, so that is a given as well as the AoE's at tier 5. The tiers could be altered of course if tier 6 is too long to wait for Taunt, I leave that to the Devs. You can only have one AoE and to prevent this from being an issue, like Taunt they would be the only available choices for that tier. Later, after level 35, you can unlock your next AoE that you were unable to get at tier 5 along with the other typical (minus melee or ranged powers) options you would see for Tanks as an Ancillary Pool Power. Since we are talking about making Melee Defenders and such, this is my contribution to that line of thinking. Sorry @Greycat! If you can have your Melee Defender, then I can have my Blaster/Scrapper/Tank cross breed! 😈
  14. I feel ya, I always want what I can't have too. 😞
  15. Edit: Side note, I wish I had a way to find my first post on those threads, sadly I can't figure out how to do it. I don't think I posted for the first time until maaaaybe issue 3 or 4, I simply did not want anything to do with forums until the longest time. I just wanted to play the game and stay out of the game's politics in those days. Hell, it might not have been till issue 5 (the aggro nerf) that I might have made my first post...and if I did at that time, I am sure it was nothing but rage for the nerf, lol. Thanks for that! Good info. I did not get a chance to read all of it, but will for sure come back to this often for information. Too bad some of those links don't work anymore. 😞
  16. Not at all. Simply swap Energy Punch for Power Crash, take the Superior Gauntleted Fist enhancements and place them in Power Crash and absolutely nothing changes about the build. The only difference now is, you do more DPS. The alternative is that since Whirling Hands recharges every 6.14 seconds, you really do not need Power Crash, you could easily just leave your build the way it currently is and be just fine. It's completely up to the user.
  17. Doh!!! This is a dangerous city for cosplayers! You just never know what'll happen! 😆
  18. What do you mean? Like create a video that is a preview for an upcoming story arc? I'm sure I could.
  19. Interesting, it has Twilight Men, Killing Crew, Fear Factor and Seraphim listed as mob types in game. I wonder what they were? Also, they actually had clouds that you flew above if you look at the clip at 1:13 in and there doesn't appear to be any War Walls...which I would have preferred, it would have given it more of a seamless open world feel. And at :32 in, you can see when the character turns, he did so more naturally rather than the stiff turn on the spot we have today. Too bad that didn't stay as well to give the game a more realistic feel.
  20. Trust me, I don't like the guy, not at all. To a point that I would be willing to spend a night or two in jail over him. It was just a nostalgic moment after watching that video.
  21. ...and tell Jack Emmert the future of what happens to City of Heroes and warn him not to sell to NCSoft.
  22. Agreed. Touch of fear being an AoE that has no hit sound effect and just doesn't make any real sense is just...huh? They had such a great idea with the teleport AoE they had going on...wish they could have done that, given Stalkers a mechanic where they can proc Midnight Grasp to be an AoE (so long as they chose to) and called it a day. This thing they have going on with Touch of Fear kind of irks me.
  23. Jranger it all you want to, I'll keep bringing it back! Muh hahahaha!
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