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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I raised my eyebrow at you thinking, "WTF, Troo? Did you lose your mind? Then I red the part in purple, lol.
  2. Pretty sure that is not what they were saying.
  3. Anything that is strictly Lethal/Smashing is Bad. The only reason that SS gets a pass is because of Rage. At least that is according to my old knowledge of PvP...which is quite out dated.
  4. Neither was my primary point. This was. when a Dominator stuns a target, they used to get bonus damage when using Whirling Hands. What you quoted was the secondary point. Almost every Dom slots for recharge which makes Whirling Hands recharge in like 3 seconds flat. So giving them a mechanic that grant Whirling Hands an auto recharge is completely pointless all together. I'm sure Dom players would have rather been left out of that EM buff all together since what they already had worked well for them. I'm not 100% certain, but judging from descriptions, Doms also lost that extra damage they would get to stunned targets as their exclusive mechanics that was specific to Doms...and if this is true, the changes to Energy Assault for Doms was more of a nerf than it was a buff.
  5. because this needed to be re-posted posted posted posted posted posted.........................
  6. I remember that, lol. He had absolutely no idea, lol. I honestly hope he comes back again.
  7. One day in the neither hither nor afar shall arise a great and shot tempered hero known only as the one the only Unique Dragon when he shall will sometimes but never always rise from the ashes of the fallen frowny face happy Americans after their failed around sometimes purpose attempts to jerk some hacks in their asses so filled with jello sorrow candy and one day Unique Dragon will set ablaze the hacks for the jerks who be afar dupin rares from the feet of babies for one day Unique Dragon will return and fulfill the ageless and untainted smelly prophecy laid out hence forth we shall here him shout COH WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!! > : (
  8. Great...another mouth to feed and another person to argue with on the forums. Welcome back!
  9. I don't know about that, but on my Ice Tank I use Energy Absorption quite often. Lately I have been finding myself on teams who have other Tanks with the Teleport power and they tend to teleport the mobs to them after I already have them stacked on me...which can be frustrating because they seem to do it right when I hit Energy Absorption...which means I get zero Defense buff and zero Endurance. This teleporting mobs thing was a huge bane during my Numina run today.
  10. I play Kinetic Melee on a Stalker and although it doesn't seem like it hits quite as hard as other sets, I can chain the attacks together much faster to equal more damage in quick successions. Now, granted, a Stalker uses Build Up, so that helps quite a bit. I have not played the set on any other class, so I can't really comment there.
  11. Ugh, how did I miss that? Yup yup, thanks for clearing that up.
  12. Depends on what you are using it for. Back pre i13, I used to PvP like crazy. It was pretty much all I did. i13 changed that with the famous PvP nerf they brought in that has never changed since then, but...when I played as a Spines/SR Stalker, I had Stealth and Invisibility. I would stack Invisibility with a Stealth I.O. along with Hide....even somebody with stacked Perception could not see me unless I was literally standing right in front of their faces. I would come up behind them, click Stealth (which allowed me to transition from Invis to Stealth in order to activate Assassin's Strike) and then go for the kill. Most always, Heroes would come out of nowhere and everywhere to kill my Stalker after killing their precious Empathy Healer...so I had to run like hell. I would hit Invisibility again and with my insane Defense, I would be right back in to full Hide+Invis+Stealth I.O. in no time and leaving behind a bunch of sad faced panda Scrappers who got all excited to kill a Stalker and had to watch their precious catch get away. It teased the living hell out of them and I loved it. When a Scrapper seen a Stalker, they foamed at the mouth in anticipation of killing a Stalker. Killing Stalkers was a Scrapper's wet dream come true....it was always satisfying denying them their trophy. I would have never been able to pull that off if not for having both Stealth and Invis in my build.
  13. You have to improvise. If you check out this gif, you can see the one that I had made. If you like it, the costume for it is in the clickable file. Just copy the file and drop it in your costumes folder and it will be under the name of Ms. Liberty. Ms. Liberty.costume
  14. Crap, you're right. For some reason I was counting Spines' Quills which swayed the numbers a bit in my head. But yeah, that is a secondary attack power, not a primary defensive power. Which now begs the question, why would a Tank even have a Damage aura if the Tank already has a Debuff Aura? The whole point of the Primary set is to mitigate damage, so where does it make any logical sense that a Tank gets a power that does nothing but Toggle AoE Damage? You could say to hold aggro with, but then that leaves Ice in question because it already has Chilling Embrace, so it doesn't need Icicles for that. Sorry, things in my head have to add up logically or I tend to dwell on it until my brain can find a way to make logical sense of it.
  15. So wait, when a Dominator stuns a target, they used to get bonus damage when using Whirling Hands. That used to be a mechanic that was specific to them and only them. The changes to EM did away with that and replaced it was a instant recharge mechanic instead. A Dom's main complain is that their recharge is so stupid high, they do not need an auto recharge ability because by the time they use Total Focus, Whirling Hands would have already been recharged anyway. So the new changes do not help Doms. So unless my definition of mechanics is completely wrong, I believe that qualifies?
  16. I know a lot of PvP Stalkers who would RIP your face off if you got Stealth changed. Stalkers use Stealth to layer their invisibility levels so that people with stacked perception still can't see them until it's too late.
  17. Answer me this; does your character sometimes randomly just refuse to go in to battle stance? If so, that can cause the missing animations. Happens to me on all kinds of different powersets. Usually after using any build-up type of buff. Happens with Conserve Power type buffs as well. Those buffing powers seem to be the culprit behind characters refusing to go in to battle stance....which in turn has a tendency of not activating random animations/Effects If this sounds familiar, I have a bug report on this. Some players find it a bug that can wait on a fix...even though the bug has been around since issue 12ish. So unless that bug report garners support, that bug will never be fixed.
  18. This is a very educational video for you Mac users out there, I highly suggest watching this video and everything will be crystal clear. You're welcome.
  19. It wouldn't be so bad if when we slot Slow enhancements that it actually had an effect on the -Recharge. Makes me wonder if Slow Enhancements at one time did affect it? I just can't shake that mobs are attacking more frequently than what they used to way back when. I even put together an Ice/Spines Tank to try and get that recharge down a bit more, but it only adds another 8%. Not sure if that stacks or not...I know Icicles does not even have a -Recharge, Slow or any other secondary effect, it's just straight forward lethal damage which I personally find very disappointing considering how much endurance running that Toggle costs. The only other two AoE Damage Toggles that do nothing but straight forward damage is Blazing Aura (again, I find disappointing, it should at least do a DoT or have some type of debuff effect) and Death Shroud (which confuses the hell out of me why it doesn't have a -ToHit Debuff...the Ghost version sure does and their version is OP as hell!) which again does straight foward damage. Every other power set for Tanks that is an AoE Damage Toggle also comes with a nice debuff. Why are Dark, Fire and Ice neglected in this department? As fun as a set that it is, there are many aspects about Ice that is just disappointing. I guess that's a gripe for another day though since it has little to do with the topic.
  20. I played that game for like 5 minutes and then said, "nope, not today or any other day." lol
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